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Posts posted by DoctorPerils

  1. 1 hour ago, bethebee said:

    easiest way to make Stormcast compelling for a game like that is to make "reforges" a mechanic, where all of your deaths are canon and there are long-term consequences to them.  maybe as you die more and more, you're forced to take perks with great upsides but even more dramatic downsides.  you may deal monstrous melee damage and generally blend enemies, but you also enter fits of blind rage and crack like an egg.  you might be able to cast massive spells, but you lose control as you cast them potentially harming friend and foe.  you gain health whenever you damage or kill an enemy, but slowly lose it otherwise (potentially even forcing you to harm allies just to survive!).  once you get enough deaths you might even unlock suicidal abilities like the airstriking-your-own-location tactic used by Celestent Prime, damning you to an even quicker downfall despite gaining an excellent finisher.

    it can effect more then just combat too.  in dialogue you might find yourself saying things you didn't pick (generally being more callous and cruel), and you'd slowly lose your memory which could mean you'd lose track of which NPC is which, or even find yourself doing entirely incorrect objectives because your mind is so scrambled.  this of course could have story implications as well.  you could be unable to do certain actions such as utilize basic machinery, and take on more of a doom-guy "punch the stuff till it works" approach (with good and bad results).  your ending would be at partially determined by how much of you there is left by the end of it, meaning that those who want the "good" ending would have to play with care to avoid a miserable fate.

    add in a variety of weapons, a compelling faction to fight, and that's a pretty good primer for the setting as a whole.

    edit: i also think that this would naturally lend itself to a very "personal" story; as big and fantastical as the realms are i really like the stories that tell you a lot about the people within it.  going through the world as a lone stormcast and seeing the torment and dehumanization they go through on a personal level would only make the horror of it happening a billion-fold even stronger.  it's something GW also seems to be focusing on more with the new line coming out, which i think is an excellent move since IMO it's basically their selling point.

    Are you suggesting some kind of rogue lite?

    • LOVE IT! 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    The return of Vampirates


    Really like all those options. Will add that wrathfleet or wider "Drownbane sealords" (or whatever) could be one of those more cosmopolitan factions like Legions of Nagash used to be:

    - vampirates

    - pirates ot the Caribbean Black Pearl skele-zombies

    - pirates ot the Caribbean Flying Dutch man mutant zombies

    - more traditional Ghost ships

    - voodoo bayou paddleboats

    - and so on

  3. 10 hours ago, Asbestress said:

    Ah, our daily "Whitefang back me up tease".

    Maybe the Lord-Vigilant watches over the others in the Ruination chamber in case their flaws start getting out of hand?

    Whitefang like on this post BTW. sounds very cool, and pretty dark implications

    • Like 2
  4. 42 minutes ago, Gutsu17 said:

    To make it more fun and add some tension

    i can guarantee it won't feel fun to the player who's targeted by it. At least with a dice roll you know its out of your hands. In this case, it will feel psychologically like you're the one who killed your own model. Very NPE (to use the parlance from a few years ago)


  5. 10 minutes ago, Flippy said:


    Or at the very least each module builds on preceding ones (ie module III depends on modules I and II); in which case magic could indeed use the same resources and Command Abilities

    But yeah, on the whole I agree GW are probably overselling just how modular AoS4 will be 👍

  6. 37 minutes ago, rattila said:

    Sounds a lot like fantasy battle of old, where each sorcerer generates some dice to use (depends on his level), then if you want to launch a spell, you just say how many dices of your pool you use. Same for dispell.

    Yeah, my speculation was partially based on what's happened in the past with GW games.

    Part of me hopes it doesn't work quite like that, Command Points is quite enough economy to be tracking during a game imo, but since these are different modules (which should be available to be played independently) I'm not sure everything can be based on command points

  7. 1 hour ago, OkayestDM said:

    This actually makes sense and ties in with the 'Declare and Effect' nature of how abilities work now.

