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Siegfried VII

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Everything posted by Siegfried VII

  1. I believe that one of the broken realms books will have Lumineth as the main theme and it is then that I feel we'll get some new models.. be it Tyrion and his part of the range or another element etc..
  2. The champion of the Swordmasters was always called Bladelord so fingers crossed we'll see the Swordmasters reimagined! 🙂
  3. Yep! They managed for some reason to create a champion who doesn't get a +1 to hit or +1 attack and only gets a special weapon which is worse that the standard option.. they really out-did them selves on this.. 😛
  4. With the exception perhaps of Ishlaen Guard Idoneth do not have a traditional anvil unit, so yes you play to kill the opponent so you can score the objectives.. You'll never have enough models to flood the objectives and as for Ishlaen Guard while they are very sturdy they are few models so they can lose objectives easily due to lack of numbers..
  5. That is nice to hear because I have the book and plan to read it soon! 🙂
  6. The sanctum doesn't help with mortal wounds so I wouldn't recommend it , but the 8 wound deal sounds like a good idea!! 🙂 The Rune while very nice especially on a double turn as there is the potential to score 4 times d3 mortal wounds on enemy units within range, I find it a bit on the expensive side.. I may give it a try though..
  7. That is true more or less.. Ymetrrica's advantage is more the fact that Stoneguard become battleline rather than the extra-1 rend ignore in my opinion.. The battalion is good but again very restrictive. Unless you take Avalenor it is very easy for the opponent to just snipe the Stonemage and then you lose all advantages. On top of that it is rather invonvenient to try and have the Stoneguard wholly within 12 inches of the heroes.. If it were 18 inches then it would be fine, but with movement, charges and pile ins I believe it limits your strategic options significantly in my opinion..
  8. I would add that their damage is very dependable on the power of hysh spell. They go from a 7,13 damage against a 4+ unit to a 4,74 without the power of hysh which is really sub par. Ans as for Lambent Light unless you have spellportal to cast it far and in safety chances are you may have to deal with a ubind attempt from the opponent..
  9. Wardens do enough damage especially with power of hysh on, but again they are slow, The problem with Stoneguard is that they feel inferior to Wardens in all aspects and need much investment from other sources in order to be helpful while the Wardens are self sufficient.. The command ability of the Spirit of the Mountain unfortunately applies only to Aelf Alarith units so they can't use them on themselves..
  10. The battalion effect means that your Stonemage must be running behind Stoneguard in order to give them the ability and the +1 attack costs a whole cp for just one combat phase. Also with only 4 movement they lack the speed to get to an objective and play the role of the anvil.. In my opinion their stats are really sub par compared to their cost.. Still I haven't actually used them yet so there some testing to be done for sure but the numbers don't do them justice in my eyes so far...
  11. Greetings guys and gals! I've now played 14 games with Lumineth Realmlords so I have at least a good basic grasp of the army and have also done lots of math-hammer.. A unit that didn't catch my eye much was the Stoneguard as initially planned to leave the "moooo" part of the army out, but have warmed up to them when I saw actual mini pics from people who have assembled them rather than the factory ones gw had provided thus far... The problem is that game-wise I find this unit to be really really bad.. Initially I compared them to wardens. A unit of 10 Alarith vs a unit of 20 Wardens. With 40 more points the wardens exceel in almost every aspect. Their damage against a 4+ save unit is 11,53 versus the 7,78 of the Stoneguard and that is without them having power of hysh. They are a wizard who can cast and dispel and unbind, they have +2 movement, they are double the number of models for objective grabbing with the same number of wounds as Stoneguard, have 3" reach wich is brilliant and get the shinning company rule. Stoneguard on the other hand has only the -1 rend ignore and the tectonic force (which is not that powerful imo) and that is that. In order for them to reach the damage potential of the wardens you need to feed them 1 command point in each cc phase or for them to be more resillient you need a battalion which adds more points to them and can be situational.. What added assault to injury was when I went ahead and compared them to Liberators.. As most of you know Liberators are a very bad unit and a bane for all stormcast players (I'm one of them too) and endless discussions have been done regarding that fact. Now if you compare the two units 5 Stoneguard against a 4+ save unit deal 3,89 versus the 2,67 of the Liberators. I find this difference almost inconsequential as it is very low anyways.. Again Stoneguard has the -1 rend ignore which is great but Liberators have the re-roll 1s to saves and the Lay low the Tyrant which all in all is a bit worse. On the other hand Liberators have +1 to movement and are 10pts cheaper and an innate battleline unit. All things said Stoneguard ARE better than Liberators but only by a small margin.. So I came to the sad conclusion that our "Elite" infantry unit is in reality slightly better Liberators... This topic is not meant as a rant.. What I'm really looking for is for us to have constructive discussion regarding this unit which may lead us to better utilize this unit (or reject it if that is not possible) and make it work on an acceptable level. Of course one could just field a unit that he/she just thinks is pretty, but this topic is mainly for gaming discussion so I don't take into consideration at the moment the cool factor of them.. Do you agree with my assesment so far, am I wrong and haven't seen a different angle? I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter! 🙂
  12. This is the solution I'm thinking for myself. I have 40 Wardens fully painted and while I have managed so far to make the battles work it is really a chore to always be mindful of the damn spears... Not sure I will proceed to do it in the end but it seems the only "fix" if one wants to have an easier time with them...
