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Everything posted by Asbestress

  1. I swear if we get another Witch Hunter before the range refresh is out 😛 (probably with a multi-part Witch Hunter)... But (speculating based on the card art) a more armoured "Freeguild Expeditioner Veterans" Warband would be really cool!
  2. There's a chance The overall style looks close(ish) to the renders we've had so far.
  3. Also, Cities articles (if I remember correctly), haven't been highlighted in any Sunday Previews thus far as "coming next week", they just sorta pop out every two months.
  4. I'd have to agree, although I don't think we'll see the whole refresh released this year (like Sisters getting an Army box in October-November and getting their main release in January/the new S2D and Imperial Guard). It'll be interesting to see if TOW does materialise this year, as I think it's a bit interesting that they have switched from "an article when we feel like it" to seemingly monthly ones. Also, if they keep the roughly bimonthly interval for Cities articles (the last 3 since the initial reveal have all been separated by between 52-57 days), then I think we should be getting both a TOW and Cities refresh one the coming week.
  5. We've already seen both reboxed Soulblight and Ossiarchs, so the speed is probably just so that they can get: -40k 10th Edition out in the Summer -(Supposedly, although I'd consider Valrak a pretty reliable source) The Old World by the end of the year -And probably the Cities refresh in Fall-December
  6. I know, they just haven't been put back up on WHC or put into the CoS roster on Warscroll Builder, probably because they just don't want to bother updating it until the range refresh is out.
  7. At this point I've just abandoned all hope of seeing the Hexbane's Hunters Warscrolls again on WHC until the BT comes out... Also, bit weird that Gryselle isn't a Gladiatrix with her followers as a separate Warscroll, although it's cool to see a Warband that's not for a faction's main subfaction (Har Kuron/Anvilgard).
  8. Good lore reason for that could be that the Lizardmen didn't have access to the more advanced tech because their Temple Ships were dormant, and now that the Seraphon have fully activated ones more tech has become available in hidden storages/workstations/really advanced spawning pools.
  9. I still live in the hope that the second one is a Dawnbringer, although the BSF Beastmen have similar bandaged arms.
  10. A new reveal event, a new chance to not see Dawnbringers 😛 Jokes aside, I think we are most likely getting some event minis, or if we are lucky some Spring BT reveals.
  11. Not much in terms of an update, but I wanted to get some lore flowing. LORE The forming of the 32nd Greywater Expeditionary Force was, at least officially, an unremarkable event; another Dawnbringer Crusade sent forth to expand the city's outermost defensive perimeter further into the Ghoul Mere in hopes of the city limits eventually growing to meet the Festermere Realmgate. Digging into the Order of Azyr's records, however, shines a different, and altogether more concerning light on it's founding. Shortly after Kragnos' awakening and rampage at Excelsis, a series of disappearances rocked the upper echelons of the city. From agrichamber managers and local civic leaders to eventually even a member of the Grand Conclave. At the height of the crisis, a member of Gorring Ivarsson's advisory, the High Arbiter Ivon Honburg, herself a controversial reformer, petitioned Azyrheim for aid. Receiving word of the unfolding events, Andrass von Grenspire, a Provost-General of the Order in Azyrheim and famed Witch Hunter, together with his entourage, arrived to investigate. He was joined by Josukai ven Besh, a celebrated warrior and Captain of a company of Greywater Sappers, and several local agents. Ven Besh told the Provost-General of the rumours circulating around the Freeguilds less loyal to the Council of the Forge, which claimed that the Ironweld masters of the city themselves were behind these disappearances, and that some sinister force related to these events could be lurking in the vast sewer and canal network of the city. Taking his agents and a select group of the most experienced of the Sappers, Grenspire, together with Josukai, ventured into the Southern Merecanal, an infamously derelict and abandoned branch of the city's sewers. Shortly after their investigation began, they knew something was wrong. The air smelled of wet fur and psychedelics. What they found farther in the tunnels, none would say. The only account given of the events was made by Grenspire himself, describing a vicious underground battlefield of grots and ratmen, along with the remains of Isabel Hernshire and her bodyguards, seemingly solving the mystery of the missing Councilor. How she ended up there, or what events led to it, none could say. The formation of the 32nd Greywater Expeditionary Force was thus decreed by the Lord Audacious (of course, with some "persuasion" from the Provost-General), with their first stop being the canton of Grimshallow... STATE OF THE ARMY Not much has changed since the last update, except for the assembly of some of the backlog. I'm aiming to get these painted up by the end of March at the latest.
  12. Perhaps we may see some Soulbound (untethered from binding) as big name characters? Or some other blessing from their gods? Or just really expensive Ghyranite life elixir?
  13. Although my heart still yearns for the days where a pre-Summer Cities release was thought to be feasible, this seems pretty much to be on point imo.
  14. Didn't some webstore already update some of their pictures for Ossiarchs and Soulblight to the 3rd edition box ones? That would pretty much confirm it.
  15. Or maybe another we are getting some Cities at Warhammer Fest 😛 But really, what other AoS stuff do they have for that? Seraphon are being revealed, and (afaik) all that's left for Spring are single-mini BTs.
