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Big Kim Woof-Woof

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Everything posted by Big Kim Woof-Woof

  1. I'm currently assembling and painting Glutos. My word, it's a lovely bit of kit. I found the description on the back of the packaging rather amusing, though. "Loathsome sorcerer seeking extravagant delicacies". Doesn't that sound like something out the Lonely Hearts column in a local paper? Hah!
  2. How expensive are we talking? They're such gorgeous models!
  3. Oh yes. Still finding them great fun... a delicious little thorn in the enemy's side. And I love the model.
  4. I was leafing through the Slaves to Darkness book yesterday (it's alright as a light read, but has nothing on our lovely Hedonites book). There's a passage that states that Slaanesh will be in Archaon's debt for the breaking of one of his chains. As if. Archaon is a big jessie who Slaanesh will gobble up like a mildly-interesting new flavour of Cornetto. I've been round long enough to remember a time before Archaon, Lord of the Wet Blanket, turned up. I can remember the release of his original model which no-one bought. Slaanesh will pop this pointless little dweeb like a pimple.
  5. Wholehearted agreement. It's just.... fiddly. I dislike 'fiddly' intensely. I like a game with wallop. Endless dice rolling and nit-picking over the results should be the territory of roleplay gaming, I feel. Let's have a game that has a bit of bosh in it! I'd much rather having some spells that have a high casting value but actually deliver something epic rather than all these piddly little spells that scarcely matter in the end. Maybe that's just me and my visceral playing style...
  6. In a fit of appropriately Slaaneshesque orgiastic madness I've gone and bought myself two boxes of Slaangor Fiendbloods. Really, I just want to paint the horny great geezers! Hmm. Slaaneshesque is fun to say, isn't it? I've also treated myself to a new Chariot/Hellflayer kit. I'm thinking that I'll be assembling it as a Hellflayer, just because I love the whole mowing-down-limbs-for-Slaanesh's-garden idea. Strategy, schmategy. I'm a Hedonite. If it feels good, it doesn't matter if I win the battle or not.
  7. Played a few games this last week or so. The first was against those goody-goody fancy aelf lordy-types (I can never remember their proper name... and I don't really care), which I inevitably lost with aplomb. The second was against a Seraphon host, which I also lost, but with a little more dignity... ie: I had some models left on the table. I hadn't faced the Seraphon in ages - damn, their magic is fierce nowadays! The third was against a Slaves to Darkness army in which I ran rings around my opponent's plodding cohorts and snatched a victory at last! Notes to self: - Pick and choose fights better with heroes. I keep belting into melee with my Lord of Pain and the like, and it seldom pays off. I need to finish painting Sigvald if I'm going to go gung-ho in combat, I think. - The Infernal Enrapturess is deliciously fun to use, even if it fails to earn it's points back. Plus the model is fantastic. Persevere with it. - Stop using coalition units.
  8. Greetings, spiky-armour-type people! I'm a deep-rooted Hedonites player who has recently realised he's invested in a veritable shipload of coalition models... so much so that he could be running a whole Slaves to Darkness army too! I've got loads of Chaos Warriors, Marauders, Knights, a Warshrine, Chosen, and a plethora of suitable hero models. Almost enough for a 2000 point force. My question is this; what allied Slaaneshi unit/s would fill out my Slaves army nicely? I've got the models of pretty much everything in the book. Thoughts?
  9. Damn it. To be fair, I've got so many coaltion models that I probably could be running a Slaves to Darkness army with some Slaaneshi allies. Might have to investigate that option sometime...
  10. To flirt with actual "rules" for a moment.... I assume I am correct in interpreting that a Slaves to Darkness Sorcerer drafted into a Hedonites force with the coaltion thingy can no longer use the relevant Slaanesh spell lore? Hell's teeth. They really are stripping away any value in using the coaltion units, arent they! I have a couple of gorgeous classic Chaos Sorcerer models that I've been routinely using in my army. I was very fond of the Judgement of Excess spell. Oh well... maybe from now on they can "count as" Shardspeakers or something.
