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Everything posted by JerekKruger

  1. In this case, they are offering their usual 15% discount on the TOW books, which is as good or even better than a lot of other 3rd party sellers are/were.
  2. Glad I could help. I cancelled my WG order at the weekend, deciding if just order them if/when they became available again. Only reason I checked EG today was to see if they had a discount on 30mm bases (I was in Warhammer World and weighing up whether to buy them the or not) and what do you know, they have stock. My guess is their decision not to do online orders initially might have allowed them to build stock where others didn't, and now they feel comfortable selling online again.
  3. Has anyone managed to base the new Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount for TOW yet? I am a bit nervous about getting him to fit, even on the 50x75mm option. I really wanted to find a way to fit him on a 40x60mm base for the ease of ranking him up with knights, but having seen his much bigger his horse is than Chaos Knights (who are already pretty tight on 30x60mm bases) I'm fairly certain that'd be impossible.
  4. For those near to Nottingham, Warhammer World was replete with the Tomb Kings army set this afternoon (I counted 14). Sadly no Bretonnian sets, and pretty much nothing else either, just a handful of the individual finecast or resin kits (Settra, Grail Knight Command, Ushabti with bows, Mounted Yeomen), most the various bases, and the movement trays. Also Element Games had large amounts of stock (10+ status) of the Core Book, Ravening Hordes and Forces of Fantasy for sale online.
  5. I kinda wish GW ran a made to order model on new releases. Preorder them and then get them guaranteed six months down the line. After that, for non-FOMO kits, have basic stock levels defined by initial preorder interest and go from there. But I guess there'd be a high incidence of buyers regret and people cancelling preorders if they did it that way, and a big part of their model is FOMOing people into buying stuff they'll never use, so I don't think that'll happen.
  6. Sounds about right, and I've only fairly recently completely got control over that buying impulse. It can be kinda exhausting, the constant train of hype. I guess it's better than the old days when armies would go while editions without even an army book, let alone new minis.
  7. And we can focus on refreshing the contents of our wallets too. It's strange though, even though I get fatigued by the release schedule, I still find myself disappointed by a quiet week like this one. I guess I'm basically addicted 😄
  8. My current thinking is that BoC getting squatted, if there is even any truth to the rumour, will simply be a rebranding of them for AoS with a more trademarkable name (Gorherds of Chaos or similar). They'll then get a refresh of the Bestigors, Gors, Ungors and character models with more dynamic sculpts, and the old minis will be sold for TOW. They aren't going to remove basic Beastmen from AoS, because the question then becomes "if there are no Gors, what are Slaangors and Tzaangors exactly?", and whilst it's possible they'll simply merge Goes into the other chaos books, at this stage in AoS's life that's going to ****** off a lot of people (there are people who have built BoC armies from scratch after AoS was released, purely for AoS, and telling them they no longer have an army is very different to telling someone with an old Fantasy army that they can't use it in AoS). I do think it's fairly likely we'll see AoS BoC get more big monsters etc., probably with a few that don't overlap with TOW at all, as big monsters kinda fit AoS better than fantasy in the whole. We'll see though. But I sincerely doubt GW will actually squat a while faction at this point. After all, the last time they squared a faction they're customers went on and on about it for thirty years until they brought them back 😄
  9. This makes most sense. Maybe relaunch the faction with a trademarkable name like Gorherds of Chaos or whatever.
  10. Almost certainly it improves overall sales, it's just that it becomes impossible for the heads of the various teams to claim credit and justify their bonuses.
  11. The Warhammer Quest Wardancer too! The one armed with twin katanas.
  12. Does Warhammer World sell them even when there's no event? I work in Nottingham so if that's the case I am so buying myself the Knight. Probably more than one infact.
  13. Gore Grunt as are overpriced, so much so that you never didn't buy the start collecting Ironjawz if you wanted them, because fur almost the same price you also got a Warchantet and some Ard Boyz.
  14. They were always my favorite part of White Dwarf. I've not found new WD battle reports to hit the same spot: whether that's because I'm older, or something has been lost over the years I don't know.
  15. It bothers me, though my solution is to simply head-cannon it away. Warhammer had always been defined by it's moral greyness to me (I cut my teeth with WFRP, where that's even more front and centre) and that is how it shall remain in my head.
  16. I haven't looked into it that carefully, but might it be the cheaper ones are simply old stock that GW are trying to shift, and the more expensive ones are ones they expect to need to recast?
  17. If it's like 6th edition I would assume not. Does turn being hand weapons mean anything rules wise though? I believe the party parry rule is no more.
  18. You know GW will just interpret that as a request for more value boxes full of Doomfire Warlocks right 😄
  19. Honestly, this is what GW should do with all their FOMO stuff. Even event exclusive minis should get a made to order window at some point (end of the year perhaps).
  20. Yeah, the former 6th edition poster in me reflexively wants to avoid frenzy. I always wanted to make it work, because mathhammer wise it can be really powerful, but everyone I'd take a unit of Khorne warriors they'd just get lead around the garden by my opponent. I dare say better players than me could make it work, and it's certainly possible for Frenzied units to do horrendous damage, but I developed an allergy to the rule 😄
  21. Surely evaluating sales is less important than increasing them though, and if (as sounds likely) a decent chunk of people do buy old Dark Elf minis for TOW (or whatever), those sales evaluations aren't really accurate. Are Darkling Covens actually suddenly more popular? Should GW invest into refreshing the range? Or is it all TOW players who want to play Dark Elves?
  22. Agreed, although it's more noticeable on things like Chaos and Vampire Lords, who were combat monsters in WHFB, than for GSG heroes who, if they have a useful support ability, kinda fit being incredibly weak.
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