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Everything posted by Asbestress

  1. Absolutely incredible model. Really hope it's like the Sisters of Battle special minis and it's not limited. I'm not a fan of FOMO, but this mini would have me seriously considering an unplanned purchase (and the fact that this is just imho a much better pose for the Champion in general). I've toyed around with the idea of getting into LoV for a while now (even getting some Necromunda Squats before release to test some schemes), but painting white got me off that idea pretty quick. I've got a trip lined up for this weekend to a place which just so happens to have a Warhammer store (I know lfgs would be cheaper), so I might finally bite the bullet and get a character to see if I really would want to do a full force in a more manageable scheme. Or maybe just a Kill Team.
  2. It's usually Warhammer Day towards the end of October, sometimes a bigger preview in November (last year we had Arks of Omen + a bunch of other stuff in November after a themed preview for Warhammer Day), and then a Black Library preview in December. My personal guesses would be: Warhammer Day: Anniversary Edition Harry The Hammer Old World Nostalgia themed new stuff for 40k and AoS (Grombrindal?) Dawnbringers Book 3? November Event Preview FeC reveal, maybe tease earlier Dawnbringers Book 3/4 Bunch of 40k Misc. Old World, Necromunda etc. December Black Library Siege of Terra finale Callis and Toll minis 40k/HH BL mini
  3. Making it single choice might have been a bit of a bad idea in hindsight. Can't edit it sadly, only way to make a multiple choice one would be making a new topic.
  4. I'm definitely stealing that Sergeant helmet idea. Great little conversions all around!
  5. Since most of us who ordered the Cities army box should have hopefully received it by now, I thought it would be interesting to know which City is (at least from TGA’s sample size) the most liked in terms of lore and hobby, disregarding current, past or future hopes for rules. What colour scheme catches your eye the most? Which City has the most modelling potential? What are your favourite snippets of lore from them (Greywater Rattletraps, Tempest’s Eye transportation, Living City in general)? Which factions would be fun allies to bring in variety to your collection while remaining cohesive in theming? (Also, this has absolutely nothing to do with me being indecisive in deciding what City I should go with.)
  6. Ok, I need these as mercenaries for my Cities. Also, FINALLY female duardin.
  7. Oh, I already have my copy on the way But yeah, some places probably still have it in stock (both in terms of GW webstore regions and LFGS-s) that may justify the update.
  8. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-EU/cities-of-sigmar-army-set-2023-eng 360 views of the models for the Cities box are (partially) up (rest of the files will probably be uploaded to their servers later 😛). A while after it sold out, but I'm glad we still have them.
  9. Just got notified by my LFGS that they are handing over my order for delivery tomorrow. Hopefully it arrives early next week so I can get started on these miserable swamp-lads too.
  10. Just thought about something for the (presumably) Valkia/Khorne themed upcoming Dawnbringers book. Since Greywater seems have had almost as much attention in terms of studio armies as the posterfaction of Hammerhal Aqsha, I really hope it means we get some good narrative content for the city alongside the (most likely) Khorne focused 3rd/4th book.
  11. Iirc Skaven are already pretty much confirmed to be the big bad faction. I still really really hope Chorfs will be released like Lumineth wave 2 or Soulblight though.
  12. Feels like we are halfway to someone making a full AoS Kislev City. The deer would go really well with an ice sled. And red and blue is a surprisingly nice colour combo.
  13. Oh no, now I want to add an Ironjawz contingent to my small Warclans army to go with/against my Cities. But should they be yellow? Greywater is yellow, my Kruleboyz are yellow, my Gitz are black with yellow, maybe I should finally consider another main colour...
  14. Here we go again: 40k Full Space Marine range, maybe Admech and Necron single minis AoS Big Ironjawz reveals, Troggoth, maybe FeC tease? Underworlds Cities vs Orruks (100% baseless guesswork, please GW let my constant tip of a CoS Warband happen at one of these previews) Warcry Those 2 ogor REs, guessing plastic Maneaters (if they don't come with Dawnbringers) Horus Heresy Big box with Mark III, Dreadnought, new generic Characters The Old World Plastic Bretonnian Pegasus and plastic TK equivalent character, maybe the rumoured SC/Vanguard style boxes Blood Bowl High Elves or Chaos Dwarfs (please) / Surprise Amazons/Norsca style team (Kislev? Tomb Kings? Cathay?)
  15. T'au Codex is coming next Spring after a (reportedly) large Dark Angels release. If (I'm 100% sure we will be getting at least a 2-3 kit Kroot release) we are getting both DA and Kroot, I could see DA coming early Spring and Kroot at the end just before CSM.
  16. I've always assumed that a Votann second wave would come with tthe 10th edition codex.
  17. I got it from a local store for (converted from local currency) around 115-120 €. Delivery times have been pretty rough recently (Harbringers came 2 weeks after release for the local distributor from the Britain, end of July releases are still not in the country etc.), so that's why I mentioned the UK.
  18. It reminds me of Thunderhawk Blue/Fenrisian Grey with a bunch of weathering.
  19. Got my box with a crisp 20% discount from a lfgs. Now to wait for it to get through distribution from the UK... hopefully it gets here before October 😛
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