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Everything posted by Draznak

  1. I also think it's Thomas Elliott. What a disappointment that he's gone, along with Phill Moss and especially Paul Dainton (terrible loss for GW).
  2. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/11/26/sunday-preview-noble-knights-with-pennants-flying/ Hail to the Summer King's court !
  3. Didn't @Whitefang suggest LRL as the next Order warband ? But I'm on it with Ossiarchs for Death !
  4. I consider myself mainly a hobbyist, then a light collector and finally an even lighter casual player. What I love most about GW hobby are minis and lore that goes with them. Play games is very secondary to me, but after more than 20 years in this hobby, most of which was spent painting, I still want to play more regularly, as a casual player. It's totally personal, but I hate the competitive aspect and meta which is taking over from everything else (at least on the internet, mainly because of the influence of youtubers and GW's hypocrisy who are quite happy to sell minis for meta even though their games aren't made for it, and they know it very well). So for gaming, I'm on Warcry and Underworlds because they obviously require fewer miniatures and I think they're excellent (I only play Underworlds in Rival format). I'd like to play AoS and 40k but, as I'm about to become a father in a few days' time, I know that's going to be an unattainable fantasy for years to come 😅. I'd also like to delve deeper into the lore but BL has stopped translating the AOS novels into French (probably because sales were poor). Which makes me terribly frustrated. I almost blame players for not making the effort to get interested in this universe, which has enormous potential. 40k is already crushing everything, and the nostalgia of Fantasy Battle is suffocating... Let AoS take flight !
  5. Aelfs dedicated to the Aelfic Goddess of Death against Nighthaunts or OBRs would make perfect sense thematically. My money's on it !
  6. I'm less familiar with the game, especially as a painter, but will these specific regiments still be playable in 4th ? I get the impression that they're just for transition periods between each edition with campaign supplements.
  7. If I'm not mistaken, here's the list of multi-army kits currently valid in AoS (it's one of my little pleasures to keep AoS and 40k ranges up to date) : WHB kits : Arkhan/Mannfred/Neferata (OSB/SBGL) Nagash (OBR/SBGL/Nighthaunts) Black Knights/Hexwraiths (SBGL/Nighthaunts) Varfheists/Horror Crypts (SBGL/FEC) Terrorgheist/Zombie Dragon (SBGL/FEC) Doomfire Warlocks/Dark Riders (DOK/COS) Chaos Spawn (BOC/STD/Tzeentch) Mancrusher Gargant (BOC/Gloomspite Gitz/Sons of Behemat) AoS kits : Kragnos (every Destro army) Gaunt Summoner (STD/Tzeentch) Gaunt Summoner on disc (STD/Tzeentch) Tzaangor Shaman (Tzeentch/BOC) Tzaangors (Tzeentch/BOC) Tzaangors Enlightened (Tzeentch/BOC) Slaangors Fiendbloods (Slaanesh/BOC)
  8. I don't know if any of you have read White Dwarf 493 but there is a short story in it, featuring FEC. Here's a quick summary (I haven't read it personally yet) : 👀🦴
  9. According to Valrak, in addition to Imotekh, there will be Orikan the Diviner (possibly the oldest unsolved rumour engine) and a generic HQ.
  10. As a reminder, here is GW's seasonal calendar: Winter (December/January/February) Spring (March/April/May) Summer (June/July/August) Autumn (September/October/November)
  11. WarCo seems to be down but it's Necromunda for pre-orders announcement apparently.
  12. OBR or Nighthaunt (if GW continues to give a Warcry warband to each AoS army).
  13. A few weeks ago, someone said that next two Underworld warbands would be kruelboyz and then vampires. I can't find the message and I don't know how reliable this person is, but it seems plausible to me (next warband officially is Destro and Death is the only Grand alliance that doesn't have a Deathgorge warband). edit : Finally found : https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/22826-the-rumour-thread/?do=findComment&comment=631030
  14. Another engine rumour that was quickly resolved was that of the control screen (a nod to Warhammer World buildings) of the Genestealer cult Nexos. It was resolved less than a week after it was revealed (2018). Or the vanari auralian warden crest in just 3 or 4 days (2020). Most rumour engines take a long time to solve, but that's not an absolute rule (I'm not even sure GW has set any rules for that ^^).
