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Everything posted by Hellberg

  1. I'm also interested how global point increase affects our list building as we are fairly expensive already. Seeing Gutrippaz at 180 points I think Mortek might go up 5-20 points.
  2. While you are right it is very different from the original concept that was a selling point to me. Which you might find perfectly normal as a veteran player but for a newbie like me it feels like altering a term of a deal I suppose. I will get used to these changes as years go by. Also I don't think the changes are so bad thanks to the rules clarification I found.
  3. Don't forget about OBR. We play two Mortek Crawlers in majority of lists (unless you go Stalliarch Lords with cavalry focus).
  4. It would be less than ideal if they nerf us in this way because I bought this army with the premise that we are very flexible and adaptive force and that would be gone. Hopefully the article tomorrow about OBR will shed some light on this. Somebody posted this:" the rule is you can only get 1 command ability in a phase, as katakros has his go off in the hero phase and mortek is the combat phase you can still do both. Just not endless duty and shield wall at the same time." Which makes sense to me and I would be okay with that.
  5. I think we will get some exception to this rule, because it doesn't make sense at all from the point of how the faction was designed. So you buff everyone with +1 save from Katakros and now you wouldn't be able to use any of your RDP? Doesn't make sense to me at all.
  6. That might work for Soulblight Skeletons but not for Mortek Guard. Being forced to play 260 point Battleline at minimum feels too restrictive to me.
  7. Swampcalla Shaman! He is 6 wound 5+ save
  8. You can use lookout sir for hero monsters under 10 wounds now.
  9. Yes, that's what I meant! More smaller Gnashtoof. Sorry if my english isn't clear I like your dual kit idea!
  10. Added pic. Seems pretty clear to me, but I would love to be wrong as I want more monster things!
  11. I'm pretty sure that's the Killaboss on great Gnashtoof. That thing is huge and you can see the rider leg and bronze shield on the gnashtoof.
  12. I agree with you 100%! I would really prefer that we get our own cool Kruleboyz riders on smaller Gnashfoof instead of Hobgrot on wolves. I understand why we have infantry hobgrots to fill chaff role, but I would prefer more Kruleboyz as they look hella cool and capable.
  13. I'm glad to hear wolfriders are coming. I really hope we will get some non-leader big troll or troll unit.
  14. Thank you. I got some replies in the rumour thread so I wanted to delete my comment here, but it didn't let me. I'm really hyped for the Kruleboyz future!
  15. Thank you all for your responses. I'll join the destruction side.
  16. Is there any chance Kruleboyz will get something like warg riders and non-leader trolls/monsters? I really wanna start playing them, but I'm not sure how many additional units they will receive considering they are under orruk warclans.. any thoughts? They said on the website:"Keep an eye out for more news on both the Stormcast Eternals and Kruleboyz. Both armies are ready to be used on their own straight out of Dominion or mixed into your existing collections, but these models are just the tip of the iceberg. I just don't wanna miss on the box because the value is really good so I feel it's kinda blind shot for me.
  17. Is there any chance Kruleboyz will get something like warg riders and non-leader trolls/monsters? I really wanna start playing them, but I'm not sure how many additional units they will receive considering they are under orruk warclans.. any thoughts?
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