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Posts posted by Maogrim

  1. I extend my humble greetings to Sigmar's chosen warriors!

    Would someone be so kind as to explain to me what the Lord Imperitant is good for or against? A friend of mine just bought a pretty huge collection of Stormcast Eternals and seems a little overwhelmed with choosing models to actually invest time in painting them. So the Lord Imperitant is a really cool looking model and I noticed him showing up in a few lists, but I'd like some more solid reasons for recommending him. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    The price would go up much more than £5 on updated Gluttons. No way you’re getting 6 Ogor sized models for £35 when 10 or even sometimes 5 infantry models are that price or damn close already. 

    Spot on. It's hard to swallow sometimes that a 5 model squad of Alarith Stoneguard are 45€ / 36.5£ with just the heads of the hammers as interchangeable options. Fortunately nobody has to pay full price for GW models. And they are amazing sculpts and I love them deeply. 

    • Like 4
  3. Hey, it's me again. I said I was going to do the Scinari Cathallar next and, well, here's a WIP:


    I was going for ye olde translucent dress effect, and I think it was coming along quite well. I would love your opinion, if you don't mind sharing. I feel like I need to get her facial features a little softer..


    • Like 2
  4. 36 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    So, to prevent another War of the Beard...

    Do you think we have hit the maximum faction limit? If not, which will be the next 'full' faction (i.e, not Lumineth 3rd wave lol!) and when will we see one? Q3-Q4 2022? Malerion? Chaos Duardin?

    Oh, don't worry, friend. See, my distant relative @Kaleb Daark and I just hide deep, mutual appreciation behind him calling us non-smiling, troublesome, untrustworthy sausages for beasts ... and me wanting him to finally spell that race correctly. :)

    Interesting question though! I personally would believe Malerion to be the most likely. Dark Elves were always an iconic and beloved part of Warhammer, and each Aelven god has the potential be a money-printing machine, if their rules are halfway decent. So I believe him to be safer bet than something like Chaos Duardin (though I would LOVE to see an AOS take on them) or Silent People (whom I believe will never be a faction in Age of Sigmar).

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:


    never trust an elf.

    they nick your soul

    as theirs is stuck in a prisoner’s hole.

    elfs.. nothing but trouble.

    Not quite accurate. Our souls are pretty fine. Better than others' in fact. Better than those of our so-called cousins from the seaside. True Aelves have no use for those shabby things you might call a soul. 

    Oh, and it's Aelves. Will you ever learn? 

    • Like 1
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  6. Everyone on TGA loves the Soulblight Gravelords tome, right? And I do too, from the snippets of it I caught.

    But there is one thing I don't like about it: the leaders of the dynasties/legions are awesome models, and I love that they all have at least one named character and that they are viable... But what I don't like is how it invites builds that mix dynasties. Some of the more competitive lists seem to regularly feature both Belladomma and Prince Vhordrai, and that doesn't really sit right with me, with the constant infighting and rivalries going on between the vampire dynasties. 

    Sure it's cool if two dynasties' leaders team up once in a while, but it shouldn't be the norm and from the lists I see on the Soulblight subforum it's becoming the norm for non-Nagash lists. 

    • Like 3
  7. 22 hours ago, Popisdead said:

    She's viable in 3rd edition but I am not sure she is viable to build and army around (implying that you would take Spite Revenants which are the weakest of the three BattleLine choices).  


    I do have a PDF of the tome, but I really prefer a physical copy. 

    So, if a Drycha + Spite Revenants core isn't very good, in what kind of army would you run her? 

  8. So which factions will even get Vanguard boxes, and what are the determining variables? Only 3rd Edition tome factions, beginning with Stormcast Eternals and Orruk Warclans? Excluding factions already present in dual a Starterbox, meaning beginning with Maggotkin? That would also exclude Idoneth and Fyreslayers. If 3rd edition is no defining factor, then Lumineth or Ossiarch might get one. But those factions already got one of the larger armyboxes..

  9. 2 hours ago, Fairbanks said:


    There have been four rumored Lumineth 'elements' aka. releases: River, Mountain, Wind, and Zenith.

    My theory has been that the 'River Elves' was Teclis' first attempt to make elves from the souls taken from Slaanesh. But he hated what he came up with, then they got wise and disappeared into the ocean. You know, like how rivers do in real life.

