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Everything posted by Freemeta

  1. at least we can play a Stormkeep army with cities of sigmar coalition units 😅
  2. it feels rushed: there is no explanation how wanderer dispareared from Cities. i dont understand, GW relase a book about Prince Maesa then delete them from the lore.
  3. Fec need princess or a new "Dame du Lac" , i dont really know them but do they have some woman figure in their lore?
  4. i'm a new aos player so yeah i can't aford to buy something obsolete in 2 years that are legal in a new book. btw i'm ok if they removed old whb models to refresh dwarf and elf range (maybe half-aelf and half duardin that dont want to leave their city).
  5. so we should still feel insecure about our mini being squated even with a new book. not a good news.
  6. what if malerion and tyrion were part of the same army? 😁 ulgu is my favorite realm and would love to see some Arlequin in AoS (and/or War dancer).
  7. thanks this is how i feel. every coalition unit got kicked from the city and lost their citizenship (even if you are the first magister of your city 😂).
  8. i played other game wih some option like this: cross faction army. to balance it your choices were restricted to a limited list of unit from different factions. it was great.
  9. so i can't buff Aventis magister of Hammerhal in an Hammerhal army with my Priest prayer Hammer of Sigmar 😅...
  10. so how do we deal with the loss of coalition unit in the new CoS book ? it was a big part of City identity and now they are tasteless.
  11. i agree but i'm not sure about point cost for executionner (170) and some other like gyrobomber (120). yeah it was a good surprise to see old stuff being a little better baseline.
  12. yep can't understand why they kept dark elf base infantry and removed an iconic ability like dragon cloak. i like they fusioned : Black Guard/Phoenix Guard and Executioners/Wildwood Rangers.
  13. losing coalition is hard, especially Stormacast eternals. new city battle trait are unflavorful and we arelosing specific spell Lore, artifact, command traits. i really dont like we can't cast some spell on a unit because she is not human.
  14. oi feared they remove coalition...we had hint from previews book (kharadron removed them). really disapointed, if only we kept Stormcast. only 1 rule per city break my immersion
  15. at least there is some interesting conversion to make to Celestial, Luminark and steam tank from the order of the wheel
  16. just my 2 cents: it says 54 units not 54 warscrolls: maybe it's 52 warscrolls for 54 units. elite infrantry are duardin and aelf unit i guess (ironbreakers, executioners etc).
  17. i'm still hope there is a big center piece, where is my moving Cathedral ? my Cogfort? aesthetic is on point, the palanquin is cool but tiny, i imagined a much bigger mini for a Pontifex. ans it's really human eveywehre could be ok if the assassin was a human/dark aelf mix ?
  18. idk, my local LGS is doing a crusade against 3D print and model they don't sell, i guess some people abused counterfeit and "free" models. so yeah i will triy to kitbash a lot to make what i want. i'm a fan of Malifaux'puppet miniature and Grymkin from Privateer Press and want to try to play them in Ao.
  19. what about high elf+ chaos dwarf forging an interesting dark phoenix mix
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