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Everything posted by Asbestress

  1. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/05/17/skulls-2023-returns-next-week-with-rahul-kohli-as-host/ "Thereโ€™s also some exciting news coming from Frontier Developments, and plenty more besides!" Maybe we're finally getting some info on that AoS RTS that got delayed last year? Or probably just 40K Chaos Gate stuff?
  2. Can someone here dig up that quote to confirm? Also, does anyone have any info on stuff said during the Warhammer Fest AoS Q&A? I could only find stuff from the Old World and 40k one.
  3. Have they just plainly come out and said that it will be just humans? I know that they have been the focus for the refresh, but there have been some mentions of non-humans: And also that pretty unconvincing answer from the initial reveal last year where Eddie said that "there may be some non-humans", although I'd take that with more caution than a direct mention in a preview article.
  4. Campaign's called Dawnbringers, and the first (out of at least 4) book's title is Harbringers ๐Ÿ˜› And yeah, they said they couldn't release this without Cities coming out. Seems like they just aren't important to the first book somehow.
  5. Depending on how GW views the calendar, I'd agree with a July to September release window. Further reveals will probably depend on: A, Seraphon full release B, 40K 10th edition hype-up articles stop (probably mid-late June as that's when Leviathan comes out) C, Contents of Harbringers I think we are most likely to get Leagues of Votann style reveals, i.e.: a unit or two every two weeks until the reveal of the launch box, starting in mid-late June perhaps (again, depending on when the army set releases)? I wouldn't count on Harbringers having anything related to Cities (apart from maybe some new lore/mentions/descriptions of new units), thus I don't think GW need to reveal anything before it comes out (probably just before Leviathan based them saying it's coming in a couple of weeks). My lore theory for Harbringers (made to try and make sense of them not focusing on the bulk of the Crusades, i.e.: Cities for the first book) is that it's a bit of a prequel/quite before the storm type of book: we see the crusade's first battles (spearheaded by Fyreslayer mercenaries?), and it probably ends with the foundations being laid for the two new Strongpoints in Ghyran and Aqshy by an advance, more "elite" force (Fyreslayers, Stormcast, etc.), paving the way for the Cities force to show up in the rest of the books.
  6. After an absence of nearly 3 months, I return with an update (sorry if the banner (graciously stolen from March's WHC article) looks quite bad in dark mode ๐Ÿ˜›) STATE OF THE ARMY Although progress has halted (for now) on the Steam Tank, there has been some painting done, and I've finished a Helblaster Gun and Runelord. Next up, the Greywater Start Collecting. The Helblaster The Crew The Runelord FATE OF THE ARMY "Ending? Not the best way to describe it. An ending usually means, well, that something has ended. That it is no more. Think of this more like, a new beginning." First of all, I'll explain the hiatus. With the sudden reveal of the new Freeguild Guard (and now the Cavaliers), my plans for this Greywater project kinda became upended. I saw that the army's aesthetics were moving away from the early-modern look of the old Empire models, and decided that these did not fit my vision for the project. But that is not to say I didn't immediately fall in love with them. And thus, I decided to start anew. The minis I've painted already will still find a use in the army (after all, who doesn't need a delegation from the Fastness to oversee their artillery? Not to mention their experience with foetid swamps), but I will try to find a new scheme that works for me (i.e.: more vibrant, yet still a bit grimy/down-to-earth), and the Crusade's location will move away from the Fastness, into swamps of a more Chaos corrupted variety (i.e.: basing will be a mix of the current swampy style and more verdant/healthy looking grass (due to the land being slowly cleansed by Aqualiths), mainly inspired by that one picture of a newly founded city we got from Warhammer Fest). Here's an Ironbreaker I've painted up to test out some colours (going to try a different one on each of my 9 unpainted ones probably). The red bit is supposed to be similar to the cloth on the new Freeguild Guard. Also tried to avoid fully doing all the edges in gold to help them fit in with that same kit's more basic gear. Basing will wait until I get some more non-swampy materials. Next update will probably be more test minis (hopefully with complete bases), and some lore/general foundation for the city. And to finish off, let's just say these newly christened Grimshallow frontier troops are really gonna need those Aqualiths... Nurgle cometh...
  7. Maybe inspired (with quite a few artistic liberties) by medieval artwork of snails? Would fit in with the slightly more fantasy-medieval aesthetic they are going with. And just some Ghyranite wildlife probably.
  8. Put together this image of some Freeguild Guard and a Cavalier to get a better sense of the refresh's aesthetic. I think I truly am in love. Can't wait to see some characters and centerpieces (not to mention gunpowder things)! Also, have a list of units I think are likely based on official info and Whitefang hints: And some speculation to fill out the release: Pretty obvious I know, but what else could I speculate? ๐Ÿ˜›
  9. OH MY LORD THIS HAS BEEN THE BEST PREVIEW IN YEARS! Cities cavalry is absolutely amazing! I love all the little details, and that medieval tapestry looking snail monster on one of their bases! Also, I'm excited to see how much more detail they squeeze into the even more elite units, like they said in the preview. Only peeve of mine is the antler helmet, but I have a feeling we'll see quite a few head options in Cities! Dawnbringer series looks awesome, and all the other minis are absolutely amazing! I also have a feeling we'll be seeing more orruks for book 2 to go alongside the Maw-Krusha! Harbringer of Decay I love, might have to get back to my Nurgle pile of shame (which is thankfully just 10 Plaguebearers).