    It would be very hard to properly points balance units that loose the thing that they do (magic, in this case) due to a modular rule set being taken out. However, if each wizard model is given a special ability (Boneshaper, Swampcaller, etc) that they always have access to, then magic really can become modular, provided none of the wizard abilities are treated as unique spells. The spell lore is simply tacked on, and only wizard-keyword units can cast them. For balance purposes, they may have to make a Swampcaller choice, where they can either use their ability or cast a spell, but not both. 

    How good this modular system actually is will depend a lot on how they've approached warscrolls and abilities for this edition. There's plenty of room for error, but they demonstrated in 3rd that they have the capacity to write goodvrules and keep things fairly well balanced. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt until we have more than wild speculation and a defunct edition to go off of. 

    Yeah, the balance is the crucial point. If Spearhead does indeed use the normal warscrolls, I'm not sure they'd make two different warscrolls for wizards.

    What I could see instead is "magic points" that each player gets (even if playing Khorne), which you can use to launch spells, empower your wizards base [MAGIC] abilities, dispell opponents spells, enact prayers, or convert to Command Points; stuff like that. There could even be play with special objectives or terrain pieces "empower the negation sphere", "tap the power of the spring of life", stuff like that

  8. 3 hours ago, Aleser said:

    So there wont be magic in Sperhead mode? How does wizard units work there then

    I'm imagining/hoping that:

    - wizards will have some "weapon" spell profiles and some auras on their datacards that functionally work no differently to other weapons and auras (like 10e 40k);

    - and then the magic module brings in spell lores with more wacky effects, as well as Endless Spells + Incarnates. Also with any special effects like Perils of the Warp, or how to counter spells, etc.

    • Like 4
  9. 2 hours ago, Grungnisson said:

    And here come the alarm bells. 


    Last year the 40k indices were trickled out 1 or 2 a day for a couple of weeks iirc. I imagine that's what they mean by "shortly after" - ie, day one stormcast and skaven players can use their index to play, day 2 nighthaunt get to join the fun, etc.

    • Like 6
  10. 1 hour ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    That would be a kinda funny reveal, especially given the coverage at the moment. "Big reveal tomorrow for the future of AoS!", everyone thinks it's AoS4 launch stuff.... and it's a random chorf from out of left field.

    The big reveal turns out to be... a really big hat

    1 hour ago, Keleath said:

    In my opinion, a "war elephant" would be better with the Hedonites. It would stay in their Indo-Persian vibe.

    I'd never thought of that as an option, but I'd be down for that. Like a massive Fiend, six legs to reflect the sacred number, a dais perched atop for a Lady to command her minions (not enough feminine leaders for Hedonites currently). Perhaps formed as a twisted flesh creation on the basis of a Gargant to bring in the body horror to the concept...

    44 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    A curious note about this. The CoS Spearhead instructions say Vanguard instead 😅 So they would probably just change the outside box of the current ones.

    I think they mentioned that the game mode could be played with all the current Spearheads and Vanguards, so the design decision probably came before the rebranding decision

    • Like 1
  11. 20 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    My thought was more that it would be odd to maintain warscrolls for something like Mollog's (now made available again through update for Underworlds), yet still be missing a warscroll for Grymwatch who were missing from the new FEC book.
    It's annoying having on again off again support for them. I would much rather they commit, or just remove them - but I'm thinking it will just end up like it is now where some are supported with warscrolls (Hexbane's, Rippa's, etc.) and some aren't (Grymwatch), especially if the upcoming Skinnerkin get/maintain support in the index.

