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Posts posted by DoctorPerils

  1. 11 minutes ago, Grim Beasties said:

    On the topic of Kragnos, does anyone think this Rumor Engine could belong to him?



    It's possible, but from the size of the details compared to the details on the rumour engine shield, I'd say it's unlikely. Perhaps some of his followers of some kind?
    🤔 Had anyone suggested this chap could be a god of the Darkoath?

  2. 2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Clan by Clan, kinda like what they're doing with Chaos at the moment.

    I do think that there should be a Human Destruction Faction. There are countless tribes out there existing still, a lot of them in Ghur and to have them be covered in Animal skins/hide and leather would be great. They would just have to make them visually distinctive from Chaos Marauders. 

    The darkoath would fulfill that Conan style quite well already in Chaos I think - I'd instead like something a bit more advanced technologically wise, a warrior cult of some sort, or even based on Carthage and the Mughals

  3. WRT mechanised KO: how about Battletome Ironwrought, which would include both Kharadron Overlords and Ironweld Arsenal - rather than reinvent the wheel, put the two thematically coherent factions together

    Similarly, how about "Forest Folk" for Sylvaneth and Kurnothi? You could perhaps also include Root-King

    • Like 1
  4. 56 minutes ago, silverstu said:

    Could be that Kragnos might be in opposition the Waagh.. and the Orruks are sensing a challenge.. the connection to them could be he is a Hunter god.


    Plus Kragnos being in opposition would tie in with the Tzeentch prophesy of doom for the Bad Moon gits. 

    Doesn't sound like they are heading to meet a new god pal.. the Loonking then drew on the power of the Bad Moon so still firmly Gorkamorka faction. Can't really see the green skins being led by a giant centaur.. stranger things have happened though!

    Exactly.. and might blame Orruks.. [I read a bit of fluff that the Orruks destroyed a lot of the civilisations - maybe they are responsible for the destruction of his people]. 


    Either way its still uncertain- I still flip between - he's definitely Order to he's definitely Destruction..


    12 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    In the very first BR short story appear Bonesplitterz joining " Something far bigger. More primal. A god. "


    I think you two are very close to convincing me that this is indeed  a new god(beast) of or against the greenskins - are they attacking Excelsis just to take down a CoS and attack Azyr, or could they be looking for more prophecies of this dude?

  5. 5 hours ago, robinlvalentine said:

    I love these creepy Ulfenkarn vampires - this one and the Rat Prince. But they feel like a different aesthetic to the more generic vampires we've seen for the rest of Soulblight. I wish the Blood Knights for example were as weird and interesting as these. 

    Actually, that's a good point: what if these less "warrior-like" vampires aren't part of the main Soulblight army, but are more like independent agents that can be allied to any other Death faction with no keyword limitations (like those new LRL twins or Gotrek), and perhaps even into CoS armies (potentially giving such an army the Death keyword?)

    TBH, I like the diversity of aspects, it allows everyone to have their favourite toys :)

  6. 1 hour ago, Svalack said:

    The problem with that is then they would have to associate with orks which I can't see happening unless they are very twisted feral and far away from the kurnothi we have seen so far. I think they need to remove the grand alliances it prevents some really interesting army concepts. Right now if you arent chaos, dead or just like breaking everything then you are order.

    They could be destruction without necessarily associating with greenskins - skavens after all are chaos but don't really associate with other chaos factions. On the other hand, it could be cool if they were to side with Ogors and SoBehemat.

    Otherwise, perhaps they could have both order and destruction keywords, allowing them to be used in either grand alliance; some named characters or special units could still have only one of the two keywords meaning they can't ally willy-nilly with any faction in either GA...

    Of course, the chance of this is vanishingly small, to the point where it's less likely than the GAs simply being removed imo. As shame though, I think GW could be more experimental with faction keywords (like, imagine a faction keyword "bringers of pestilence" allowing Nurgle and Pestilens joint armies reasonably easily, or "woodfolk" for the Living City and Sylvaneth together)

  7. 44 minutes ago, Gecktron said:

    When it comes to Wikis, the Lexicanum is pretty active: https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Anvilgard 
    Chamon could theoretically pop-up where ever. In Morathi we got the Eight-Points, Ulgu and Aqshy, when only Ulgu had a real connection to Morathi. Teclis looks like it will cover Shyish, Hysh and Ghyran. 

