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Everything posted by Asbestress

  1. Whitefang also liked my post about us most likely just getting an Underworlds Warband and/or a single AoS mini
  2. Me, desperate for any Cities news: Would be a good day for FEC players though 😛
  3. Since Whitefang said that there isn't much left for Seraphon, I think (apart from the guaranteed Kroxigors), we have something involving Skinks left (skink hand holding some magical cup RE), and maybe another Saurus themed reveal (cavalry? Saurus Guard options for the Warrior kit?)
  4. I mean, with Whitefang hinting towards CoS I can't imagine us not getting ANY Cities reveals. Leaning towards Underworlds Warband or first full proper AoS mini reveal.
  5. Not to forget Dispossessed (although in all likelyhood them staying in Cities won't last another edition or two until they get souped with gholemkind or something) If they dare take away my Dwarfcopters I'm going to Nottingham with pitchforks in tow (I do accept good coalition rules though)😛
  6. With them revealing so many lizards I would find it very strange if they didn't manage to squeeze them in between now, the possible Cities Box, and 40k 10th. I also find it 100% possible that they'll do a big WOW (or 'Wow, anyway here are the new 40k minis' if we are having Adam Troke as a presenter) for Cities, and then do a bit like "also, remember that first Seraphon reveal? Yeah that's the army box" and then show like the final unit. Also, in terms of release order (hoping that Cities don't get pushed into Q3-Q4), I could see them releasing stuff in this order: AoO: Farsight (soon) --- Seraphon (Mayish) --- AoO: Lion (April-May) --- Cities Army Set (May-June) --- 40k 10th (June-July) --- more 40k/Specialist Games (July-August) --- Cities full release (August-September) --- more 40k (September-October) --- FEC (October-November) --- Broken Realms 2.0 Book 1 (December-January)
  7. (5:10) "I have heard that there's gonna be a brand new Cities of Sigmar box set. - Cities of Sigmar about to get a lot of love in the AoS setting." -Valrak (paraphrased without commentary) I know he already said it during a livestream, but now that he's repeating it I am more inclined to believe he might be on to something, although I'm still just expecting Seraphon and maybe a Cities Underworlds Warband.
  8. I know 😛 I just thought that since I don't think that there was any mention of Cities for Warcry there was just some confusion between the two.
  9. I've mainly heard of (and think such a release to be likely) of a Tzeentch vs CoS Underworlds Starter, based mainly on recent-ish illustrations of Freeguild troops for Underworlds (the big Gnarlwood one, and now one from the DoK Warband), and of course the teased Tzeentch mini from Twitter.
  10. I don't see him giving out false info, especially as a little jab in the middle of a random livestream. Not caring about verifying an AoS rumour? Absolutely, although I would still put him above the likes of Faeit in terms of trustworthiness. Will we get Cities next week? We'll have to wait and see...
  11. Collected some REs that I think will be revealed in the next 1-2 weeks (regarding AoS) Tzeentch Underworlds Warband? The fabled Gallet Incarnate? SERAPHON WONDER-HOUR 1. Foot Hero? 2. Skink Character? 3. Kroxigors 4. Foot Hero/Skink Character? 5. Saurus Guard bits in Saurus kit? SERAPHON WONDER-HOUR END PROBABLY NOT CITIES OF SIGMAR BUT I REALLY WANT THEM TO BE 1. Warband infantry/Freeguild Guard? 2. Warband leader duardin priest-wizard/Duardin Battlmage? (not tech-y enough to be Votann) PROBABLY NOT CITIES OF SIGMAR BUT I REALLY WANT THEM TO BE END I've not included the presumably FEC and other Chaos related stuff as I think that's a bit farther out
  12. Probably not Lumineth, it looks too scuffed up for that/Lumineth runes are more flowing and complicated than just one line shapes. Probably not DoK/other Aelves because we just got a warband for them. Dare I say Cities magic crossbow bolts for Freeguild Crossbows/Order of Azyr/CoS Warband? Most likely for new Tzeentch Warband or Warcry Slaanesh I think (although these don't seem to be Chaos runes based on examples we've seen too far, but the "more refined than Chaos Barbarians but less than Lumineth" would fit for DoT and/or Hedonites) GW does have a history of posting REs before events that get revealed at said event (the 2 before the Warhammer World Open got revealed there (Snikrot and Khorne Hero)).
