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Everything posted by Freemeta

  1. in old warhammer rpg it was really dangerous to use maigc,so maybe there was a magic system showing that (chaotic magic, maybe tzeench related, whim of the gods, could be the prince of cats etc, AOS setting is incredibly vaste). thanks.
  2. with this little sentence at the end: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/03/01/40-years-of-warhammer-gotrek-and-felix-make-a-scene/ "Not that Gotrek has stopped looking…" what if Felix come back in Dawnbringer crusade?
  3. thanks i missed it. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1752460278
  4. i don't play soulbound but i'm always interested by class design. ATM i'm searching Random Number Generator based class(like Arcana from lost ark, wild mage in D&D etc)., is there anything like that in soulbound?
  5. it's not possible to recommend this hobby to new and young customers. each time it's heart breaking. so people are moving to 3d printing and it hurts lgs. there is a tournament in a lgs near me and they have to check army to see if there is counterfeit miniatures...and allow 1 unit 3d printed/3rd party. maybe we should just move to 9th age at this point.
  6. instead of a living character it could be an Artifact, Godbeast, a named endles spsell, a named cog golem/fort, a special faction terrain etc.
  7. old conquistador from warhammer battle Dogs of war : i hope more innovative design, what about keeping human and giving them a mix of duardin,aelf,sigmar aesthetic (aelf and duardin armor/weapon/glyph/rune whatever). I'm new to the lore of AOS. there is no "big" character warscroll for cities of sigmar, who can we expect to be part of the dawnbringer crusade? maybe nobody because it's a mundane humans faction?
  8. https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/327496204167641792/ Like this converted guys
  9. i want them to get ride obsolete technology like arbalest. it's a shame that the best cannon at the moment is ogor.
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