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Everything posted by Asbestress

  1. I'm guessing: Gallet book with Incarnate and that leaked "constructed Dawnbringer settlement" terrain (maybe they are saving that for a potential Dawnbringer campaign book in the Fall?) Warcry FEC vs SCE box (+ terrain?) 4th Cities mini (probably something a bit bigger i.e.: Hero, Ogor, cavalry) BONUS: Surprise teaser for new faction coming 2024/next significant story event (Dawnbringer campaign book?)
  2. Is this it? Is this all you can conjure James Workshop?! The White Scar was absolutely brilliant
  3. All these fluff articles mentioning how factions are destroying Dawnbringer Crusades does make a Dawnbringer themed Wrath of the Everchosen style book more possible in my min Oh my Sigmarrrr it's amazing! But also, this is actually imo the best artwork we've gotten of a City of Sigmar (apart from that one Azyrheim and Hammerhal one) Hope to see many more this late-Summer/Fall 😛
  4. Next reveal at Warhammer Fest and then a biweekly article series during Summer seems likely. Heck, even LoV were shown on the then current 40k roadmap as an Autumn release 😛 I know it's way too early to speculate on army box contents, but I might as well do something with my hype. So, based off the Votann/Imperial Guard launch sets, I propose: -Freeguild Leader -Warrior Priest/Collegiate Mage -20 Freeguild Guard (the ones we've seen already) -3-5 Ogors +Bombard (if on the smaller side)/a 5 man cavalry unit?
  5. Imo if this is really a Lumineth style reimagining of the current human range I'd say the basic troops being comparatively bland (though detailed) is a strength rather than a weakness (even the standard Lumineth infantry aren't far removed from bog standard generic "high elf pikeman"), and I think it will be the more elite units that make or break this refresh in terms of fresh aesthetics (like the Cow Golem or Cow Helmets or Flying Cloud Mage or Literally a Suit of Armour for Lumineth). Imagine these relatively bland troops flanking an enormous extravangantly decorated Steam-driven War Altar! Or supporting a realm-stone shell shooting massive bombard! Or surrounding a squad of elite Greatswords whose armour is covered head to toe in finely detailed Azyrite markings (maybe with gargoyle covered shoulderpads?)!
  6. On the contrary, I think we will be seeing quite a few minis from the 10th ed. launch box over the coming weeks. Not expecting more Cities until Warhammerfest, although since they don't really have any other AoS news to drop until September-October when CoS are expected to drop (barring a potential FEC release beforehand), I really hope the range refresh has the weight to be able to be stretched out until then.
  7. WOW I didn't think I'd actually be able to make a not-in-construction Dawnbringer settlement to go with my Cities army. I really like how that looks! They also used the under construction variants of these for the background in the Freeguild reveal video, so maybe this will tie-in to the Dawnbringer Campaign Book/Cities release?
  8. 40th anniversary is in July. I'd wager we'll be getting three days of reveal shows (like the last two Warhammer Fests), one for each of the main games and their respective Specialist Games/a day for both 40k and AoS and one for everything else So, something like this: AoS day: FeC vs Stormcast Warcry, first signs of main game FeC (probably the other Summer BT), Gallet (and hopefully the next CoS mini 😛) Specialist Games/HH day: Necromunda, Horus Heresy, HH Epic teaser?, Blood Bowl 40K day: full 10th box, various other 10th shenanigans And maybe a TOW tease
  9. As long as we see official studio minis for Greywater, no more grudges shall be added to the book.
  10. So Hurricanum stays, but Steam Tanks and Gyros are out? Bit miffed to be honest, although those will probably come back for TOW, as the Steam Tanks had already been made by then. Not sure about the Gyros.