  13. Turquoise, because it is more original. There will be many blue choices, so with Turquoise you'll stand out more! 😉
  14. He he the blond boy in the pic is the son of one of my friends! I almost had a stroke when he got near the miniatures but thankfully there were no "accidents".. 😆 In the last years it seems I'm drawn to orange for my colour schemes.. I believe that since I'm almost 20 years in the hobby and after painting hundrends of models in quite a few wargames in all kinds of colours I now tend to try new things other than the classic ones.. I'll try to get some closer pictures of the models to share with the gang.. 🙂
  15. The first battle was against Nighthaunt and it was a loss. The second battle was against a beast oriented Disciples of Tzeentch list which I won and the other 5 were against Cities of Sigmar Tempest Eye dwarf oriented (both a version with Kharadron Ironclad and another with Gortrek) which again I won. So all in all I have so far 6 Major Victories and 1 Major Loss. I made quite a few mistakes as I kept forgetting to cast some spells or pass the -1 bravery with the Cathallar when I used aetherquartz but game by game I kept and will keep getting better. We clearly need to use tokens for aetherquartz but also for buff spells etc because it is easy to lose track.. We also need movement trays customized for our shinning company formations as it is a nightmare to keep it together without those.. Now regarding our units: The Wardens are awesome and I believe the magic number is 20. I think you get very nice effect without making the units cumbersome and 240pts will not hurt you that much even if you lose them. Their damage output is really great especially with the the power of hysh cast on them and with their 3 inches reach they can put the hurt behind screens if the opponent is not careful enough. The Dawnriders are essential tool in our army in my opinion. The 28 inches threat is really powerful and against 1 wound infantry their damage is devastating. I have decided that I will include at least a unit of 10 and a unit of 5 in all my lists.. Plus they are beautiful models! The Cathallars are a must and I believe that we for sure need 2 or 3 of them in our lists. Their ability to pass the battleshock and transfer the losses to the opponent is really great The Stonemage is not mandatory for sure but he gives us some nice alternative spells and thus more diversity. The Light of Eltharion is after Gortrek easily the strongest foot melle hero in the game. His Achilles heel are mortal wounds of course and he suffers against mortal wound inflicting enemies but he hits like a train and can take the some hurt too. That being said together with Morssar Guard he is the first one who will be removed from the list when I'll try the Sentinels.. Morssar guard are always a solid choice and add mobility and pin-point damage to the army but are certainly not essential and can be easily replaced by something else. The Akhelian King is for my own pleasure as I always want a fighter character in my army so I indulged myself! That being said he is no push-over and he addas a very mobile character in our ranks who can also pack some punch. The Hyshian twinstones are great when we are faced with good unbinders in the enemy army so they have their uses and they are cheap. Our lore is so awesome that I almost never used the spells on the warscroll of my wizards, the lightning reactions can ruin the opponent's day and we are also very powerful with a triuph, especially if we get the reroll to hit one.. All in all the army feels very rewarding to play, is very tactical and plays in all phases. I just love it! High Elves are back with a vengeance!! 🙂 p.s. The bases are Thousand Sons Blue, then Drakenhof Nightshade and highlights with Lothern Blue (they are shattered domain bases). Then I used some blue/green tufts from GameGrass and the crystals are from greenstuff world..