    Yea, my headcanon is the Idoneth are the River element, and we just have the Zenith to go.

    Your theory doesn't match with the time line. The River temple, like the other temples, was conceived after the last Lumineth civil war, when Teclis led his surviving people to seek attunement with Hysh's elements.

    The Idoneth on the other hand were Teclis' first attempt at recreating High Elves, so they precede Lumineth society and subsequently the inception of the temples by a good stretch of time.

    River temple, Zenith temple as well as Tyrion and the last two Great Nations will undoubtedly become part of the next larger Lumineth expansion and have already been mentioned 'in action' in the tome's lore section.


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  10. So, since I vaguely recall someone suggesting that there wasn't enough (a)elf talk I'd like to give my two cents on the rumour of GW switching poster boy status to Lumineth: 

    I personally do not see this happening. Although Lumineth got their infamous second wave and the tome includes plenty of design space for future growth (temples, nations, Tyrion) they do not receive any suspicious amount of additional support. There's still no Start Collecting box for Lumineth except the limited ones in form of the outdated launch box and the recent army box. Three other Order armies were or are going to be featured in dual army boxes, meaning Dominion and the upcoming #FyreVSWatyr. They also did not get any special edition or limited models for things like the Warhammer Plus launch or Game Days, holidays and such - I think these were one or two Stormcasts, a female vampire, two Ironjawz and the recent Gutrippa captain. Also there is no Tome Celestial for Lumineth; Soulblight Gravelords got one before them, although the army came out after Lumineth. 

    From a lore perspective recent insights into Lumineth society painted them in an even less friendly way - I highly recommend reading the entry on Settler's Gain in the core book. 

    And lastly: GW loves their big and bulky armor-clad humanoids on their promotional posters and plastic bags. I do not see them abandoning Stormcast Eternals in that regard. 

    • Like 3
  11. 16 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    That looks suspiciously like a smile in the last picture, but the only permissable expressions for Lumineth are "Arrogant", "Aloof", "Stuck up", "Haughty" and "Dispassionate".

    Ah, don' t be too harsh. She's new here. She'll find her way eventually, with a little guidance. But you seem to require said guidance as well, considering that you mistake 'thoughtful' for 'aloof', 'stern' for 'stuck up' and 'selfassured' for 'haughty'. The other two are fine. 

    • Haha 6
  12. 5 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Public Universal Duardin is gone. She was weak and foolish, just like her armies. So I destroyed her.

    Here for higher quality.


    Welcome to the light, sister. Please allow me to welcome you in the Archmage's name and show you around a little. Over there you will find what some ignorants foolishly deem to be silly helmets of the enlightened and honorable Alarith temple. I am sure you will find the majestic animal imagery to your persinal liking. 

    Whoops. Now I waw almost smiling again. 

    • Like 3
  13. 1 hour ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Heh, they do have a bit of hidden grimdarkness too, something GW likes in their poster boys.

    Honestly, I'd be okay with the Lumineth being poster boys. I like them. Much more than Stormcasts--whose lore is awesome but naming scheme and looks are unappealing to me. I know, I know, I have said the unthinkable as a dwarf fan.

    But if you think about it, Lumineth are more duardin than Stormcast are. It's the silly hats and bulls, you see.

    *whispers to himself*

    I ... must not smile. Don't let the joy overcome you, Maogrim. Just think about the Archmage and simply nod in benevolent approval...

    *nods in benevolent approval*

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  14. 1 hour ago, vorathian said:

    People should be mindful that if they are going to talk about history they should also be right. The crusades were launched as a counter attack  to defend the harassment of christian pilgrims and sacking of christian institutions and lands by islamic forces. Crusaders were NOT the instigators that most were led to believe. 


    And which part of my post would instigate such a counter attack by yourself, resulting in what reads like a vindication of the crusades as a bellum justum of sorts?!

    Never mind, we'll just get modded, and rughtfully so. Let's just say: thin ice, my friend.

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  15. While I personally find discussion about historical allegory and following implications fascinating, first I would like to humbly suggest to @SeanMaguire1991 and @Noserenda to leave out phrases like 'says more about you than'. This should not be the space for low-key attacks on the character of another person, except he's outright stating harmful sexist, racist etc stuff.

