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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. Getting closer to finishing these hoppers. Did some more work on the riders. Still need to clean up some mistakes and paint some small details. Couldnt seem to remember what colour i used to highlight the robes on the boss.
  2. Cant all perform the super hero landing pose. (would be one epic looking army though)
  3. I must confess i am being a bit of a hypocrite here. If these were orruks on wyverns i would have insta bought them and wouldnt complain about costs XD.
  4. This one is awesome. Job well done. How did u manage to get the swamp effects on the base?
  5. Agreed. Could buy 2 start collecting boxes for that kind of money. Thats almost a full army in some cases. Do we have an juicy rumours for destruction going on? Its way to quit for the era of the beast...
  6. I would love to get all this destruction and death stuff so much i could only see this as wishlisting. I would buy multiple boxes of a spiderfang vs silent people box set!
  7. LRL815.pdf OBR1010.pdf Slaanesh1070.pdf Soulblight795.pdf Added the points in warscrollbuilder.
  8. They actually called Vanguard the AoS version of Combat Patrol boxes in the article. Rip Start Collecting boxes.
  9. Not my style of armies in those boxes i'll pass this time. Too bad. Guessed 2/4 though XD. No destruction box is weird imo.
  10. Isnt a Wurrgog Prophet a better pick over a Killbow to get rid of big things now for BW? Or Arrowboyz just because more bodies on the table? I am trying to justify buying these units but i cant find a really good reason at the moment. 2 units of boltboys and a shaman is a decent point sink.
  11. Ok i'll go for: Destruction : Ogor Mawtribes Chaos : Beasts of Chaos Death : Soulblight Gravelords Order : Something with elves knowing gw If we can also add a warcry terrain set i will be so happy. Dont care if it is made 2 order or something.
  12. Would any of these be worth it in a big waaagh list without all kinds of support?
  13. Has gw said anything over the duration of this edition or 40k? Do we expect a longer edition with all the delays? Logic suggests we will get a longer edition. My experience with gw suggests they dont really care about things like that sometimes.
  14. Maybe i'll try infinity some day if all the rules are free :). I like the xcom vibe that game has going on.
  15. It feels like gw just releases things that are finished and ready to ship at the moment. Harrowdeep and red harvest got released out of nowhere. If more things get delayed i think we can expect things like underworld models or warbands and maybe scenery or endless spells ahead of schedule.
  16. All the delays are giving me some time to catch up on painting my pile of shame. (to bad santa is commin soon XD)
  17. U could limit the rules for list building like little cup in pokemon or the different competitive leagues. Restrict all leaders to having a centain number of total wounds (10 or something like that). Or a game where 25% of your army must be from every grand alliance (i actually would like to try this). Could also pick 12 leaders from your collection from any faction with point cost up to 200 points or something and roll 2d6 untill u get 5 leaders and do the same for units with a cost up to 200 points. Should get a random close to 2000 point army. Could even go crazy and do something like a mtg draft with friends. Make a pile of random models/ units and everyone take turns to pick a thing they like until the pile runs out and go play a 2 vs 2. Could do all kinds of crazy things with open play. Could even go crazier and do a capture the flag style game where u can only use leaders to capture the enemy flag and try to bring it home, when carrying the flag halve your movement stat and when defeated the flag drops at the slain model and the leader respawns at the base next turn (could make some crazy unreal tournament/warsong gulch style terrain for this). Time to go back to work now XD. Edit: I think i'll do this Nozlocke thing when my wife decides she wants to restart an old pokemon game again. Sounds like fun. Might even do it in the new one this week.
  18. Guess Whitefang is charging up some kind of spiritbomb and waiting to drop it when the moment is just right.
  19. There is a rumour going around from a while back of a dual army box with fyreslayers and deepkin.
  20. Is this before or after the red harvest + harrowdeep release?
  21. I hope it at will be compatible because i dont want to start collecting another system. Dont care how pretty the kislev models will be. I'll just close my eyes and pretend they dont exist XD.
  22. My wallet is not ready for a kislev army yet XD.
  23. Random work in progress. Finished most of the non metal parts on the squigs. Did some base coats on the riders.
  24. I get the feeling some other releases have been delayed or pushed back and they had Red Harvest ready to go so they released it ahead of schedule. It got released kind of out of nowhere.
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