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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. Do u all think they will repack Dryads to be units of 10 or 20 or keep them as is?
  2. Ok i take back my no-model-monday comment. I want an army that looks like this one. Why is it only the one model :(.
  3. That would be great. Hacka always look better than Stikka imho.
  4. Are the Kruleboyz the Dominion version or a multipart kit? Rather pick up a whole Kruleboyz army on second hand market for the same price.
  5. I finished building the Rockgut Troggoths. Had a blast building those as there where to many options to choose from. I am actually a bit sad i couldnt use all the pieces as most of them looked awesome. I'll post some pics soon. Also build Morgoks Krushas afterwards. Now i have to find some time to actually paint up some things again.
  6. I tend to buy everything once with the exception of a few battleline units. I am more on the collector side of things but i like the look of a blob of battleline meatshields.
  7. Wow i have made posts in this topic about a possible ghost ship with way more substance than that article.
  8. Its GroundhogSkaven day! Lets talk about Silent People, Chorfs, Kurnothi and all kinds of delicious soup! Edit: On a more serious note, nobody called Chorfs confirmed for the summer release yet XD?
  9. I dont think its fair to say that Ironjawz havent received any love. They are clearly a strong army/faction. They also have a few alternate sculpts in the 2 underworlds warbands and the 2 alternate sculpts for the megaboss on foot. The FAQs also have been pretty good towards Ironjawz. Everyone expected them to be nerfed very hard and it didnt really happen. As a player of many greenskin armies i do think the synergy could have been a bit better but I wouldnt have liked it if Orruk Warclans would be the same as the Gloomspite Gitz book. So many units getting on each others turf and getting shelved.
  10. Dont know much about AoS local scenes but from the time a started playing mtg more seriously i know i liked going to beginners tournaments. People who entered with their meta decks where really frowned upon. Some of the regulars sometimes joined with themed or fun decks to teach people how to play better. Nobody likes to get stomped by pros when just starting out a new hobby, its just no fun for either side.
  11. I had a bit of a slow month, been busy with gaming a bit more. Want to at least try to finish building my Rockgut Troggoths, only got the faces left to choose. After that i want to try and paint them or Rippas Snarlfangs. Maybe both if i have the time.
  12. As a Nighthaunt player im happy with new models. But i cant help feel like almost every other army needed a unit and hero more than Nighthaunt does. Already have a bunch of heros sitting on the shelf and already had plenty of unit chooses imho. We just needed a tome really (or a monster). I hope the new ranged unit is any good. They do look good next to the other Nighthaunt stuff.
  13. Does this kill all rumours for malerion aelfs any time soon or did me have any more rumours?
  14. Yeah i still need that ghostship revealed soon. Also that Maugan Ra model is an instabuy.
  15. Did they mention anything about a battletome?
  16. That Corsair looks awesome. Would like a unit of more things designed that way. Just missed the Nighthaunt reveal though.
  17. Im not expecting much AoS besides some Nighthaunt stuff to be honest. Maybe a teaser for some duardin tome.
  18. I dont think soup books are bad. I think gw did mess up bonesplitterz a bit. Nothing wrong with gloomspite gitz imho (at release).
  19. For a model thats looking that good i find that the fire bits just look just a bit slapped on there last minute. Doesnt seem to blend that well, maybe its the paint job i dont know. I like everything else.
  20. I am wondering if the lightning in the new warband icon refers to frankenstein necromancers or skaven. If it was skaven it would be green i think but u never know. (Or stormcast but they already have a warband)
  21. Finished up these models. Now i need to finish building the Rockgut Troggoths and start painting those.
  22. Arent Witchhunters just common wishlisting at this point?
  23. Warcry just got Red Harvest released. I think it will be a while before we see a new big set.
  24. These are models that can be added to an existing army. Designing a whole army and not supporting it in one of the main games seems weird to me.
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