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Everything posted by Asbestress

  1. Tbh. I'm probably overestimating that considering Soulblight Skeletons that used to be around the same price of Freeguild squads for 10 (20ish) is now 50 for 20. Oh, how I would love 20 man boxes of Freeguild...
  2. Although I agree that we will most likely see an update focusing on Freeguild (and Order of Azyr/Devoted) for the summer, I wouldn't be surprised to see at least a few Ironweld/Collegiate minis (e.g.: Vanari: a lot of Freeguild, Alarith: mid-large amounts of Devoted, Scinari: Ironweld/Collegiate bonus stuff, then a Wave 2, probably for the 4.0 BT, with more Ironweld/Collegiate/something new stuff) Also, despite being hyped for this release like no other before, I still dread the day Freeguild Guard/Handgunners will cost 50 Euros for 10 like Lumineth 🥲
  3. But then why have it on a round base? Either this is kept for CoS, permanently or temporarily until W2 like Lumineth, or it's a really weird choice for an update.
  4. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-EU/Empire-Helstorm-Rocket-Battery Might be nothing, but the Helstorm Rocket Battery just got a new main picture and detail-shots on the webstore. Maybe it could be staying for the new BT? Don't see any point in doing taking new shots of it only to remove it from the site just a few months after. (Steam Tank, Freeguild General/Battlemage on Griffon and Demigryph Knights also have really similar pics (with the same basing style), but those are from the initial 2.0 BT release, so probably nothing. Also, now the Helblaster Volley Gun has the same pics as the Rocket Battery 😛)
  5. Ohhhh, that's really cool! Also, now I want to paint some blue Stormcast for my Greywater army.
  6. I think the one on the right is probably not Slaanesh (haven't had a main God vs main God Warcry box for a while), so I'm thinking either something for Soulblight, or Daughters of Khaine (DoK would fit with the "Bloodhunt" title).
  7. I'm being way too hopeful, but they did say "Cathay will also be coming to the tabletop in the upcoming Warhammer: The Old World." And Cathay is the thing I'm most excited for, so I hope we get to see some minis for them in the next 5-10 years 😛
  8. I'm also curious about how many of the different cults will be represented on the miniatures. We've seen some bits with the "twin-tailed wheel" already, so maybe more stuff like that? But seeing them giving CoS even this much new lore, I'm very intrigued to see what other new stuff is coming. New cults, Freeguild lore? With us very likely getting a Cities Ogors unit, maybe the other non-human races may get some new lore tidbits for potential future stuff? I wish we'd start getting some more stuff other than renders... even Sisters weren't kept this long without a full mini.
  9. I'm leaning towards that direction now, but that posits more questions. Where are those gargoyles supposed to go? Imo they are far too big to be for generic infantry (and their connection points too angular to be for banners). I'm personally thinking they may be for: A, new Ogors? B, New War Altar/some kind of cart/vehicle (mainly the big one with the chain and double censers) C, Really over the top Sisters of Battle style reliquary standards for infantry Relic bearer could be new Flagellants/Cultists Champion, double censer maybe a kind of "roof arch" for a War Altar (flat to have a statue on top?)
  10. And the Cult of the Wheel is probably just one of several new Sigmarite Cults developed for the book. Also, don't think it matters much, but Steam Tanks were mentioned in today's article in a footnote. It has the new Cult of the Wheel symbol, so probably something for new Flagellants-style minis or a Warrior Priest.
  11. But then what's left for Warhammer Fest? A single Kharadron mini? I think they want to push this out before 40k 10th edition gluts all the release windows until November-December.
  12. New Devoted/Order of Azyr bits. Maybe for a new War Altar? Maybe one that belongs to the Cult of the Wheel, and is not rolling but being carried by Flagellants perhaps?
  13. Those are existing pieces of art from the 2.0 BT and the 3.0 Core Book respectively.
  14. Or, a new War Altar But instead of wheels, It's Cultists of the Wheel carrying it (the cult mentioned in the article, and whose symbol is on some of the bits)
  15. If these are not (mainly) bits of a new War Altar, then I don't know what they could be (where else would you put that big arch and gargoyles?). Also, maybe it makes a Warrior Priest without having to make a separate mould for it (saving money for GW, and meaning more non-Priest new plastic character option perhaps?), and gets a center piece mini for Order of Azyr.
  16. LVO's at the end of January, so probably no shows until then.
  17. It didn't mention the Squigboss for GS, and had a chariot for Gitmob. General BT order still seems to be fine, although there isn't really anything it could have gotten wrong. If we go by Whitefang's hints, it will have been correct in some cases, incorrect in others.
  18. The first "big thing" is definitely for Seraphon. Can't upload a screenshot for some reason, but there's 100% a skink on it. Probably new Slann. Also, would it be wild to think the last one is a new vampire with the big skull on it's back?
  19. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/12/27/rise-to-the-top-of-house-goliath-with-necromundas-mightiest-self-made-man/ Necrotuesday it is. At least this means we got 'Munda out of the way already for the week...
  20. Seems like we're getting a week of reveals. I seriously hope we get something for AoS...
  21. Last year we got the Fyreslayers vs Idoneth box if I recall correctly.
  22. Azrael's pointed out earlier in the Sunday preview. Maybe we get a bigger AoS reveal tomorrow like last year and some more things for Specialist Games? Also, Merry Squigmas everyone!
  23. I mean, at least Chorfs have some more concrete hints at coming than "Malerion is sitting on his lazy boy in Ulgu". More concrete as in being stated to be rapidly approaching Thondia. Imo Chorfs will be the Ossiarchs of 3rd edition, with hints at their coming beginning at the, well, beginning of the edition (can't really remember anything for Ossiarchs, but Hobgrots + their descriptions for Chorfs), and hints continuing through the edition (e.g.: Horns of Hashut, with their masters marching towards the Gnarlwood/Thondia). And they already have a leader unit named in the Orruk Warclans BT in the form of a Hellsmith. Might be just them setting up for future potential expansion, but I'm willing to bet Chorfs will be the big thing after we get all remaining 2.0 BTs updated by next Fall (apart from River/Zenith Temple for Lumineth...). Also, that Squigboss is amazing!
  24. Something for Cities would be nice, although something for Gitz or Warcry seems more likely.
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