  15. 40k is a little different because Space Marines are literally GW's gold mine. So they have absolutely every right to any army in any GW universe. Up until 6th edition, from memory, each new edition could offer units that already existed in the boxes. Since the launch of primaris, there has been a reset of the SM range and each new box brings a new part of primaris set: 7th (Dark Imperium): the basic section: generic intercessors (and inceptors) 8th (Indomitus): the gothic section: veteran vanguards and characters loaded with skulls, trinkets, etc (and new outriders). 9th (Leviathan): the nostalgic section: here GW recycles a tried and tested concept: the return of glorious terminators.
  16. Since the AoS's start, all edition launch boxes have offered new units/entries for SE. I doubt it will be any different for 4th (GW don't care about having a bloated BT, they're minis sellers before anything else).. I imagine that for GW, if someone has bought a starter box from previous editions, it would be a hindrance to offer the same unit redone rather than a new one. There's also the "woah" effect with pure novelty. For Skavens, it will be a bit different I think, as their range is in such need of a refresh. Probably a mix of updates and new concepts.
  17. Any hints about a possible new character ? (Apologies in advance if this is already known, I'm not fully familiar with Sylvaneth lore)
  18. As much as I dislike his clickbait side and his often over-the-top reactions (OMG what an extraordinary and original space marines release !!), not to mention his disdain for AoS, he relays rumours when he's close enough to the release to be sure. Or he does his tinfoil hat videos when he wants to go off on wild theories.
  19. It seems impossible to me that there will be no Stormcast Eternals in a new version launch. And our Great Oracle has already implied, I think, that it would be Stormcast vs. Skavens.
  20. This is from Bolter & Chainsword forum. Unfortunately, unless Valrak registers here, which is highly unlikely, it's going to be difficult to get more info from him (B&C moderators are very picky when it comes to anything other than 40k).
  21. If I remember correctly, @Whitefang implied that we would have Callis & Toll (as well as Ushoran). So COS have to be added to the list of 12.
  22. I voted for Warcry but I could have chosen Underworlds too. Basically, I'm more of a painter than a gamer, and a slow one at that, so these skirmish games allow me to take full advantage of all different aspects of the hobby. And they really are excellent games : fast, fun for Warcry and with depth for Underworlds (if you like card game synergies). However, I don't despair of finally switching over to AoS, with the long-awaited COS, but the imminent arrival of a baby could drastically reduce my time devoted to the hobby: travelling in the Mortal Realms is no picnic ! 😅
  23. I may be wrong, but I think they'll only have these spears to differentiate them as much as possible from brutes. Otherwise, superb revealss from this Nova Open: I really like Inronjawz (this ardboyz... glorious !), Warcry gorgers and Blood Bowl vampire team. Deathgorge is really nice (boards are much cooler than the Gnarlwood/Wyrdhollow ones, in my opinion) even if I don't really like the armies chosen, and the MkIII armour for HH. Fulgrim is also impressive. Great character for TOW. Space marines news, on the other hand, are an absolute bore. Next.
  24. Apparently Chapter Master Valrak talks about a possible Warhammer Quest set in a space hulk in his latest video... I haven't watched it so I don't know if it comes from his trusted source but who knows with GW...
  25. The article I was most looking forward to this week ! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/08/25/cities-of-sigmar-round-table-part-four-painting-the-miniatures/ I'd hope for units other than steelhelms painted with alternative schemes but unfortunately that's not the case. As far as I'm concerned, Vindicarum has taken the lead, Lethis is losing a bit of ground and Excelsis is nibbling away more and more. In any case, I've reduced it to 3 out of 11 : that's not bad for an indecisive person like me. 😁
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