    While the Duardin are linked very strongly to Chamon, we also have the Gloomspite Gits and the Thunder Lizard Seraphon there (and judging from the Underworlds Warband, Thunder Lizards are the poster boy subfaction of the Seraphon). 

    Yeah, unfortunately Lexi is blocked at my work ^^'

    I believe Tzeentch is also very active in Chamon, no?

  8. 16 minutes ago, ShyishBarry said:

    Good analysis! I think we're more likely to get Ghyran involved in either Be'lakor or Kragnos, given the Mannfred short story, rather than getting into Alarielle or the dwarves, though. Aqshy is covered already, actually, since Anvilguard / Har Kuron is there.

    Ah thanks, I couldn't remember where har kuron was, and the AoS fandom/Wikia page hasn't been updated so couldn't check it up.

    Where would Chamon pop up in your opinion if not with the duardin?

  9. So, if we posit that BR Teclis happens in Hysh as well as Shyish, BR Belakor in the Realms of Chaos and in Azyr, Kragnos primarily in Ghur... I think that leaves only Aqshy, Chamon and Ghyran currently un-touched upon by the Broken Realms books? I could definitely see a BR Alarielle/Kurnoth/Orion happening in Ghyran, with perhaps a BR Grungni/Vulkhaya happening in Aqshy and Chamon

    Or alternatively, could Kragnos take place in both Ghur and Ghyran, to fit with the trend of a BR book affecting several realms?

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    Great catch... I hope you are right because it is a really cool looking emblem and could lead to a wonderful army theme. But on the other hand you are giving me hope and hope is a dangerous game in terms of upcoming releases. 

    The eventual faction could also be combined with demi-gryph knights, perhaps have some hammer wielding riders too? (I know hammers are present in SCE, but if they're followers of the comet and sigmar, hammers would absolutely be thematic... And also perhaps the white wolves of middenheim?

    • Like 1
    • LOVE IT! 1
  11. dscn6795.jpg

    9 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    Could be new Dragon Princes. (I'm still hitching my wagon to it being a horse guy of some sort.)

    While I'm still having trouble seeing the lower section being a horse (perhaps with barding, but still?) - the helmet could be some style of Kabuto - perhaps the OBR cavalry character that was menmention the "moons" actually being silhouettes of the kinds of flaps or wings of the helmet?

  12. 2 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    Funny, to me he looks very much like a dark elf/vampire/other fancy lad riding a horse. Shield in his left hand, angled back with top pointed sighting at us. Weapon (axe?) in right.

    With @Indecisive
    s edit, the bottom section looks more like (chaos?) space marine shins to me, I really can't see a horse. Probably wrong though :)

  13. 7 hours ago, Indecisive said:

    I tried to use some basic image editing tools to see if I could yield anything useful. Accidentally added something to the left mini's butt.



    Hi, great job on the pict-magick :)is it ok if I share this on a 40k forum? The chap on the left looks suspiciously space marine-y

  14. 5 hours ago, Kitsumy said:

    New minis for every non stormcast or daemon army. Dont understand why stormcast and every daemon faction get TONS of new minis while every other faction get 0 new units. And 1 litle useless hero if they are lucky.


    Old factions with tons of minis like sersphons. Skavens or cities NEED rework of actual minis, getting ride of finecrap first, not new units.


    New factions need 2 new units, not litle heros. In order to flesh out rosters, rigth now most of army need to repeat same 2-4 units several times in order to get to 2k points.


    We dont need 10 new armys every year when actual ones arent completed 

    When's the last time SCE got anything? In fact, when's the last time non-slaanesh was updated? Also have you seen the LRL and Sons of Behemat? What's potentially looking like a pretty big release for Soulblight? Like I get your frustration at older armies not getting updates, but I don't think SCE and chaos should be the source of your ire.

    Also, I agree armies like skaven and seraphon and CoS should 100% get bought in line with current plastics, hopefully they'll get their time soon 🙂

    • Like 2
  15. On 3/11/2021 at 11:48 PM, KingBrodd said:

    Oh what would you like it to be drawn by? Stags? Perhaps Moose?

    The more Squigs the better!! I'd love to see what they could do with a Plastic Colossal Squig. Just a giant ball of teeth and anger!!