    I imagine the older stuff may end up with Index cards in Legends (ie, not updated regularly, and not recommended for matched play)

    • Like 1
  12. On 3/20/2024 at 10:05 PM, DoctorPerils said:

    OK, this is my prediction:

    Two hobgobz in a trenchcoat masquerading as Cities of Sigmar flagellants


    On 3/21/2024 at 4:16 AM, Ejecutor said:

    Underworlds Wintermaw:


    I can't believe I got it half right :D

    • Like 7
    • Haha 11
  13. 12 minutes ago, Cdance93 said:

    image.png.8ec2878c28172b6ac269787a57113c22.pngNobody seemed to touch on this reaction

    You mean other than The Red King's post 3 hours ago? Imo, good: it's still a rumour, and the morass of pain and anguish is really exhausting-upsetting to wade through for 3 pages each time the subject is brought up again, despite asking for people to make a dedicated thread.

    This should be a time of happiness, the rat time is upon us!

    • Like 3
  14. 7 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    In the Adepticon site the preview is set for 2h. They cannot go longer than that, but probably won't take more than 1:30.

    Probably a QnA session for some of it too

    5 hours ago, Ejecutor said:


    I think the new rumour engine blade actually looks like the blacksword's on this image

    • Like 2
  15. 44 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    No no. I am genuinely saying it. I ran a quick look and they were all looking different from one edition to another in 99% of the cases.

    Codices (List) - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum

    List of Warhammer: Fantasy Battles Books - Warhammer - The Old World - Lexicanum

    List of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar books - Age of Sigmar - Lexicanum

    I only noticed six repeating cases, all from AoS 2nd to 3rd: Skavens, Sylvaneth, GSG, FS, NH, and SBO.

    Chaos Space Marines had the same cover art for 3 codices, spanning 3 different editions (6, 7, 8), and I think even that was reused from a novel cover.

    AdMech, DarkAngels and Tyranids all have old art with updates in 10th.

    And in AoS, it feels like people have complained for half the battletomes because they didn't get updated art, both for 2nd and 3rd

    • Like 2
  16. @Ejecutor you know you can use the "multi quote" button ;)

    3 hours ago, Luperci said:

    he's been saying blood angels have been coming for about a year now, it's a very safe prediction after the BT primaris wave and now DA too, not to say I don't believe him but it's one of those things where if you just keep on saying it, it will happen eventually and then you can say you were right all along

    Not to defend Valrak, but he did in fairness always say the blood angels were going to be after dark angels, and he's gotten the following pretty close to bang on, more than a month out from their reveals:

    - necrons

    - admech

    - dark angels

    - orks

    - custodes

    - tau

    - kill team nightmare

    And that's just for winter/spring 2024!

    You can dislike the chap and his content all you want, but there's no denying he has a strong track record by now

    • Like 4
  17. 1 hour ago, Snarff said:

    Not necessarily. Ogor and Seraphon warbands were replacements for existing units. Lumineth, Nighthaunt, Fyreslayers, Stormcast, Darkoath, Kruleboyz Cities of Sigmar and Flesh Eater courts are all very in line with their faction's aesthetics and identity. Only the original Chaos Cultist warbands really had their own spin, but they're all part of StD which is a mixed bag anyway.

    No warband had a radical departure from the rest of the army. Adding humans and aelves for the first time to Sylvaneth would be quite a big departure from the faction's identity of tree people and bugs so far (although you can argue that Skaeth's wild hunt and Qualthis already are, though they do not feel like they belong in Sylvaneth at all).

    Underworlds does this (Skaeth's Wild Hunt, Rippa's Snarlfangs), but Warcry has not really added anything completely new to armies so far.