  13. A multi race warband would be just amazing (Dispossessed gunner/hammerer? Privateer quick attacker?), although at this point I'll just be happy with it just not being another Witch Hunter and co.
  14. Although I'm still skeptical about Cities being next week, having seen the sheer confidence with which Valrak just dropped this ("there, just spoiled Adepticon fer ya") gives me some hope 😛 It would also fit with the suspicious lack of Dawnbringer Previews recently (previous ones had 52-54 days between them, now we have passed the 70 day mark since the one in January), although I'll still just be expecting some lizards and maybe a Cities warband.
  15. Although imo Valrak is a pretty reliable source for 40k (and now it seems TOW) stuff, he has shown virtually no interest in AoS, so I would take it with a pinch of salt. Maybe if he had said that this is from his source that told him about the Seraphon box it would be more believable. Or maybe this is confirmation for a CoS vs Tzeentch Underworlds starter that he got mixed up with a proper army set? Edit: Also, this is like, huge if true and now I actually am kinda hyped for Adepticon past the Lion and potential Kroxigors. And wasn't also Valrak who said something about there being both a Seraphon and CoS launch box?
  16. Anyone at GW, after the fact that the system will use square bases has been announced still hearing that people don't think TOW will just use square bases: Jokes aside, I think a simple increase in base size would be enough to give sculptors the freedom to create designs without them being incredibly static/more restrained than they'd like.
  17. Iirc there wasn't anything else, although this does strenghten Valrak as a more reliable non-40k source.
  18. I don't think the more "medieval Europe x slightly Victorian x Empire" aesthetic would be really fitting for TOW, especially considering how plain these Bretonnian bits are compared to the more over the top CoS ones. Also, these new TOW bits seem curiously already spliced up for manufacturing (they even have guiding tabs for assembly)... Maybe this could be this year's end of Fall/December big box like Blackstone Fortress and Necromunda Dark Uprising were a few years back? But then the Cities army set would either have to be mid-late Summer (probably reserved for separate Tyranid and SM releases and FEC) or September-October. I'm interested in seeing how and when these'll get released. (And if Cities were for 4th Edition we wouldn't have gotten the teaser for them almost a year ago. Maybe we could see something more concrete at Warhammer Fest for the one year anniversary 😛)
  19. I would be a bit disappointed if Greywater Fastness didn't stay as a major city in the BT (and for that matter, the other Seeds of Hope), because imho it's one of the most developed cities and iirc is featured in a lot of books, short stories and at least one novel (with only Hammerhal, Excelsis and maybe Settler's Gain having more stuff). And if Dispossessed are staying they would need a city 😛 Although the Dawnbringer part might be a bit tricky, because afaik there hasn't really been any material on that for the Fastness, probably mainly because of pact with the Sylvaneth...
  20. While I have to agree that this seems a bit too plausible and based on preexisting info, coming up with unit names like "Collegiate Arcanist", "Freeguild Steelguard Veterans" or "Freeguild High-Generaltor" requires basically the same amount of effort as just using generic names if we are talking about faking rumours.
  21. Cities list sounds plausible, although the Excelsior Warpriest might not fit into the more "grimdark medieval" style they got going on (might just be the bright studio paintjob though). Also, War Wagon? Like, wagon with guns? Swordsmen? Cannons? And OoA (Order of Azyr?) Warriors mixing flagellants and priests in aesthetic (maybe more armoured fanatics?) would be amazing!Cannons?
  22. Another throwaway account, another list... Seems a bit similar to the last one, but damn would this be good.
  23. Also, with it having been 62 days since the last Dawnbringer Preview, unless we get something at Adepticon somehow, I think we should be due a new one this week (or at least, this month). Anyone have any ideas what new Rumour Engine-esque renders we'll see this time 😛? (Ngl, atleast a new piece of less-spoilery art or a full mini would be great, although that will mostly likely be for either Warhammer Fest, or if we are getting an Army Set in October-December, the NOVA Open in August/September.)
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