    I would love if Grungnis new Duardin force was all female Duardin ?es.

    Anything Gargant I'm all over. Give me Gargant furniture as a terrain piece and I'm there.

    But a Priest/Shaman Gargant being a female is almost too perfect. Shes above simply smashing and has mastered the Arcane arts but will still stomp when she must.

    - How about stag centaurs: they could do the bulk of the melee fighting while pulling around javelineers or some kind of chieftain (dual kit)

    - plus batsquigs and stalagsquigs - molog's band was really fun ^^

    - wouldn't they be Vulkhaya's instead? I think the "Valkyrie" should only be a subsection of units (like how the LRL have Vanari and temples). One you could field a complete force of, sure, but I'd also like to see a return of miners.

    - gargant furniture is a cool terrain piece idea, like, imagine fighting around the mega-gargant's main course on a table, with a squiggoth with a massive apple in its mouth in its centre XD Proper jack and the beanstalk territory

    - I do think we should have female gargants and mega-gargants, but only have the shaman option as a dual kit - I'm sure some a spoiling for a fight, especially if their husband hasn't done his chores. Actually, make that a triple kit option - third version could be throwing mega-gargant sized plates XD

    8 hours ago, Gwill_of_the_Woods said:

    I'd love them to dial "wood elves" up to 11 by expanding the Kurnothi aelves with a big centre piece model.

    Not sure whether it would be better to have them as their own faction or a glade of Sylvaneth.

    I would have also said some sort of zombies, but the Gravelords were announced 😜


    Orion would be a good candidate for a diorama style model (like karakros).

    I'd rather they be merged with the sylvaneth, if only there's already too many order battletomes as it is; but they should still be fieldable as separate entities

    8 hours ago, Barkanaut said:

    KO, Fyre, and Deepkin all need a huge mega update with a huge new amount of models. Lizardmen to have a huge revamp. 

    New armies. 
    - An insect race

    - Fishmen

    - A faction of ordered not dumb giants that are still orderly and have a kingdom or something. Who doesn't want to collect an army of gigantic heavily armored storm giants throwing lighting bolts? 

    - New destruction god to have more variety in releases that fishmen and bugmen follow 

    - Sky Grots

    - Iron Golem  attornach Dwarves 

    - Ironjaws big time need another massive update 


    - Order Storm giants sounds awesome - could we also have ice/fire giants for chaos and bone giants for death?

    - I think chaos dwarves can take inspiration from the iron golems' one, but shouldn't be defined by him. I do wonder if it would be possible to have chaos dwarves with <chaos mark>/hashut as a keyword, as it might allow you to put together slaaneshi chaos dwarves like they were mentioned in the Hedonites battletome

  16. 20 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    Not sure what the price of the set is going to be, but expect every hero and boss to go for GW hero prices individually, so about € 20-25 per model. Then say € 30-40 for a box of zombies, € 30-40 for a box of skellies, € 30-40 for the bat thing, and the other wolf vampire things for, say,€ 35 per 5.

    I suspect the box is cheaper, but we don't know what the price of the box is.

    I agree, the "paraphernalia" won't add anything to the box cost when comparing with the models, plus you'll get the warscrolls. I'm sure you'd be able to use the tiles for DIY terrain, and any other bits I'm sure you'd be able to give to other people in your gaming group if you positively can't find room for what looks like a pretty cool stand alone game.

    If you're only interested in the antagonists portion, I'm sure you'll be able to ebay the heroes away :)

  17. 20 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:

    Why shouldn’t he fit anymore?

    I mean I am realy a fanboy, but if he is the leader of the realm of shadows why should he be dead?

    Malekith is just alive cause of the amount of hate he has. That’s the only reason he is alive. Hell, that’s the only reason he exists! So probably he could be the next destruction army.🤷🏼‍♂️

    I am realy interested where the BR books are leading us to. But with Be‘lakors return (wich got kicked out of ulgu), there is a good chance he comes back.🙄

    i know there is much hope in it, but he just fits perfectly fine. And ulgu is a complet mist(ery). (Hehe)

    Ulgu is also the realm of lies and hidden truths - it would be fitting that its supposed leader is just a mirage.

    On the other hand, I do hope they put him in a different GA - destruction or chaos would obviously work, but I have a pet wish it would be death, as it would be something entirely different for aelves.

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