  11. That would leave the current army roster (with assuming that Collegiate also gets cut and that all Delf units remain) at: Or, more concisely: Or even more concisely: Curious to see if these become permanent fixtures in the future (i.e.: with updated Dispossessed Labour Clans and Aelf Underworld minis), or disappear at an instant when Malerion and Gholemkind come out eventually
  12. The loss of Ironweld will hurt my current collection's playability quite a lot, but as long as we get some usable Legends rules I'll be content. I really like the aesthetic of (what I assume is) the new Freeguild Guard + Sergeant. Can't wait to see what some of the bigger minis look like! I'm also relieved that it seems like Greywater is present on the artwork, otherwise I might have had to run my army as Hammerhal 😛
  13. Having waited to watch the show after getting home, my god this is exciting! Cities infantry looks great! I don't have a particular problem with any design choices (I especially like the fancy-but-worn helmets), and seeing those shields painted completely resolves any issues I might have had with them. I also like the cloth padding giving us some space for City colours. The potential axing of the Steam Tank does worry me a bit, but everything else imo was expected. Going to have to get that last Steam Tank and two artillery pieces sooner rather than later. But the presence of Greywater Fastness on the artwork does soothe me a little. The release date is also further out than I had hoped, but I'm just glad we are getting them this year 😛 Hopefully this reveal means the era of CAD models has ended. Next minis at Warhammer Fest? Or maybe they are starting another series of articles that shows 1-3 minis every month or two until October-November? Seraphon are nice to see, might have to get some Kroxigors! Other things are also quite exciting, although having Stormcast for Underworlds instead of Cities is a bit disappointing (although predictable), but I like that we have some alternate poses for Knights-Arcanum at least.
  14. Even if we get a first look here, I think the main reveal (i.e.: more than 1-2 minis), will be saved for Warhammer Fest. Also, didn't the Khorne and Slaanesh heroes share a video for the Open Day reveals iirc? Could be a similar thing for the two Death factions.
  15. 4 AoS Videos??? Maybe all these wild speculations about us getting more for Cities than the Underworlds Warband will turn out to be true?
  16. A Priest of Morrda would be lovely for Cities. Maybe surrounded by a sizeable murder of crows 😛
  17. I'd say it's (with just some stretches 😛) Ash Wastes = Kill Team Underworlds Warband = Underworlds Box Knights = Ossiarchs + Soulblight Norse Team = Horus Heresy Squad + Book Thondia + Incarnate = Gallet + Incarnate Nighthaunt mini = Kroxigors/Seraphon/CoS Chaos Teaser = Lion/Lion book Hours Heresy Trailer = 40k Trailer Horus Heresy mini = Terminator/Tyranid This year we have less small/Specialist Games to cover, so I think it's possible we might see more for the main games.
  18. As Adepticon approaches, what are your peeps' wishlists? Here's mine (both with some "safer" options, and some wilder speculation 😛, roughly adhering to last year's amount of reveals) Nice line-up, but I still hope that semi-confirmation of Cities pays off!
  19. If we actually do get something more than just an Underworlds Warband I'm gonna cry tears of joy! A mainline CoS reveal would also serve as a nice transition to Underworlds and vice-versa in the show, although I would have expected Cities to be the AoS thing for Warhammer Fest (which is still most likely to happen. Start building hype a month before with a single squad/mini, then do the big reveal)
  20. When Whitefang doesn't react to any Cities speculation, degrading their believability: (Even though we are getting reveals 😛) Also weird to see not many people talking about the (really cool) Ghouls
  21. Another Relictor? Not that I'm complaining... (I love the look and think they fit really well as Cities auxiliaries, and this also somehow looks more character-y than the Knight-Relictor 😛)
  22. BY SIGMAR I was not expecting that (basically) confirmation for Cities! Underworlds or main game, now I'm 100% more hyped for this show than I've been for any the past 6 months! Also, if this follows the pattern of us getting REs that get revealed the week they are shown (Warhammer World Open, New Years iirc), then we may actually be getting more than just an Underworlds Warband (first mini reveal, but a Maneater instead of the expected basic infantry/character?)
  23. Only thing they posted was that Seraphon are mostly done alongside this image for Adepticon Whitefang also liked posts relating to the army not having a conquistador look, and my post about us either most likely getting a single "proper" AoS mini or an Underworlds Warband
  24. I'm also looking forward to the BT roadmap update as it could give us an idea about Cities coming pre-10th (if an Order BT shows up), or post (if there isn't a change apart from the Death BTs) And if they don't just reveal a single mini, but an Underworlds Warband (probably together with the teased Tzeentch one for the new Season box), it would be an amazing look at the refresh's aesthetics (even if I do think it will mostly be just a Freeguild Sergeant/Captain leading assorted Freeguild Guard/Handgunners/new mascot animal, and that the ven Densts and Hexbane have already given us a bit of a peek)
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