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Siegfried VII

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Everything posted by Siegfried VII

  1. Agreed. This made me almost not buy the army... I always like to have powerful non-special martial close combat general preferably mounted on a noble beast. I really hate that this army has no such thing.. I am thinking of making some weird conversion with the spare parts of the second Eltharion I'll get of an elf riding some kind of beast and use it in the game as a spirit of the mountain.. Problem is I'm having trouble finding a suitable model for the beast..
  2. Here are some pics were I use Dryads and Dragonblades to create ways to field the units so that you can retain the shining company no matter the losses..
  3. If I remember correctly you remove them one at a time so we need to be mindful at all times in order to keep the shining formation active..
  4. I hear you mate and I agree.. The thought of waiting more months infuriates me especially for such a small range of models and yes it will be quite some time before we see the Tyrion side of things.. But unless there is a second wave the statements of Phil Kelly in the preview show they did some time ago that they made a huge range and that they scratched the surface would make him look like insane with this Ironjawz/Fyreslaysers in terms of models/warscrolls army release we got..
  5. I think they made Tyrion and the other elements too but decided to cut them in half to make too "major releases'.. As it is the army really feels like half of something in my opinion..
  6. I have done the stats for the Spirit Mountain too but I deleted them because they so more or less the same damage, Avelanor is a bit better if they have charged and much better against lower saves units (6+) and the Spirit Mountain is a bit better if they haven't charged (due to the better quality of his hammer) and a bit better against higher save units (3+, 2+). But overall I would rank them the same as damage potential goes.. As for your list I prefer the second one. Better a few more bodies than a spell wich may or may not be cast sucessfully imo..
  7. Sorry my bad. The buffed versions of the stats for Stoneguard are with the command ability of Avelanor/Spirit of the Mountain that gives them +1 attack. I wanted to take in consideratrion the synergies too. 🙂 I will edit my post to include this info!
  8. Here is some math-hammer. There are two versions of the Wardens and Dawnriders, one without the power of hysh and another one with the power of hysh. The buffed versions of the stats for Stoneguard are with the command ability of Avelanor/Spirit of the Mountain that gives them +1 attack. Also the Dawnrider mathhamer is only when they fight a non-mounted 1 wound enemy unit and on the charge. Orherwise they are worse or worthless if they fight a mounted or with more than 2 wounds unit. Anything you guys want to ask feel free and I'll try to help as best as I can.. 🙂
  9. I have done quite a bit of math-hammer with the units in order to see what fighting capabilities our units have. If you want I can post them here..
  10. And the stonemage may get killed by the catapult of the Ossiarchs.. 😛 To be clear though I'm not negative and I believe that the army will be mid-high tier and will be very viable. Theory-hammer is the lifeblood of warhammer forum talks.. 🙂
  11. The way it is now yes, Stormcast can get Lumineth as allies.
  12. Agreed. Lorewise I do not like to use/see them in battles as it feels a bit weird. Kharadron can get 2 or 3 drop easily and still be competitive. Lumineth on the other hand while able to field a 2 drop army it will not be good enough due to the limitation of units and in the end the Kharadron player will get the first turn to put the hurt on Teclis.
  13. If the ossiarch unit is supported by a harvester they may kill something like 10 to 15 tops and then they will die while Mortek Guard will heal.. I don't see Dawn Riders as a solution against Mortek Guard.. Stone Guard in the appropriate nation+batallion will fare most likely better as they can be tough enough to survive.. Again with the heal of Ossiarch we may still lose the grindfest..
  14. Teclis will shortly dissapear from tournament lists. A 16 4+ save 660pts character melts like ice cream.. His 5+ shield is nice but Tzeentch and Kharadron will kill him with their 1-2 drop lists on the first turn and he won't get to cast the spell. Even from this fact he is not worth it for a tournament. Apart from that he is very weak in combat and apart from his powerful AOE spell I don't see him win battles.. Feel free to disagree but I'm calling it now and we'll see it in the future competitive lists.. 🙂
  15. You are correct, but I don't see our 2 drop lists be viable in terms of unit choices.. We'll see of course as we practise with the army.. 🙂
  16. The base of Alarielle is over 6 inches. Flamers shoot at 18 inches so 9 inches deep behind your deployed screen. So if you deploy with a 12 inchew deep deployment zone or even a 15 inches deployment zone (for the scenarios were you deploy 9 inches away from your opponent) you can't hide Teclis and he will be shot first dead in the first turn. Have also in mind that most of the powerful weapons of Kharadron have 24 inches range so it is even worse with them.. Your only chance is for the deployment zones of the scenario to be either diagonal or corridor wise in order to deploy him aay from first turn alphastrike. And I don't think I want to have chnaces for auto-lose games..
  17. Both with Kharadron and Tzeentch you won't get to play first in order to cast the spell..
  18. Indeed. Both Kharadron and Tzeench (especially if he is on the same base as Alarielle) can and will take the first turn with 1-2 drops deployment and kill him on the first turn with us not being able to do anything about it. I will reserve judgement, but tournament-wise he is a very bad and fragile investment. (And thank god because I really don't like the model.. 😛)
  19. Regarding the Shining Company rule in my opinion its main use is as a protection against alphastrikes, especially the shooty ones.. You deploy in shining company formation and get some form of protection against armies that can hurt you first turn. Also it can help if you face speedy close combat armies who will get the charge on you first..
  20. If there is no non-special character meele hero I may not buy them afterall.. I really can't picture playing an army with no glorious mounted on something general leading the charge..
  21. His stats and few number of wounds make him a very easy choice for the opponent's mortal wounds.. Again he is awesome but we'll have to see his points to make conclusions.. ;-)
  22. Agreed. My view is only based on the current information we have.. I just wanted to point this weakness to prevent people from claiming he's OP etc.. :-)
  23. Light of Eltharion's rules seem fantastic!! His actual worth though will depend on his points in my opinion.. We must also have in mind that he can be easily dealt with from mortal wound sources..
  24. And by paying 100 more points you can fit 15 Protectors. Not sure how that translates in terms of killing power but it's 15 more wounds! :-)
  25. I apologize in advance if the question sounds silly, but what is the ITC world rankings? Sounds like some kind of global way to rank players? If so what tournaments are taken into consideration for something like this? Again sorry but in Greece we are a bit behind on these things... Two weekends ago I took part in my first Heat GT ever so I'm new to the global warhammer scene.. :-)
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