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Boingrot Bouncer

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Everything posted by Boingrot Bouncer

  1. To be honest considering all the talk about crawly creepy spiderlike things in Galet and today's rumor engine I will be extremely disappointed if one of the tomes is not my Gitz. But of course since this is GW I might just assume disappointment 😉
  2. Maybe just clutching at straws here, but since there will be no new preorder this week there might be news about warcry on Saturday/Sunday instead? Or just more disappointment...
  3. Well, I was weak and booked the warcry set from my favorite shop, withe the price and that I would be able to sell one warband to a friend made it to a to tempting opportunity. I hope the coming boxes will be full of nice terrain and warbands now...
  4. When it comes to Stormcasts GW have few options as long as they are included in the startbox for a new edition: *No new model = everyone accuse them of moneygrab. *New units = even more units that are pretty much the same. *New units and retire old units = people complain that they can't use their old units. Their only option is pretty much to never produce a new SCE-unit (not gonna happen) or as someone else suggested have different SCE models have the same rules.
  5. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/07/26/the-rotmire-creed-have-special-abilities-that-inject-fun-and-fungus-into-warcry/ Sounds like a cool warband to play, might get me back to the hype train even if I will sell the rotmire creed to a friend.
  6. Jepp, my son play with Stormcast and unless he take a lot of birds and gryphounds he is easily outnumbered so this will hopefully be a boat for elite low number warbands which currently have a hard time.
  7. Which was basically one if you don't play campaign...
  8. Yeah, 140 is over the limit where you go from instabuy into "maybe I'll wait for a while and see". For me, the warbands are ok but not superintersting and the terrain is a 7 out of 10 (=I like it but don't have to have it). A friend of mine really like the nurgle warband so might be able to sell that to him and keep the rest. Then I might get the pricetag down by 20-25 euro which could be ok.
  9. I hope the compendium looks like the GHB, where it is easy to have a page up unlike all the tome of Champions which is really bad if you want the battlecards out for a battle. Guess I'll have to photocopy the useful pages otherwise... Will be interesting to see the price of the box, still on the fence about it but might buy it if the price is right.
  10. Sadly I know you are right, and of all the chaos gods tzeentch will probably have the most different look at compared to already existing warbands.
  11. To be honest I think that warcry is getting bloated with chaos warbands. Due to the roots of warcry (chaos warbands fighting each other) I understand that one warband of the new boxes would have one chaos warband, but I liked that there was another faction warband in catacombs. I liked the look of the barbarian warband in red harvest, but it was the third "almost no armor and using primitive weapons" warband in warcry. And the spider warband...is there any faction that has any connection to spiders....humm, let see...how about those grots that could make really awesome spidergrot-models? Wasted possibility to do something new. So I hope this was the last chaos warband for a long time since the other alliances have so big potential. Just look how cool the khainite shadowstalkers look. It also give it a higher chance to be used in AoS since it is easy to make good rules for one warband (see again shadowstalkers in DoK) but when you have 8-10 warband that is all going into Slaves to Darkness it will be impossible to give all of them a good role. Rant over, love warcry!
  12. A possible time for the Chorfs would be the 4.0 release, we have had chaos, death and now destruction as the other side to Stormcasts, so if it is not order Vs order it would be a good way to launch 4.0 with a classic chaos army
  13. It could be 8 warbands (+2 from the starterset) dependent if they meant to release one of the dualbox directly and then three more or wait three months and then release three boxes with 3 month gap.
  14. I don't think people complain about LRL being to powerful (except for a few people that probably haven't played that many times against them) but it's all the NPE, for example the foxes that non-shooting armies can not do much against or our famous sentinels. Sentinels make it pretty much impossible to bring important 5-6 wounds heroes since you can not hide them so unless they have a ward save a unit of sentinels can delete them first round without you being able to anything to counter that. Same damage against my 40 unit of zombie will kill about 5 zombies which isn't a big deal. So if GW removes the most prominent NPE they can actually give some buffs to LRL and most people will be happier even if the army might rise in win percentage.
  15. Good news for all of you who are tired of the Gitz destroying the meta for the previous month's! Not only are gitz mounted on squigs not GV and thereby being able to count as three or contest certain objectives, but they also seem to lack the possibility to fight in two ranks since as I understand it that is tied to being GV. Seems like my squig army will collect some more dust for this Generals handbook year.
  16. As for the new paints, good with new options but some look like not that much of contrast at all (like some of the yellows for example) when painted on the minis and some are very similar to colours that already exists. However, the blue blue and briar queen look really good, and pylar glacier will also have it's uses.
  17. If it was just the front of the tome it would be a somewhat easy photoshop job to take the old front pic and put it on a 3.0 tome. Although considering all the current leaks it would not be surprising if it was leaked.
  18. Ogors might need a model update, but except for maybe a new spider rider kit Gitz is only in a desperate need of a new tome (as seen for example in Vince Venturellas last show). So as long as that tome gets some love I feel very happy as a Gitz-player.
  19. Since there is another chaos and order battle tome in the autumn the question is which they are. Chaos I guess Beast of Chaos or Khorne?
  20. I had to check what I had ordered, and instead of 28 mm i ordered 36 mm scale, so about 30 % bigger. 32 mm scale would probably work a bit better, but most of the size difference is the wings which are huge on the model. I put up a comparison of it side by side with a normal zombie dragon a bit down in this thread: https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/28583-soulblight-gravelords-hobby-and-lore/?&page=5
  21. If they planned to replace it they probably stopped producing the SC kit a long time ago, so when they realised the transportation problem it might have been to late. However, I agree that it might be a bad excuse for some the reality is that GW want to sell kits and make money so I don't think they mess with their customers possibility to buy new stuff just out of spite.
  22. Although I also sometimes like to joke about GW:s evilness there might be a problem withe the global logistics that have made it so that they can't release the single magmadroth at the same time as the SC was taken away.
  23. I used this model as a proxy for vampire lord on zombie dragon, although I think I ordered it to be 150 % of the original size (but then the wings were huge!): https://www.etsy.com/il-en/listing/1066146552/cursed-dragon-undead-zombie-lord-of-the?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=nla_listing_details
  24. Since the one that decide who to take first turn will have a quite big advantage there will be a race to the bottom into always getting a one drop list (which will limit the list building) unless there is some way to counteract it. For AOS it is the double turn and if you take it away alpha shooting one drop list will be so dominating that a lot of games will be determined by the roll off to see who gets to drop first. So the double turn can decide some games, but to remove it will only cause new problems. And since shooting list are already dominating the meta now I prefer if we don't give them more advantages.
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