  10. Cities! CITIES! CITIES!!! Now let's hope it's not just that one knight ๐Ÿ˜›
  11. All that changed for me is that now I'm expecting Cities, Orruks, and Season of War (potentially with the Orruks?) ๐Ÿ˜›
  12. I know Valrak has said Cities will get an Army Set, but damn a Kruleboyz vs Cities box to launch the army would be really cool, both thematically (Kruleboyz raid on new settlement), and model wise!
  13. The state of affairs in Hungarian is also pretty bad (although I'm surprised there is a market for ANY Warhammer books here ๐Ÿ˜›). Tuan have published the first 3 Realmgate Wars books, Soul Wars, City of Secrets and now Ghoulslayer (which iirc only happened because the publisher pestered GW to let them translate it so much they allowed it) They have also clarified in social media posts iirc that they are only allowed to publish works if approved by their connector (or if they pester GW enough), and that the only AoS book they've done that wasn't ordered to be translated from the UK was Ghoulslayer, and that they currently don't have any direction in regards of translating AoS, while 40k and HH are full steam ahead (alongside their own projects like the Cyperpunk Red and now-cancelled D&D translation) Kinda sad in all honesty, I would have loved to have a physical copy of Dark Harvest, English or not.
  14. Incredible. My only peeve would be that we can see the walls of Hammerhal from (around) the center of the city. I always imagined that if you started walking from the realmgate you'd still be in the city a few hours later, with it being basically the capital City of Sigmar (barring Azyrheim), with a (logical) population in imo the billions if they have the resources to be sending armies to basically every realm. Just going to headcanon that that's the "inner wall" protecting the inner district before getting to the general population ๐Ÿ˜›
  15. I wouldn't take anything from store staff that seriously, but I mean they have clearly been building up to them through the edition, first with the Hobgrots, then the mention on the Shyish map, and more recently the Horns of Hashut lore literally saying that the Chorfs are heading to Thondia (with the Horns serving as a vanguard), where most of 3.0 has been set so far! If I had to make a guess for a surprise last-minute new Battletome before 4.0, it would be Chorfs. They are imo the one faction that would actually be able to successfully pull double duty in both AoS and TOW (maybe core plastic range with plastic AoS characters and TOW ones in resin?), as they were the most over the top faction for Fantasy imo (while still fitting in), and would be perfect for AoS (with some unique mortal realms flavoured additions)! Chorfs.
  16. Maybe. The paintjob is different (no stripes on the wires). But I'm 99% convinced it's the same bit. Could be an upgrade sprue situation, but for a new(ish) vehicle? Maybe someone on the Kill Team team yoinked this out of their "done" folder for some new Nob bits?
  17. Wait, isn't this just the same bit? All the wiring/piping/rivets look to be in the same spots.
  18. Out of reacts for the day, but thank you! I knew his artstyle was familiar when Broken Realms came out, never realized he also did stuff for Heresy/Specialist Games. And yeah, I thought it took inspiration from oily/soapy water, but didn't know whether it came from a tool in art software or some wacky traditional art technique.
  19. That's still "normal preview show" amount of time and (hopefully) content, but just for AoS. I really hope it's a big one and not 45 minutes of Gallet.
  20. On the topic of art, does anyone here know the artist who did this Cities artwork (and the Imperial Guard and Admech Codex and the Slann art etc.)? I absolutely love this style and would love to see if they have any more artworks not for AoS/40k
  21. I mean, apart from the funky magic effect I don't see how anything in this artwork (or any of the other Seraphon art) was made with AI. Edit: To add to that, a lot of recent-ish (read: 2020-now) art looks quite similar to this Slann one (Admech/Imperial Guard Codex covers come to mind). Seems to be just a new (and very talented) artist they've brought on with a more detailed/realistic but still messy/"older" Warhammer art feeling style. Edit-edit: P.S.: if anyone knows who this artist is, I'd really like to know!
  22. With just a week to go until Warhammer Fest, let's start hearing some wishlists! To start off: 40k Underworlds Warcry Middle Earth AoS Horus Heresy TOW Kill Team AoS bit might be a bit much, but we are getting the 2nd longest reveal after 40k (Q&A included). Also, my hopium for Cities is neverending.
  23. Cities is in Fall according to the roadmap (Cities Army Set imo is probably coming late Summer as Seraphon are shown to be for Summer as well, but their Army Set is coming next week ๐Ÿ˜›), so the rest of the Seraphon stuff should be out before them.
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