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The Lost Sigmarite

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Everything posted by The Lost Sigmarite

  1. That is one really different elf from what we're accustomed to. The bestial design is cool, I'm more puzzled by his sideburns than his literal hoofed animal legs, which is a bit weird when you think about it, but I guess that's me ! Makes you wonder what a 4-5 plastics kits of these guys might look like. I think both designs can coexist without any problem. You could have Kurnothi that have not very turned bestial yet, sporting just wild hair, antlers, basic fur, and then the ones that are more deeply into the beast aspect, with the half-elf/half-animal look. And maybe the "basic looking" Kurnothi try to turn into the fauns and centaurs. That's how I could envision it anyway.
  2. That's some great ideas ! You know what would be cool for Slaanesh ? Chaos elves ! We know they exist, we only have had 1 mini for them, plus Slaanesh worshipping elves were a thing in the Old World, and it would be a nice nod to have some in AoS. You could even combine the 2 concepts to have Slaaneshi elf acrobats !
  3. I wish I still had reacts for today to like your post. Dream season warband setup. I know it's a bit wishlist-y, but there's nothing bad about that, it just shows the interest for the game and is worth discussing. I think GW will make at least one Warcry band for each faction in the game. That way, everyone would be represented in the skirmish game, and we all know we love to represent and defend our favourite factions. So far, 10 factions have had a Warcry warband (and yes I count Horns of Hashut outside StD because they're totally teasing the return of Chorfs). Many more could receive one, and that's before taking into account terrain and monsters. Warcry has a lot of creative potential, we know this, GW knows this, and as it has proven to be popular, that potential can and will show. If the current warbands are anything to go by, we're just getting started. As for the warbands I would like to see : Slaaneshi cultists, Kharadron explorers/profiteers, Kruleboyz beast-snatchaz, order of Azyr operatives, Skaven assassins, Lumineth rangers, Beastmen, maneaters, upgraded vanguard Stormcasts, Bonesplitter and Sylvaneth hunters, Fyreslayer doomseekers, outcast Idoneths, Ossiarch tithe collectors, Nighthaunts roused from the grave, and whatever crazy gobbo concepts the designers come up with. And that's without taking the terrain and monsters into account. The possibilities are many.
  4. It speaks volumes about the new SCE art direction that people are excited for new Stormcasts. Really digging the "lost knights on a quest" vibe. In a proper grimdark colour scheme with tons of weathering and Agrax Earthshade, these guys and gals will look 👌
  5. Faiet rumour spotted, opinion disregarded. As others have said above, the fact this "rumour" doesn't take into account the revealed 3D renders of new TKs and Brets tells you everything you need to know about it. Generally, this Faiet post reeks of WFB players self-victimising themselves : "TOW will only be a few books, a box and accessories because bad GW hates us ! They only have eyes for AoS😢! (Btw did I remind you that AoS bad ?)". Just read the comments of the original Faiet post to get an idea of that. One thing they're right about though is the fact that 2024 will be big for AoS since it's the supposed time for 4th Ed to launch.
  6. That or Silent People ! Insects + tentacles = it's totally them !
  7. Ah ok, my bad, guess I misinterpreted. Still🤞for Destruction in this season too. I wish I was a fly in the GW offices so I could see all the plans GW has for the future of AoS !
  8. Remember @Vasshpit 's comment that there is 11 warbands in this season, just like the last one. So far we have had 7 warbands (6 boxed, 1 standalone) + 2 new boxed warbands incoming, that makes 9 so there is space for 2 more warbands before the season ends. I could see a Slaanesh warband being released standalone, or in a 5th, final box set after Nightmare Quest ; a bit how Catacombs closed season 1. Same logic could be applied to the rumoured Destruction warband.
  9. Pls be Idoneth pls be Idoneth pls be Idoneth And not yet another 40k mini
  10. All dat fancy humie talk about Gorkamorka meanz nuthin ! 'Elemental god' this, 'ascended god' that... we'ze don't care ! He's Da Great Green God and all we'ze know iz dat he's da biggest, baddest god around. You'ze buzy debatin' the nature of Gorkamorka, while we'ze buzy preparin' to krump all of ya gitz. WAAAAAAGH !
  11. I am not worried about the new flagellants. I genuinely believe they are coming : GW has done an entire Dawnbringer Preview on Sigmarite religion, bringing the example of the Cult of the Wheel. Whatever comes, be it "flagellants 2.0" or a different take on sigmarite worship, I think I'll be blown away. I have 100% faith in the GW sculptors on this one, whatever they do, it'll turn out great I'm sure. Definitely expecting something more grimdark about them though. A unit of knightly crusaders of Sigmar LARPing as Stormcasts would be very thematic and cool ! And if this does not come in the official kits, people will convert them I'm sure.
  12. I had this thought pop up in the back of my head, and I felt like it was worth sharing. I think there's going to be some aesthetic common points shared by the new Cities mortals and the SCE. Beyond the fact that they both worship the same god, I could see some of the humans trying to "emulate" the superhuman Stormcasts by copying some of their aesthetic. Like, maybe a helmet that ressembles the golden face masks of the SCE, lightning motives, the stylised face of Sigmar, etc. Maybe not on everyone, but I could see the fancier humans (those that could in universe buy this kind of drip) having some of this. What do you think ?
