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Everything posted by Garrac

  1. Wait, a rat ogor? WOMAN, I DEMAND TO KNOW WHERE
  2. Man, i hope today GW gives me more rats. I want SO BADLY to throw to the trashcan the monkey shitposes... (i mean, i'm not joking, they look like they're shitting on the battlefield) (Well, I don't hate the 1999's models to be honest, really love the capes and all, but man, I'm so tired of them...)
  3. I want to put ogors into a Mok-centric thematic list, a mix between Kruelboyz and Gloomspite Gitz that venerate the cunning but brutal part of Gorkamorka, but it seems I can't find a lore reason to justify the ogor's pressence. Any suggestions?
  4. When the shooting phase comes i expect you to scream "RATARATRATARATRATARATARATA" very loudly
  5. Ummmmmmm I can't really be sure, but i hope it's rats -Garrac, you allways say that with every GW news -You never can have enough rats
  6. I don't really know how trustworthy is Warhammer Weekly, but MAN am I going to hold that hopium like it's a stone of pure and refined warpstone I suppose I'll start saving 300 euros for this one...
  7. My last match on 8th (back in 2014 I believe) was 80 slaves, 80 clanrats, 20 stormvermins, 30 plague monks, and some support units more I don't remember. And I got pointed out that I needed more rats to win... Nowadays it feels kinda weird for me to see Skyrre armies with just 9 stormfiends
  8. The gnawholes have been out of stock for at least 2 or 3 months. I keep inhaling the hopium...
  9. Mah man, back at the day I, and usually the rest of skaven players, had to deploy at least 200+ miniatures at a 2000 points battle to be slightly competitive Ah, the memories... I could spend two hours deploying 80 slaves, only to have them dead at turn 2...
  10. Um. anyone knows when will it be the next GW's big event? One where they could make big announcements...
  11. I see Gnawholes have been out of stock for some months now, and I'm beginning to wonder if GW is going to get rid of them...
  12. (I created the theme on reddit, but here you go if you wanna have some fun too ) So, if a new battletome is going to come this summer (big IF) I say we can play a little game, and suggest 3 changes that are mostly needed for the faction (I put a limit because, well, GW) New poison globadiers. I mean, come on, the miniatures were first published literally THE YEAR I WAS BORN. They have aged badly, only have 3 poses, and a lot of 3rd parties are getting rich selling new ones. I think is mostly needed New gutter/night runners. Another mostly needed improvement for miniatures that were published ages ago. Most of all, their poses make them look as if they were shitting on the battlefield. A new Clan Eshin unit. Nowadays, Eshin is the most boring of the 4 clans, with only 3 units. If a clan needs more fuel, it's Eshin. I don't know, put a rat on a samurai armour or something. To create new units for Eshin would be as simple as puting together "Rat" with "anything slightly japanese". The rest writes itself There's more, ofc. For example, Skrolk's miniature dates back to 1993. We need to recover some spetial characters, to eliminate the resting resin and metal miniatures still existing on the faction... but those 3 I think are the most urgent ones If you want you can suggest your own 3 biggest wishes
  13. Ummmmmmm interesting Not as interesting as rats, but let's see if it's a new faction
  14. Still hoping and waiting for a big skaven release this summer. Will grab my reserves of hopium...
  15. Man, GW, what do I have to do for you to just do something with the skaven
  16. Hey, don't even dare to apologize! You helped me a lot Oh, is AoS receiving the stick from GW? Man, I just came back from End Times, I can't with this guys Um, I guess I'll still have some little hope for the Adepticon this thursday. Crossing fingers for at least a clan Eshin renovation
  17. Oh. Oh. Thanks! Um, well, I guess I can conform with that, but the ideal for me would be at least a renovation for two or three units that urgently need an improvement. Or if not a new unit, perhaps? I mean, come on, these are the skavens, the ones that with each codex received a new horror or a new technological nightmare. There's lots os room for new cool units!
  18. Um, ok, so, new one here: which are all the clues that point to a skaven major release this summer? I want to have it assured so I can save money. Been a skaven fan for akmost 15 years and I love aos models, to be honest (yeah, i know these miniatures are very expensive, but I could quickly embrace anything that substitutes some old models from my army)
  19. Oh I like my skaven minis, but, well, I've been liking them for 13 years now XD Seeing the craziness of modern aos models, I would really like skaven getting that mad love too.
  20. Hey, long time-hearthbeats skaven fan here! I really like AoS, but I wonder: GW doesn't have any plans-schemes for our furry friends? I would like a lot to buy new miniatures from them :(
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