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Everything posted by Sparxius

  1. I love your project so much, so cool to see it all come together. I've been slacking on my own project a bit. Starting to many new projects. Haha. Can't wait to see your next model, keep it up!!
  2. This month hasn't been great painting wise, I did get some games of Bloodbowl in but not alot of painting. I'll be posting some WIP shots later of the 2 warbands i've been painting.
  3. The new underworlds warband is coming up, can't wait to see what you do with it. Did you get the 3d printed terrain yet? Hope to see more army shots soon! 😍
  4. It's the end of Februari, so join us for March. I can't wait to see what you all have come up with. I've started a lot this month, but haven't finished anything. So hopefully March will be the month where more Warbands get finished!!
  5. Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for March 2024. Join us at the hobby table, So sit down, and join us. If you don't know the rules they are: Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Dungeon Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest, Gorechosen, or HeroQuest On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress! Enjoy!  @Mohojoe & @TheOtherJosh& special thanks to @Kramer and @Sparxius
  6. So a change half way through the month. I lost motivation to paint the Seraphon warband because I got 2 different colourschemes in my head for 2 different warbands. First is the chosen axes + 3 hero characters I had lying around. I've seen these dwarves of the Jade empire somewhere before years ago and the colours stuck to me. Next up the newest Idoneth Deepkin warband in the Fuethan colours or my interpretation off it. I wanted something totally different in my display cabinet. I didnt have any green warbands and now I've started painting 3 warbands in different colour greens haha. And as extra a picture of the 3 wolf riding Goblins, I dont think ill be able to finish them before the end of the month, but atleast there is progress.
  7. If i'm correct and please correct me if i am wrong. The body is Idoneth Deepkin Reavers. Head is from the Eternal Guard set? (optional build) @daveboyAlso i really love your painting, so much volume/textures in your painting.
  8. So I'll be painting the Seraphon and wolf riding Goblin warbands from underworlds. And maby finish another Goblin for my Squig Herd army.
  9. So I've finished 2/3 warbands. Next month definitely want to finish the Seraphon and the wolf riding Goblins. Pictures to follow
  10. Thank you very much. When i start an army i always want to have some nerative behind it, or atleast a color scheme. I've got 2 different Stormcast stormhost for Brimstone, depending on the timeframe. The expedition started with "the Axes" Stormhost, later know as "The Axes of Brimstone". These mostly consist of older stormcast models and is a 2000 points list for tournaments. The second is from a Sacrosanct Chamber also a 2000 points list, but haven't decided if these are going to become Axes or the Newer Stormhost. the picture is from the leader of the Axes of Brimstone in his newer armour. Really happy with this conversion of Fafnir Rann to AoS.
  11. I know how it is, when i was saving for my own wedding haha. Can't wait to see how your army starts to grow, especially with extra terrain. I'm definitly following your posts here. Also finished my own underworlds warband in this scheme. Will be posting these in the Painting contract at the end of the month.
  12. First ever big boy I did. This isn't the Ancient Ashborn Alderbloom. That character is still in the making. The Sylvaneth range has so much potential for different paintscheme's, so it was hard to pick one. But in the end i knew what i was looking for and what i wanted, but i'm really happy GW is making all the different Underworlds warbands so at some point i get to paint another sylvaneth scheme. With how the story goes of these sylvaneth i wanted the base to basicly be barren or desert theme, with then where the sylvaneth stood having plants grow back. These "older" models have that theme, but my "newer" models are more in the city of Brimstone, where nature is taking back its city. Next up is the Branchwraith, i converted this character from the underworlds warband sorcerer. I think this model has seen 3 tournaments before the whole Branchwraith dissapeared, i wasn't to happy about that. But still love it none the less. Then came the Branchwhych, i think i painted this model in one of the 12 hour challenges at my local warhammershop. Still love the simple paintjob and just the standard pose. I think i've converted 3 now (i really don't get why this was in the startedbox) and love this one the most.
