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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. Kinda looks like a kroot hand. I'd love anything more for them!
  2. They're quite the step up in size. Not quite double but definitely much bigger. And I know I keep saying it but it's an amazing kit! So much props to the artists here!!! It sucks that it's not getting the attention because even though, imo, their rules aren't even bad they're just crushed by squigs rules which are also imo a bit over the top. If you've been on the fence about the kit, pick it up. It's a great one.
  3. Think covid really messed with the schedule. Hell I think dawnbrigers have actually been done for awhile and were intended for release a lot earlier. We had some of their terrain early on. There's also constant stories and snippets of Kruleboyz messing with their expeditions and maybe they were supposed to play more into each other. Who knows...
  4. I'm still an advocate of changing VEW to wound rolls of 6. (Make it additional even). This fits thematically as well as its damage from poison and not the skill of the warrior. It would allow regular damage stats to be buffed a bit to compensate for a few less mortals. It would also allow this to be a "theme" of the army but not an all encompassing one. Regardless I'm still excited for the future when looking at newer tomes and rules that have come out. Edit: I also feel this army would greatly benefit from the new "hero attachment " mechanics coming from 40k 10th.
  5. You can make each one have a bow or spear and there's like 10 head options iirc. It's a fantastic kit, really is.
  6. Pretty cool video on the state of things.
  7. The entire bonesplittez range can just switch back to savage orcs as well.
  8. They could release them with Kruleboyz. they could be their 3 model 50mm unit and the faction could become a coalition of different races.
  9. @Acrozatarim I just finished your short story. It was a good little read and congrats.
  10. I love the bog ninjas!!! Kruleboyz are my favorite design to come out of AoS yet. I'm super excited to see where they go from here.
  11. I was reaaaallly hoping for some updated TK skeletons and horsemen, basically any of their basic troops as those kits aren't bad but imo dont hold a candle to newer sculpts. So with this new announcement does this mean that we're just getting those same old kits again? Shame if so. I was pretty excited to get some for a proxy army and for other games... Damn. Just have to wait and see I suppose. Or just update the older AoS skelly kits, please Geedubs. Edit: The TK archers are even all left handed, am I right?
  12. @Public Universal Duardin They're not my jelly but I do like to hear fans of niche design get excited! 🤘🤓
  13. Clay beast creations has some interesting skellies. They're not quite just a skeleton in armor but are pretty cool non the less. 🤘
  14. I'm of the other state of mind and much preferred the cursed city "basic" look. Satyr and centaur aelves are just too much for my taste. Regardless I'm happy for those who do like them. They seem to have been well received.
  15. Some really cool ideas going on here, y'all. I think a unit of grots that is focused on traps would be interesting. A six grot unit like snufflers and not a full ten or twenty would be great for sneaking around the board. The disappearing act dirty trick even describes them. .
  16. +1 this. ☝️ Example here could be the beastskewer killbow from kruleboyz. it would help give utility to lackluster units and help to see these wonderful sculpts on the boards more. I really like the way OPR does "adding heros to units" so if Geedubs does any similar going forward I'm so down. Edit: If this is what we're seeing moving forward it makes sense for them to have been dropping all these single hero model releases. Very excited to add a killaboss to a unit of gutrippaz or a wight king to a double reinforced deathrattle warriors mob!!🤘
  17. @The Lost Sigmarite I didn't say there are eleven warbands this season but that there were eleven released in total the first season. Geedubs could switch it up... Like many others here 🤞 for some attention for destro.
  18. This is pretty rad. I'm not their biggest fan of the model range but I like your color choices here. Are you dead set on the blue?
  19. I'm in the complete opposite ship. I think they just scratched the surface of what they can do. Of course d rather have more options and better rules but I thourghally enjoy this faction. I also try to keep in mind that the world was in a troubled time during their release and probably design stages as well. I'd reckon that they most likely didn't get their fullest attention or support. Regardless I like them a lot and hope to see more. In regards to their gear I had just assumed they're cunning enough to have maintained it well enough for their purposes. I've been saying this since the initial release that I'd love to see Murknob Arboyz! It fits their theme and lore very well, I think. An elite unit like having 5 mini killabosses. It would fill an elite/hammer roll they could use. These could all be shown and exemplified with better rules and stats. They may not wear heavy plate but they should be fast and effective with that toxin dipped stick. And apparently relation betwixt kruleboyz and the chaos duardin are not so good. There's a brief lore sentence or two about "The War of the Broken Promise" that occured. Hence how the hobgrots have etched out a profitable existence between the friction. I'm very eager to know more about this. I agree here on the gitz and rules but again this can be addressed with rules and stats. And I'd love to see them get a huge transport unit/monster like a right proper snapping turtle beastie or a giant swamp buffalo that holds like 11 models and has some fun rules. I found it pretty cool to see the grots sprinkled in across their range and the companion ones on some heros. I wouldn't be opposed to them becoming the next chapter in the "orcs & goblins" design book. I'm sure Geedubs has plans but kruleboyz could have used snarlfang riders substantially more than the shroom gitz. They could have been what the pot grot is to a swampcalla or a stab grot to a killaboss only this role would be geared more towards a killaboss on great gnashtoof and have more utility to play with. Yes, yes it was. The soup was bad this day... 👊
  20. @woolf That could be cool as well. Is there anything like this currently in AoS or 40k that uses such mechanics? I cant think of any? I've heard several times that the genestealers style of play ported over to AoS would be interesting.
  21. Yes. Just a quick example could be "in hero phase pick venom of choice for unit for that round" player picks (insert cool mind altering venom name here) and if your opponent takes and damage this gutrippaz unit receives +1 to skare taktikz so like -2 to hit. Just a quick example. Might work, might not, just brain storming. Ooh, imagine paralyzing venom on boltboyz. Roll a D3 and subtract that from enemies movement.
  22. They could lean heavily into VEW and have your choice of different venoms and poisons we pick and choose from. That might be cool.
  23. @RocketPropelledGrenade 🤔 Jawz really should be 3+ imo. But that's another topic. Since they're rocking shields what about +1 save if they out number the attacking unit?
  24. Give rippaz +1 save (4+) Rework the shamans elixir to a +1 attack or something else Give them -1rend Rework the VEW to 6s on wound Up their movement. Seems like it should be a somewhat fast army. Edit: I dont think we'll ever see them in 5s as only one banner per kit.
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