  11. I've had something of a epiphany. Rambling post that has nothing to do with actual "rules" ahead.... I'm yet to add either Sigvald or Glutos to my little circus of agony. This is probably because I couldn't decide which character I personally identify with more (yes, this is the sort of fluff-entangled lack-of-real-strategy gaming style that I can't tear myself away from). On one hand, I'm typically a preening, prancing, arrogant, human peacock with a superiority complex and a need to take endless selfies. On the other hand, I'm also prone to being a useless great lump who sits on his backside while the nearest and dearest do all the work, and really, really, wants to order one of everything on the menu at dinner. My epiphany? Get both. Let my mood on the day of battle decide which one heads up my blasphemous throng. Expect a sequel of sorts when I get around to Dexcessa and Synessa. Well, I've actually already got Dexcessa, but courtesans will have their trinkets...
  12. The eternal cry of every true child of Slaanesh.
  13. A rather momentous day for me: I just completed painting up the first phase of my army (it has turned out to be quite a bit bigger than it was meant to....) Damned if I know what I'll ever do with so many Chaos Warriors, or the Bestigor for that matter. I guess they'll add a bit of spice to fun games.
  14. The only real grievance I have with the new book thus far is that Dexcessa is still a lukewarm option at best. I wouldn't mind of they'd doubled its points... I just want the embodiment of Slaanesh's vicious and violent side to be something remarkable on the battlefield.
  15. I'm going to wax lyrical about Slaaneshi aesthetics for a post, if you'll indulge me. I've just finished putting the final lick of paint on the Masque. What a fantastic miniature! I love that in a world of big swords and big suits of armour and loadsaskulls, we have daemons cavorting around in elaborate ruffs and suspender'd stockings. It's this kind of sartorial madness that has kept me an avid Slaanesh devotee for over twenty-five years now (my first ever Games Workshop purchase, incidentally, was a Chaos Sorcerer, who I promptly painted up with lurid pink robes. Nothing's really changed). Leafing through the new book has refreshed my fascination with the Dark Prince. The models might now show a little more restraint in their flights of fancy (no more bows...) but they're still, for my money, the most distinctive, extravagant and downright gorgeous miniatures in the Age of Sigmar range. Which is just how Slaanesh himself would want it. I mean, the swagger and arrogance of that Lord of Hubris model... sheer perfection. Basically, what I'm saying is: your army might have won, but we're more fabulous than you, biitch.
  16. Righto. I better go and finish off painting up my Lord of Pain, I guess! Not an arduous task.... he's been an absolute joy to paint thus far. Lovely model. Thanks for the guidance, all!
  17. Trying to cook up a 1000 point list for a few games. How does this sound.... Shardspeaker 125 Spell: Phantasmagoria Artefact: Crown of Dark Secrets Trait: Strength of Godhood Blissbarb Archers 150 Hellstriders with Claw-Spears 150 Seekers 140 Myrmidesh Painbringers 145 Symbaresh Twinsouls ( x 2) 280 990 I'm got a sneaking suspicion that the Shardspeaker might be a bit flimsy to have as my only hero.... but I'm a sucker for having lots of models on the table.
  18. Anyone got a good 1000 point list with the new book? Having a bash at coming up with one, and can't formulate anything that pleases me.
  19. I'm giggling with diabolic excitement reading about all the luscious new stuff! Loving the Temptation dice thing... exactly the sort of mechanic I was hoping for, deeply flavoursome and fun. And I'm glad the Masque is now a very attractive choice, as I'm just putting the finishing touches to the model!
  20. "The Lord of Hubris is a smug, sneering showboat, so cocksure and confident that he wears scant armour, ruthlessly taunts his opponents, and sports eye-catching accessories to make sure he’s always the centre of attention." Just like me.
  21. Liking the look of the new chap a lot. And the ability is nicely characterful. Bodes well for any changes to the existing lot.
  22. Yes, that. Feel like I'm the only fool around who assembled that kit as Dexcessa! Done a nice paint job on it, but can't get it to work on the battlefield for love nor money. Like so much of the Hedonites, the capacity to occasionally win in a rumble would be lovely. I wouldn't mind it if Summoning got the shove. I find it a tedious bundle of arithmetic, and I don't like hauling the extra models around. It'd be smashing to see a bit more inclusivity of the Slaves and Beasts coalition thingies. I very much doubt that'll happen. Probably the best to hope for there is they don't change it at all! I love my Slaaneshi Bestigors with their iridescent violet horns....
  23. Anyone else got a massive fondness for ye olde Slaanesh models? Here's a few that grace my collection...
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