  13. There's definitelly a creative niche for wolf riding gobbos with crazy ramshackle contraptions in AoS. This is plain sad. ****** managers strike again... coupled with low wages and GW's deceptive politics of "bonuses", no wonder people leave. (For those who don't know, GW can give big bonuses to employees. It's just that those drop at random (when they drop), so employees can't plan in advance their finances. It would be better to simply raise wages instead of dropping random bonuses at random times. But I digress.). The ambiance seems toxic as ******. I hope the algorithm is gonna censor the bad words, sorry about that. GW should definitely start taking the brain drain of popular, talented employees seriously. Because it's always the big beloved names that leave : Duncan, Peachy, Louise, Josh Reynolds, etc. I know that nowadays people bounce from firm to firm more often, but this is weird. And btw, about that Andy Smilie allegation, this is serious. He could (and should) been the subject of a filed complaint, yet he gets away with just a demotion. These kind of bad people are actually hurting the Warhammer hobby as a whole, and more importantly, actual human beings with jobs and families to feed. There should be a petition to have him kicked out of GW for what he did. ****** Andy Smilie.
  14. TWW players : " We hate AoS ! AoS is trash ! It killed WFB ! GW bad !" AoS players : "Have you even played it ? Painted an AoS mini ? Or looked at the lore a little bit ?" TWW players : "No !" AoS players : "Have you even played a game of tabletop wargaming in your life ?" TWW players : ....................................... You don't understand. If those people don't whine about AoS at least once a day, they could have a heart attack. They're not just haters. This is a question of life and death for them !
  15. The glague toads are still on sale on Forge World because as demons they double down for 40k. But the bile trolls and plague ogres are gone. If GW is to make additions to the Nurgle range, plastic versions of the Tamurkhan units would speed up the creative process a lot (I think). And some, like the toads, could double down for 40k (or Horus Heresy now), so quite beneficial.
  16. 3 words. PLASTIC. PLAGUE. TOADS ! Plague cultists and pestigors would be cool as well though.
  17. If we continue to debate about that scythe rumour engine, Whitefang will be summoned to the thread and will deliver us some form of answer...that will leave us with even more questions.
  18. I don't really know. Clan Pestilens isn't very associated with scythes in their aesthetic, they're more into censers and bells. But you have me pretty convinced it could be the new Harbringer of Decay. After all, it's a finescast miniature, and we know those tend to get replaced now. And as much as i think Nurgle needs new units instead of new heroes, a redo of the Harbringer would still be welcome.
  19. It's been a while since Nurgle has had some love. They had obviously End Times releases, then that big release in the tail end of 1st Ed, and then only Underworlds and Warcry bands, and the plastic sorcerer. I guess it's the circle of life and decay and that now Papa Nurgle is going through a stage of drought to prepare the next pustulent bloom of life.
  20. Yeah, I know a Death rumour engine when I see one.
  21. "Even portions of the Eye of Chotec have been swallowed by the Gnarlwood, its realmshaper engines leaking their world-shifting power and suffusing the Wyrdhollow with arcane energy. These terraforming engines threaten disaster – either the realm fails to digest them, and chokes itself to death, or it consumes them and vomits forth a wave of raw transformative energy. The ensuing explosion of the power of the Old Ones mixed with Ghur’s rage would create a cataclysmic eruption of bestial change, stoking the realm’s fury beyond reason." Do you see the lore for the end of edition big event coming ? I sure do... A huge boom of Old One infused amber magic to send the Era of the Beast out with a (literal) bang. I think GW is planning something with the Gnarlwood and the Eye of Chotec, planting little seeds to move the overall plot forward.
  22. I feel like wanting massive Destruction waves for all Destro armies (GSG, Ogres, Ironjawz/Bonesplitters)+ Grotbags + BoC + Skaven + monster themed updates for Idoneth and FS on top of Kruleboyz, the obligatory SCE beginning of edition release and Cities is asking for a bit too much in the 3 year lifespan of this edition. GW still has to balance 40k with AoS and that's a similar number of releases to what 40k got in 9th, and as 40k is their main source of revenue, it will have more releases than AoS. But, for now, Era of the Beast had : - Kruleboyz - Better proportionned SCE - Bite size but welcome updates for Sylvaneths and Nighthaunts - Chaos Undivided - New Warcry season set in Ghur with some of the sickest sculpts GW has ever produced, all games combined And we're going to get Seraphon, FEC and Cities of Sigmar before this ends. Without counting the inevitable end of edition narrative event, and maybe who knows, they'll drop some sweet releases to accompany it and send the edition with a bang into the next one, with maybe even a surprise army. I too, want to be showered in AoS plastic goodness. But GW has to balance a lot of things and sadly can't do that. AoS is a huge undertaking for GW and it will take time to properly flesh it out. But I'm optimistic for the future, I think the game is on the right tracks and I think that in due time everyone (even BoC, Skaven and FS) will get some loving !
  23. I love how this thread passed from Cities to Ogre lore and its implications on Dawi lore (and the new minis it might create), to Chorfs. In a single page. I love this thread so much. It's so glorious.
  24. Just had some interactions online with WFB players on a hobby group. We were talking about the Chorf DLC for TWW, and blabla End Times, AoS... guess where it went. Honestly, this is one big problem for me wanting to get into TOW when it comes out. The community. So far, the elements of the Old World/Fantasy community I have met online don't compel me to join them to play TOW with them when it comes out. I'm sure there are so good people in there, but most of the guys I have met so far are at best grumpy, at worst toxic. I'm not sure this is the kind of people I want to hang out with playing games at the FLGS. And it's sad, because I feel like this is a disservice to the game at large. Do you think the WFB/Old World community at large will have an impact on TOW when it comes out and after that, on its growth ?
  25. Sadly I don't see it coming soon as unlike Morathi, the 2 forms of Radukar come from 2 different sets. GW is not greedy enough (yet) to make a warscroll that needs you buy 2 boxes to use it.
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