  16. Greetings guys! Less than two weeks ago I finished painting my first Lumineth Realmlords list. I then went on holiday to the country house of a close friend and together with a couple of other friends we made kind of a warhammer summer camp. I played 7 battles all in all and had tons of fun with our new aelves! I've even began writting my battles in one of the AoS journals GW had made available a couple of years back.. The list was: Zaitrec x1 Akhelian King x1 Alarith Stonemage with Fast Learner and Gift of Celennar. x1 Scinari Cathallar x1 Scinari Cathallar x1 Light of Eltharion x20 Vanari Auralan Wardens x20 Vanari Auralan Wardens x10 Vanari Dawnriders x5 Vanari Dawnriders x3 Morssar Guard x1 Hyshian Twinstones x1 Extra Command Point I haven't included the spells I chose in the list as I tried several different combinations.. I have come to several conclusions regarding how the army plays. I don't want to spam you so if you any of you are interested in hearing my musings tell me and I'll try to elaborate on the subject! Here are some pics from my battles! 🙂
  17. Do you know where can I find the leaked rules for character creation? I'd like to try my hand! 🙂
  18. Guys I'm not sure whether this works rulewise but I was thinking if the balewind vortex works with Protection of Hysh we could have a nice 15 inches bubble for a 5+ ward save.. and what if we can combine that with the sanctum of Amyntok.. if one chooses Iliatha we can get a command trait.. So imagine a Stonemage with 8 wounds 3+ save which will ignore -1 rend, -2 to hit due to Amyntok and look out sir and the 5+ ward save which he will give 15 inches around him.. sounds tasty.. 🙂 And even with just the balewind we could have the spell on multiple mages and even if one gets killed we'll be able to cast it with another one..
  19. I have done some math-hammer using the AoS Statshammer app and I find Wardens much better in the offence than Stoneguard. In the picture below we have the stats for both units without any buffs on the left and on the right we have the buffed versions. Stoneguard has the +1 attack from the Avelanor/Spirit of the Mountain command ability and the Stonemage Stance for +1 rend and the Wardens are empowered my the Power of Hysh spell. The difference in damage output is quite significant in my opinion but the problem is that in the case of Stoneguard I have invested a 340/360pts monster, a 130pts Mage (a difficult buff to use as you have stated yourself) and I have spent a precious command point to make them only marginally better than the warden unit without any buffs. With their spell the Wardens become much better and I have only spent the points for this unit to have the effect. My point is the they are self sufficient and buff themselves. All this without taking into account their bonus when they get charged. On top of that they are double the number of models for objecive scoring (which in the end is how we'll win the game). As for defence in order for the Stoneguard to be great they need a specific nation, a battalion and even then unless you take Avelanor having the stonemage wholly within 12 inches of them to get the reroll for their saves will be mighty tricky. Also they will suffer against units that get to fight at the beginning of the combat phase as in the opponent's turn will all but negate the ability. Now I haven't done the math, but against -1 rend shooting (which is the majority of the shooting out there) and with Wardens in shinning formation getting a -1 to hit I don't seem them be all that better defensively.. Of course I will have to play some games in order to see all these theories/statistics in action, but my first impression is that the Wardens are a superior choice in competitive terms.. Regarding your other observations I mostly agree though.. 🙂
  20. It seems to also have the exact same text as it had in the High Elf book.. 🙂
  21. It just doesn't sit well with me to use the profile of a named character for one of my own.. It may be me being weird though. I did thought of the Tauralon but it is pretty expensive and without the wings it is not big enough I think to use as Spririt of the Mountain -size model. I am also concerned that we don't know which base to use.. Is it the normal monster base or is it the one Treelords have which is a bit smaller..? For the rider I plan to use one of the spare Light of Eltharions I will have combined with some high elf bits.. 🙂
  22. Yes I thought of the stonehorn too as a choice and I agree that it will take some effort to get it to look more stoic/heroic.. Another idea I had is to use the stats of the Akhelian King. Of course competitive wise he is certainly sub par since he won't get any allegiance abilities and he won't be able to get any artifacts but in this instance I may be able to use a horse or another similar mount ro represent him and it will be easier to justify it fluff-wise..
  23. The second lore hasn't intrigued me that much compared to the main one to be honest.. Regardless since I want a meele focused option Stonemages seem like an unlikely choice..
  24. A horse would be fine but what rules I could use for it? Eltharion is a special character so he is out of the equation and the next close combat profile is the spirit of the mountain. With such a large base/model though I can't use a horse. I want some beast that would give a spirit of the mountain vibe or earth vibe to it.. That is why I'm having trouble with the choice..
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