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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. Ironjawz have been known to have SE trophies... just saying.
  2. It's all about presentation. As long as it's not just a stormcast with death iconography across the armor and something more original then I think it will be well accepted.... Time will tell.
  3. I will say this, I do like that they've "toned down" the, imo, over the top armor designs of the earlier SE. This fella, although a Celestant, has more in common with a Liberator in regards to armor design. Seems a bit more functional and less flashy. With minimal conversion work he could pass for a Liberator Prime even. Makes me kinda wonder of this may have been a possible design for the SE Shadespire group. Still hoping for a helmet option. Would of been much cooler as a mini hero upgrade option for a unit of Libs imo.
  4. I'm sure she will and also become a generic character as well like the LCoD can be a named or generic character. Knight Zephyros or something like that. Stormcast assassins I believe. Untill then I just picked her up off eBay and going to make a knight Venator with her. (:
  5. Pretty sure its another dudecast. I would've much preferred a woman variant though. (Using Neave Blacktalon for a Venator conversion or she'd make an excellent Celestant.) Im assuming this is the order herald model? So we just need to know the destruction one now... Good looking model though. No mortal wounds, hammer cape for this fella though...
  6. Ok, what I mean is models in front of said model you are trying to snipe. Of course with a lot of AoS rules some common sense would be applied. NNot saying this a fix all, just a suggestion.
  7. I do find it silly that a hero can be sniped 5 models deep but for sake of simplicity I understand. Id like a simple mechanic along the lines of using a ranged weapons rend Stat as a measurement for penetration. Example: Judicator bow has rend -1 so that would allow you to penatrate one row of models from afar. It keeps it simple and doesn't add a whole lot more to the rules while making the general game more tactical. Just an opinion.
  8. I am NOT cool with the next Grot release being those silly looking spider grots!!!! A Perfect American phrase would be.... "Aw hell naw!"
  9. Totally random but I hope when troggoth get an update, they get similar Stat line and model size to the Khorgaroth.... One can hope.....
  10. The shooting phase is going to take forever with these duders.....
  11. I could be reading too much into this but I just noticed there's a male symbol in this pic where there should be a spike like on the rest of wheel..... Could be nothing.
  12. Looks great!! Mind throwing out your recipe for white?
  13. Perhaps. The ogre that just released has a pretty unique anatomy sculpt to it though. As far as ogres go, I mean. And is a great sculpt!
  14. Noon here in Kansas City.... nothing out of Adeptacon yet, eh.... Anyone have pics of the new blood bowl troll that's supposed to Pre order this weekend? IM very curious to see what trolls are going to look like going forward.
  15. Orks were the last codex in 40k before all the game changing Decurion formation stuff hit and Ironjawz were the last before the allegiance abilities, tricks and toys hit with Sylvaneth. GW loves beating down greenskins, heh. It's ok though, otherwise they'd just erase everyone else.
  16. I wonder if team Khorne will get plastic blood hounds and the Khorga- thingy kits to accompany said release?
  17. That's from the painting guide released along side the first Ironjawz models.
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