  16. Also known as "Asbestress' mediocre Cities army project thread made solely to motivate her to actually finish something" LORE Greywater Fastness. The industrial heart of Sigmar's Empire. A smoke-wreathed city stretching from horizon to horizon. Amidst the Era of the Beast, it's expansion continues apace, while the tenuous peace made with the sylvaneth of Dreadwood strains ever closer to it's breaking point. On the One Road, a new Dawbringer Crusade sets out, eager to found a new canton which, eventually, will be subsumed by the city itself. I have some more stuff in terms of lore, but that will have to come with time. Parts of the army Not content on settling for one army to collect, this army will be made up of three different "sub-forces" 32nd Greywater Expeditionary Force Making up the bulk of the army (and the minis currently done), the Expeditionary Force consists of the Freeguild, Ironweld, Dispossessed and other forces of the Fastness. From Handgunners to Steam Tanks, almost all can be found here. (Mainly Greywater coloured minis) Canton Devoted Coming from the canton of Grimmshallow, the Canton Devoted are the religious arm of the Crusade. Ranging from Sigmarite Warrior Priests and their Flagellant throngs to the ill-trusted priests of Alarielle, the priests of many gods of Order can be found amongst them. (Darker purples and golds/Greywater colours) Azyrite Inspectorate Growing weary of the unstable situation in the Ghoul Mere, the 32nd Expeditionary Force is being accompanied by a cadre of Celestial Battlemages from Azyrheim, sent by the Lords of the Heavenfall themselves. Their duty is the ensure the peace is kept between the sylvaneth and the Crusade. Each Wing of the Expeditionary Force is accompanied by at least one Mage and their Celestial Hurricanum, who are themselves followed by contingents of Azyrheim Greatswords and, where deemed worthy, even Stormcast Eternals. Fearing the Great Plan has become imperiled by the same dire situation in the area, the Inspectorate has been joined by several skinks of an unknown Starhost. Their current leader, a Skink Priest known only by the title of "Restorer of Harmony", has been rumoured to have been behind the death of several industrial magnates and even members of the Council of the Forge. (Mainly "Azyrite colours", rich cyans and purples, with golden accents for Cities units, and "galaxy" style patterns on purple with cyan accents for Seraphon) STATE OF THE ARMY Right now I only have a few units and characters painted (see below), but I'm hoping to finish off my backlog (another Steam Tank, a Runelord, a Helstorm/Helblaster and a Xintil War-magi box), and complete my dream of a 3 Steam Tank squadron, and probably add some new Seraphon and a SC Greywater Fastness before the range refresh arrives (probably around mid-late Fall), so that I can actually begin getting some infantry and start building an actually sensible list. As always, C&C is appreciated! P.S.: Apologies for the bad photography, I aim to improve as this thread continues 😛 Currently complete minis
  17. I mean, putting Boba Fett's Starship on the box of a toy doesn't really change the name of the ship in-universe (like putting Republic Fighter Tank instead of TX-130 Saber). Also, new Troggoths is intriguing. New Character/unit for Kruleboyz? New faction? New sub-faction for Orruk Wartribes?
  18. Real quick and dirty mock-up of my idea for it (based on it being similar-ish in base size to the Mortek Crawler). Base decorations like crates of gunpowder and cannonballs, sandbags (they were used during sieges to protect advancing sappers) and other stuff like the 40k Heavy Ordnance Battery. Maybe it could even have a (not enslaved and happily living in the city) ogor as a loader/pusher? Edit: Also, the bombard from our gracious Whitefang's post is called Mons Meg, and is from the UK (Scotland, to be more precise.)
  19. My army is already mostly just Steam Tanks and Luminarks with some required Battleline Dispossessed and Handgunners, so I think they will fit just right in at any size. And yeah, I really hope we start seeing at least some full mini renders during the Spring/Summer. The wait for Fall(?) is already killing me!
  20. Generally Warhammer Fest reveals have actually been really good with a lot of new stuff (like whole new armies, new editions for games, big range refreshes) Based on the last 2 Warhammer Fests, I would be expecting something with a bit more "wow" factor, unless they stop having several days of reveals and just condense it into one show, which, considering we are supposedly getting 40k 10th edition and (bit unlikely imo) Horus Heresy Epic, seems unlikely, unless we get our first look at The Old World and they count that as AoS content. It would actually be quite fitting to get some CoS stuff at Warhammer Fest, considering the refresh got announced at 2022's Fest...
  21. Soulblight, Ossiarchs and Blades of Khorne are basically confirmed as 3 of the Spring BTs (due to repacked units with 3.0 box arts appearing on webstores), thus leaving only Kharadron, Slaanesh, and Cities with 2.0 BTs. As we'll be getting 2 Chaos Tomes Slaanesh is most probably also coming in Spring. With the Kharadron BT and Start Collecting box no longer being produced (no longer on the EU GW site), that leaves us with Cities coming either late Summer or early-mid Fall, maybe like 40k Sisters launching with an Army Set in October-Novemberish and getting fully released in January. At least I will be able to finish my Xintil War-Magi and second Steam Tank while waiting... And hey, maybe we'll get a full model at Warhammer Fest 🥲 (wait, what are we actually getting there? Most Spring releases would have been released already, and unless we stop hearing from the Seraphon until then, there won't really be any AoS stuff left apart from Cities/surprise new thing.)
  22. Seems like we'll be waiting a while longer for Cities... Seraphon are cool though! Also, nice to have announcers who actually attempt to care about AoS...
  23. I do agree that the art looks nice, but imho the artwork muddles shelves a lot more than even the current box designs. It might be fatigue of seeing the same style of box for the past 5-6 years, but the current box designs with scenery and minis on the front, and detail shots on the back feels so refreshing to me. And I just love to see what kind of scenery/colour they decide to go with for armies like dark swamps for Wartribes, a warzone of a city with azure lightning for Stormcast, and so on. I really hope CoS will have some banger looking box designs (a city like SC? Or perhaps a frontier town, a wilderness with just some buildings being set up on it? And what main colour will they go with?)
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