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Everything posted by Acrozatarim

  1. If the AoS pre-order is the last weekend of August, then they're having to stretch out the AoS content as thinly as possible over the coming month, I guess.
  2. If we presume for a moment that GW are going to do the whole last-week-of-August preorder for the SC and OWC battletomes, then I'd assume they'll start talking about the next book pretty much immediately after those books drop in the first week of September. GW won't want to overlap their hype, but unless there's anything else for AoS coming up for them to promote, I'd expect a September/early October marketing campaign for the October Chaos book.
  3. After the Dominion reveal, Grimdark Live did indeed say there was still Kruleboy cavalry coming according to their source, although I don't believe they specified it as Hobgrots.
  4. Yeah, the Sludgeraker generic build is a Snatchaboss, and the Sloggoth has the grots with all those nets and mancatchers, so presumably the two of them will have some sort of debuffs or model-sniping capabilities.
  5. Listing by most to least likely, my guess as to the probability of any remaining Kruleboy/Warclan reveals is roughly: 1) Warclan endless spells. 2) Kruleboy cavalry. 3) Faction terrain. 4) Any other Kruleboy units.
  6. I'd be incredibly surprised if they release the battletome without some Warclan Endless Spells, and I still think we've got the cav coming as rumoured. I expect the pre-order on the 14th or 21st.
  7. Good point about the Warhammer Plus timing. Even if it ends up delayed, they'll likely have scheduled the battletome release date around the planned Warhammer Plus date. So I guess we'll see preorders on the weekend of the 14th/15th (to release the battletomes just before the Warhammer Plus release) or the weekend of the 21st/22nd (so the battletomes reach peoples' hands a few days after the Plus releease).
  8. I suspect we'll see preorders later in the month, possibly even the last weekend of August - GW said the battletomes would be up for pre-order in the month, not that they'd be released during August, after all. And I think we're pretty likely to see more Kruleboy/Warclan releases. If nothing else, I can't believe they'd release the battletome without a set of Warclan endless spells.
  9. It may be an alternate matched play battlepack, rather than a bolt-on to the GHB2021 battlepack.
  10. Currently, Kruleboyz are up to 14 warscrolls, of which 1 is unconditional battleline.
  11. I mean, White Fang has done everything he can in the rumour thread to confirm that there will be Stormcast dragon cav short of literally just shouting it out in bold all-caps. Which makes me much more confident Th at we also haven’t seen everything for the Kruleboyz just yet.
  12. I wonder how the Dirty Tricks work. The one listed there seems pretty damn good for blunting incoming damage during the first round.
  13. I suspect we're going to keep to the reveal-a-week pattern for the remaining Stormcast and Kruleboy stuff as long as there's counterparts to show off; so over the next two weeks we'll get the Kruleboy cav and the Stormcast dragon cav, then (presuming there's no more after that) the preorder will happen.
  14. Tracks with my experience of working in tabletop games design, yeah.
  15. Honestly, they look much bigger than the Star Drake model.
  16. After some consideration, I'm... not a fan. They're not bad, but I don't really like the heads, and they look kinda generic. I prefer the ol' noodle dragons. No judgment on those who do like them - I'm happy you got models you like, and I wasn't going to be buying Stormcast stuff anyway! As for future SC and KB miniatures - there's been no indication from GW that this is it for the two factions' releases, and besides, Whitefang Has Spoken. If we've yet to see SC dragon cav, I think there's good odds we'll see something more for the Kruleboyz too.
  17. I do wonder a bit about how and why black dragons are not 'real' dragons like these two though - where do they come from, then?
  18. I kind of expect we'll see Stormcast riding smaller draconith from the newly hatched generation. These two elder dragons are interesting. The blue one looks a bit dorky; I prefer the scarred red one, I have to say. Hopefully they get opened up to armies other than the Stormcast though.
  19. GrimDark Live are just recycling the 4chan rumour pretty much exactly, yeah.
  20. Yeah, that 'rumour' post came after we already knew about the 1k Sons vs GK boxed set, and after GW had let slip that the Infernal Master was coming due to the updated points list they released for 1k Sons. So far from showing 4chan getting it right, that now shows that the rumour in question was indeed fake, as the Grey Knights stuff isn't all new.
  21. The Grimdark Live folks, who had a lot of accurate rumours about the Kruleboyz ahead of the Dominion release, repeated after it was out that they had been told there was still a cavalry unit still to come, so for now I'm holding onto the hope that we're going to see Gnashtoof Riders soon.
  22. We should probably temper our expectations wrt when the AoS battletomes and miniatures will release. All GW have committed to is a preorder some time in August, which could be anything up to the final weekend of the month. If stuff does come out sooner I'll be delighted, of course.
  23. If I may pry a little deeper into your artistic secrets - is this the same technique you used on the shields as well? They look a little more green/yellow than the armour.
  24. Given the cascade of rumours before Dominion, I’m honestly kinda surprised we haven’t seen any real leaks from the Warclans and Stormcast battetomes yet.
  25. I am now completely stuck on my Kruleboy paint scheme. I'm really happy with the skin tone I've got, pleased with the corroded metal for the armour, and I've ordered in the needed materials to do a spring/summer wetlands basing theme with plenty of vegetation and colour. But I can't figure out what colours to do the leather/cloth and the shields. I don't want to have drab brown or black rags, can't settle on two different colours for clothes and shields, and am wary of doing the same colour for both for fear of clashing. Could really do with seeing the subfaction colours from the battletome for inspiration at this point.
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