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Everything posted by Asbestress

  1. Puffy sleevey, huge hat-ed, ridiculously mustachioed Freeguild Handgunner sounds good, but I think I would be just fine if they decided not to have giant codpieces 😛 But just in case, I'm keeping my optimism low for this one, they might just reveal some Lumineth and Tzeentch Battletomes and be done with it...
  2. Oh, those are nice! I only hope that the more armoured designs are reserved for more elite units, like Greatswords, and regular soldiery, like Freeguild Guard and Handgunners look more like the Greywater art. Also, does anyone have any hopes for Nova? Perhaps a new skull render?
  3. At last, could we finally be seeing a new snippet of the Cities update? A few new renders, or even a single mini would be mighty exciting!
  4. I mean, we haven't seen anything to the contrary either. They even gave a lukewarm answer during the original reveal that there may be other races.
  5. Still nothing new regarding the army update, but by taking Hexbane's Hunters as a Crimson Court (which was a Soulblight warband released before the Battletome, and shared a lot of visual similarities with the new range), then I think this kit, alongside the Ven Densts, is probably our best guess what the new range will hopefully look like (or at least the Order of Azyr part of it 😛). I think this fits the bill of being new and AoS-y, while still carrying that WHFB Empire vibe just a tiny bit. Now to see if we get more steampunk-y... Hopefully we'll get some sort of update on the range refresh during the summer. Edit: more clarification
  6. I just assumed that we'll get The Old World next year, 40k 10th Edition in 2024, and AoS 4th Edition in 2025, because new AoS editions have always come after 40k editions, and I don't think they'd release TOW alongside 40k 10th Ed. in the same year. (This is also assuming that we'll finally begin to get some more previews for TOW, and that the estimated 3-4 year timescale for release from the initial reveal (2019) is still relevant for it)
  7. 4th Edition is still at least 3 years away. I think it's a bit early to start speculating about it, considering that we'll probably be getting the first wave of Dawnbringers early-mid next year (revealed in the same way as World Eaters, who are pretty much confirmed to be coming around end of 2022 early 2023)
  8. Made a bit of a recap of what we know so far. I have taken our holy harbringer Whitefang's word as gospel, just because they have been quite reliable thus far.
  9. A thing to keep in mind imo is that releases are almost always complete years in advance. E.g.: the newly teased World Eaters are probably already fully ready for production/already produced. The Castellan Crowe studio mini was painted around 5 years before release. Snazzgar Stinkmullett (the Malign Portents Gloomspite Shaman) was probably made together with the full range that released around a year after him. This could mean that our best guess at the refresh's aesthetics could be the Ven Densts released last year, as, perhaps, they were done either as a "testing ground" for the redesign's style, or together with it, and released as "harbringers" before the 3rd edition, as they like to tease the "big releases" of upcoming editions in the book series (Malign Portents, Psychic Awakening (Squats!), Broken Realms), and the minis released alongside them (e.g.: Knight of Shrouds, Gloomspite Shaman, Kragnos, that Lord-Ordinator, etc.)
  10. I honestly think they'll really go all out with the "macabre, zealous devotion to Sigmar", and make Empire but really over the top decorated and gribbly and cool and AoS-y with Greatgreatsword Wieldanetors and Ironweld Enginseerians and Freeguild Repentant Greathalberds and Cogforts. And what if they bring back that Excelsior Warpriest? Will we get new Devoted? A Cogfort the size of a Baneblade? Combat Steam-Mechs? Actual modular, good city terrain? By Sigmarrrrrr! The possiblities are endless, and even most all the things I listed are already in the lore! Which they said will have a good impact on the development of the faction. Oh my, could we actually get a Cogfort? Freeguild Land-Trains (also in the lore)? Did I mention the Cogfort? I'm sorry, I'm literally drowning in my own hype. Sigmar end me if it's JUST Empire but updated.
  11. I mean "focus being very much on humans" doesn't have to mean "there'll be no Duardin or Elves". Best case scenario, what we already have stays/even gets updated. Worst case scenario, the other races will be relegated to unit variety roles (e.g.: weapon/vehicle crews, mixed into mostly human units, etc.), and the already existing units get Legended-ed (can't say Squatted anymore, eh?) Also, for me at least, this CoS revamp announcement is the biggest thing in this entire Warhammer Fest reveal week. My favorite faction getting totally revamped? Sisters of Battle style? CAD renders look amazing already? I'm scared I won't even care about Horus Heresy by Saturday!
  12. Inspect Elemented the banner from the front-page, a bit easier to zoom in on it in browser. Definitely Sylvaneth and Skaven.
  13. Some image analysis with colour coding 😛 Edit: Correction
  14. Based on the fact that the "Horns of Hashut", "Chaos Legionnares" and "Centaurion Marshal" are all in the middle of Warcry bits, I think most of these will be for the Warcry reveals, with Sylvaneth and the Ogroid, Daemon Prince and Chosen/Foot Varanguard on Tuesday.
  15. Ohh! That statue and construction equipment I like!
  16. I really love what they are doing with the objectives and (hopefully) the new terrain. From the looks of it, and the objectives' description, they seem to be based on Dawnbringer Crusade settlements, so basically work in progress buildings and repurposed ruins by the looks of it!
  17. Possible unit allocation in Starter Sets down the line I thought of while rewatching the stream. Not really sure on Gutrippaz, as we didn't get a clear look at their sprue as far as I know.
  18. I made one a while ago for Reddit. Might try making one with the Kruleboyz later if someone else doesn't do it before me.
  19. Sadly I think they won't be shown. Either they will have their dedicated live show, be featured in one focusing on the new faction and SC, or revealed in an article.
  20. It'll probably be like what they did for 40k, so it should probably drop the same day as Dominion/the Core Book.
  21. On a related note, I'm actually really glad they are doing a reveal with substance. Some of the recent previews have been a bit underwhelming, so I'm really excited that they are revealing the full contents of the box and, judging from "Join us as we unveil the whole box – there may even be a few extra surprises too.", I think it's safe to say that some "Starter set companion" kits (Easy to build, paint set, etc.), as I like to call them, will be revealed, and maybe the Battletomes for the new factions. But hey, I'm just wishlisting here I'm just glad we are seeing the whole box.
  22. I am just now realising how weirdly "lucky" I have been with limited edition things. (At least on the Rest of EU section of the site) I have been able to order or get to the product page of any limited thing I wanted to buy/look at how long it'll last. My strategy is just getting on the site around 10 minutes before pre-orders go up (usually around 11 here), get the URL from the Australian section, changing the "AU" from the URL to "EU", and then start refreshing like a madlass. Works every time XD
  23. OR, they just wanted one short story per day leading up to the preview, and decided to just reuse some art from the Realmgate Wars...
  24. Based on what is in the article, it seems to be digital only.
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