    Now, on to the topic: I think asking whether 'Dawnbringer Crusades' is somewhat ideoligically tied to Christian crusades is valid. Fantasy games and their lore are texts and insofar do not develop out of thin air; they are inevitably influenced by the author's / authors' knowledge about history. Even if an author says 'Yeah, no, that's not what I meant' they can and should still be subject to critical literary analysis. Especially today where authors have the possibility to influence heavily how their texts are perceived; e.g. the Harry Potter series, whose author has constantly tried to retrospectively paint the story more diverse and inclusive than the text itself accounts for. 

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  16. 32 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    I’m sorry, but if the only style difference between Malerions elves and the Daughters of Khaine is that their whips are plain instead of braided, then it’s going to be such a dull release, because apart from that it looks exactly like a DoK model. I don’t get why so many people seem to be happy with a new faction looking so much like an existing faction? Malerions elves are the thing I’m most excited for in AoS too, and I’m going to be very disappointed if they’re just DoK 2.0. 

    That is an interesting take. I perfectly get what you mean and as a first reaction I was very much inclined to agree... But in what ways could Malerion's faction differ, especially after the stealthy shadowy theme is also represented in Khainite Shadowstalkers?

    On a first glance less skin and more armor and flowy fabric like scarves could be a given. Helmets are a thing that Daughters typically don't wear, but they mustn't remind one too much of the Daughter's coronets/headpieces. Jagged daggers would also be too similar, so probably things like spears again? In the Lunineth tomw shadowy demon-like creatures are mentioned. Instinctively I would expect something with leathery bat wings, like that one Malerion artwork. But leathery bat wings are very much present in Daughters as well, with the Kinerai and the Goddess / Queen B**** of Ulgu herself. 

    What would your ideas be as to make Malerion's Aelves unique from the Daughters of Khaine? This question goes out to the rest of the community as well.

  17. 12 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I'd see that Idoneth would remain their own Faction, DOK and Malerions Aevles thematically have so much in common, obviously with Malerion being Morathis son. I'm not saying they should be souped but of all Factions in AOS they make the most sense to be.*

    I'd also see Malerions Aelves as the Dark Elves to AOS as the Lumineth were to High Elves. If they get a range as large as Lumineth then yes they should remain their own thing but I believe it wont be nearly as large and DOK will make up for that.


    *I was all for Kruelboyz being souped into Warclans.

    It's certainly a possibility, and it would make sense if they want a mirror images dynamic between Lumineth and Shadow Aelves both with two gods at the helm (siblings in Lumineth's case, mother & son for Umbraneth). And they do seem loosely allied at the moment.

    I for one would rather Morathi stayed on her own though. 

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  18. The thing is the Daughters of Khaine and Idoneth Deepkin already have larger rosters compared to Ironjawz and Kruleboyz. So if they were to soup Malerion's Aelves + Idoneth + Daughters of Khaine to create something akin ye olde Dark Elves (which also contained a small nautical theme as well as the Khaine cult) that'd result in a significantly larger book than Orruk Warclans. 

    And I also would imagine that such a beloved faction like Dark Elves would deserve their own standalone incarnation, in the eyes of the developers as well as in those of the fans.

    Now, Daughters + Har Curon is something that would make much more sense to me and would underline how much Har Curon is alienated from the other Cities of Sigmar and how powerful Morathi has become.

  19. 7 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Much as i'd like a new warband or expansion, she is most likely just the obligatory foot hero to go with a quick battletome only release.

    But surely they won't do another Daughters tome?! The book seems to be in a very good condition and is still quite new. What they could do is a Slaughter Queen or Hag Queen outside the Cauldron box. But then again the shown model features noticably shorter hair while the fomular thus far seems to gave indicated that leader status in the Cult of Morathi-Khaine goes along with bigger hair. 

    The whip and short hair could indicate a hero specialized in supporting or fighting alongside Sisters of Slaughter. Perhaps in order to make melee builds for Daughters a little more attractive in contrast to the popular Blood Stalker builds. Me personally, I would have preferred a stealthy assassin type hero á la Malaneth Witchblade. 

  20. 5 hours ago, Indecisive said:

    Nighthaunt centrepiece hero then?

    It wouldn't make sense to churn out a hero that's bigger and more impressive than Olynder, the Mortarch of the faction. I think the Black Coach and Nagash will probably remain the biggest models for Nighthaunt. 

    Would be very cool if they finally got proper subfactions.

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