  13. So here is my progress: FEC Blisterskins: are almost done, Just the Bats to do and the bases, got no clue what to do with the bases yet. Nighthaunt Lady Harrow's Mournflight: Base colour done, after i took this picture i put a wash on them. Seraphon The Starblood Stalkers: first time using my new airbrush, so this is really experimental for me. Hope to finish the Blisterskins this week and make a good start on the Nighthaunt.
  14. After the Ghouls, what else you planning to add to the list? I've never liked the FEC aesthetic, but with this paintscheme i like it alot more. Are you also getting the FEC Throne? Would love to see what you do with it.
  15. So cool, Why did you go for a brown bat? I am strugeling finding a colourscheme for the bats in the warband. I would love to know why you choice these colours.
  16. I love this. This made me want to paint the underworlds warband like this. Seriously in love with this paint scheme. Can't wait to see what you do with the cavalry bats.
  17. For this month, i have 3 underworld warbands i want to finish. The Grymwatch - Painted the Blisterskin colours. Lady Harrow's Mournflight - Painted the The Scarlet Doom colours. Starblood Stalkers - Own colourscheme If i have the time i want to finish one more - Rippa's Snarlfangs - Own colourscheme (Mostly finished)
  18. My first ever unit i painted for my Sylvaneth army where these dryads, and thats been over 7-8 years ago. I still like the easy and contrast works, but after painting 60+ dryads in these colours and other units, you do want to do something different. I have come a long way as a painter and a hobbiest, but it's still alot of fun to look at these models and see what i did with them. They were the start of my journey again and i am still happy with the result. But the future and the lore of the dryads has changed their appearance a bit.
  19. Wow, i love it so much, can't wait to see it finished. Got my hands on the underworlds warband and can't wait to paint those up.
  20. I agree with Jack here. But maby get your Turquiose alot brighter, so that pops more. They are in the end royalty and don't get their hands dirty unless really necessery. Also they are Hero characters who should be a bit more promenant. For the dude with the big horns/tusk maby try giving it a brown wash so another colour is introduced, Now it all looks really flat. If you want to have a look, you can check out my instagram page on how i painted them. Totally different colourscheme as they are Jungle vampires haha.
  21. Im going to try and get my sylvaneth cavelry done, Spiterider Lancers on bugs. I've been wanting to convert these guys for a while, and with the new Kurnoth Hero on bug i've made my descision. I've got a total of 12 Spiterider Lancer to convert and build another 6 Revenant Seekers. The idea is to finish the first 6 Lancers en 6 Seekers before i go to my inlaws in Scotland.
  22. Here a lore post. On the edge of the river The Potence, the ruins of an ancient city lie barren. A city of sand dunes, sand pits, dune fields and dung. No people, no animals, nothing but the desert itself. The elven races of old that wander around these desert's call it Brimstone. Sand covered, crumbled structures and the occasional statue are all that is left of this once grand city. In the distance the river known as The Potence keeps flowing on. The city of Brimstone is grand but most parts have been taken back by the desert. The roads are non-existent, buildings are ruined, and there are no signs of life anywhere. Yet there is still something mysterious and magical about this place. Something that draws the expedition force in, like a moth to a flame. Taking up shelter inside one of the bigger buildings, the group's sets up their tents in the courtjard around the old well in the middle. Even though the city has long been dead, some plants still grow in the desert, the Sylvaneth used their life magic to revive the well and plant the soul-pods from their fallen bretheren into the lush grounds around it. Making this their new home. With the life energy from the soul-pods the courtjard transformed into an oasis of flora, filled with tall trees, flowers, vines, and other vegetation. Even the air around it is different. The dry desert air turns into fresh and pleasant moist. The sweet smell of flowers and grass mixed in with the freshness of the wind and rain. It is like the outside world simply doesn't exist. Next time some lore about some characters. Artwork not mine, The desert ruins is from the amazing artist: Pablo Palomeque The overgrown ruins is from openart.ai
  23. I've been converting some beetle riders aswell as Spiterider Lancers. So hopefully now with that new Kurnoth Hero, ill get a cool beetle army
  24. So many interesting conversions, can't wait to see what else you come up with.
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