    Respectfully disagree about the majority of the warcry warbands:

    - gorgers are pretty far from baseline ogors, both in lore and in aspect (even if they're a recreation of an old unit)

    - chameleon skinks are a different subrace that isn't seen anywhere else in the army, and bring in shooting (unlike the majority of the army)

    - lumineth is a different element that hadn't been used yet, and half of the models have much less armour than the rest of the army

    - nighthaunt have a different shape and bring the fire compared to much of the nighhaunt army

    - fyreslayers aspect and Lore seems pretty distant from the rest of the army again (much more in terms of clothes, female duardin, the whole drake egg schtick)

    - Cities of Sigmar with their light-armoured pathfinders are _very_ different from all the other dawnbringer Crusade units released

    - the current big 4 chaos factions, and even the Horns of Hashut are also different from the rest of their faction (or eventual faction)


    And as you point out, most of the dedicated kurnothi models released so far have already broken with the major part of the sylvaneth faction. Unless GW entirely drop that proposed aesthetic (which seems unlikely to me since they are apparently quite popular) I don't know what better vector than warcry could bring more; and I can't see what other aspect of the sylvaneth they may release for Warcry Kurnothi that wouldn't just be current units redux

    • Like 6
  18. 4 hours ago, Whitefang said:

    More like being made into dogs

    What, like shapeshifting/druid Ossiarchs, bone werewolves, or permashifted?

    3 hours ago, Snarff said:

    I think Kurnothi might still not be exactly what this forum thinks they are. They could also be 'normal' Sylvaneth that follow Kurnoth, like the Kurnoth hunters and Belthanos.

    So far Warcry has generally proposed warbands very different from their base faction (with a few exceptions like Darkoath and Kruleboyz). "Normal" Sylvaneth can already be modelled as Kurnothi, and indeed the recent Kurnoth battleforce was like that. Keeping the same formula for Warcry would be pretty boring (imo)

    3 hours ago, Baz said:

    I'm thinking a mixed warband of aelves, forest spirits and satyr/ centaurs like in the dawnbringer short story. 


  19. 6 hours ago, Garrac said:

    Ok, here we go: all the REs that look skaven-ish like enough


    Honestly, I think NONE of them is a skaven RE, but I know some folks might apreciate this

    im guessing :

    - Imperial guard (or perhaps Brood Brothers?)

    - skaven machine (wood and shoddy craftsmanship is very similar to the leaked artillery)

    - 3 next ones: Nurgle underworlds warband (I sincerely hope nurgle doesn't get a second warcry team before slaanesh or skaven get 1)

    - Our Lady of Ruin's mount

    2 hours ago, Luperci said:

    OBR vs an order faction feels much more likely(KO, IDK or Sylvaneth are due a warband), if it were to be chaos I'd expect slaanesh though. Wildcard I'm throwing in here is GSG, could solve some of the greenskin looking REs

    I'm also thinking Kurnothi (remember that kurnothi dawnbringers short? It mentioned OBR iirc) they'd also fit the "hunting" theme of the season

    2 hours ago, Gaball Slaaneshi said:

    And what about Slaanesh ? 

    Two opposites
    Ossiarch doesn't take pleasure, they only obey and think.

    Slaanesh could also fit the hunting (for their god) more loosely. They could call it

    [spoiler]bones and boners[/spoiler]

  20. 12 hours ago, Gutsu17 said:

    I would imagine them getting pistols and rifles with axehead bayonets for ironbreakers with pistol-axe + shield or rifle-greataxe loadouts, and irondrakes as pazergrenadier teams with over the shoulder panzerfaust type things

    So... chaos dwarves? :P

    • Like 1
  21. 2 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    Introducing a widely avaiable Soulkiller Gun (it's Skaven so there'll be masses of that gun in the Setting if it gets a Model) in a Setting that's based on Souls is just the worst (creatively and narratively), but that's just my opinion. To me that's the same level of destructive nonsense as the Holdo maneuver in Star Wars.

    The existence of "life-killing" weapons hardly destroys a "life-based" Setting (like LotR for example). Actually the opposite imo: they are necessary to have stakes and tension in a story or Setting, or you run into loony toons levels of cartoonishness. The same goes for a "soul-based" setting

    32 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Oh cool! That looks like "vanilla" duardin imo, it doesn't really follow any of the design queues from KO or FS, and even the "stepped" haft doesn't look particularly TOW Dawi imo. Could this be Valaya Duardin/Dispossessed?

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