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Posts posted by GenericEdgyName

  1. Looking at it a couple times, no matter how much I want it to be, I don't think it's seraphon. I've built quite a few of their models and no where do they have any form of rivets like that. Sure, they could get them as a part of larger visual overhaul.

    I'd say it isn't stormcast either. Once again, it's not clean/new-looking enough to be them. They do have these type of small rivets in a couple places, but the cut/tear in the metal isn't their style. Similarly, I'd expect more refined craftsmanship from Grungni's duardin.

    Generally, I think it's not an order race. Imo it's either chorfs (especially now that I looked at my hobgrots - their armour, which comes from chorfs, indeed has rivets and is quite battered. Another possibility that comes to my mind is ogors, but that could be just me wanting KingBrodd to be happy lol


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  2. 1 hour ago, HollowHills said:

    Imagine being a Seraphon player reading that you had secret dragons for thousands of years but have to give them to the Stormcast because your faction is too lame.

    Sad times.

    Don't have to imagine *sad lizard noises*

    On the other hand, I kinda see why the Draconith are not for seraphon. Seraphon already have a set aesthetic of dinosaurs, aztec/mayan stuff and some ocasional space stuff. Draconith seem to be more generic western dragons, so I don't really see them fitting with seraphon visually. Now, if they were coatl style creatures, than I'd need them in my seraphon army.

    Still, a bit bummed they're stormcast. I'm sad that the stardrake will likely get replaced (not really, but the new one will probably get used much more), would prefer draconith as order's Sons of Behemat style army

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  3. What if our maybe-Ushoran guy was sitting on a throne and the throne was carried to the battle by some crypt ghouls? So they are just a few poor guys getting almost crushed under a stone throne of their crazy cruel master, but they think they're having the honour of carrying their glorious lord in something like that:


    pobrane (8).jpeg

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  4. 1 hour ago, Kronos said:

    It gets harder not draw comparisons with Hobbit Concept art, not that I’m complaining.




    Just pointing out that Whitefang liked this. That gives hope for me and my fellow gator and generla reptile enjoyers

  5. So, my opinions nobody asked for.

    I really like this greenskin creature. I really don't understand people who say that it doesn't look close enough to orruk/grot/hobgoblin - since the start GW advertised them as 'a NEW breed of evil', rumours also confirmed that. Also, we all praise AoS for it's originality and new ideas, don't we?

    About the shield, I think the very obvious eye on it is the important element. Now is it familiar because the red part of the newsletter teaser, chaos mutation aesthetic, or something entirely else.

    Finally, warhammer+. I'm not sure how to feel. I guess in a month or two we'll see a ,,Warhammer+ comes to Amazon/Netflix". Animations do look good though

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  6. Alright, I analysed the map and here's the list.

    I wrote down all locations starting with 'The' but think we can pretty much exclude them. Thondia is in big letters as it's the most likely in my opinion - in the 3rd editiom reveal stream they mentioned that Thondia will be the most important of shown regions and also it's sorta where Excelsis is. Feel free to point out any location I possibly missed

    Screenshot_20210521-143328_Samsung Notes.jpg

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  7. Firstly, the bottom of the mace looks very similar to the projectiles castigators use. Obviously sime scraps of metal have been added, but that's kinda weird as in lore those red things on the end projectile explode. That mean the creture holding it probably stole it or the ends just remain.

    Secondly, I'll take a look at the map of ghur from 3rd ed preview and make a list of all locations starting wit the letter 'T'


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  8. 9 minutes ago, CarkFish said:

    Am I the only person that isnt excited for this new "Kruel Boyz" faction .... I'm hoping against hope that it's not true .... I really think kicking off 3.0 with a reboot of gitmob / more greenskins is a bit rubbish tbh .... 

    To be honest, without seeing a single model, it's hard for me to be excited. Swamp/bog theme is one I quite like, but wolves and steppes I like even more. I guess I'll judge them after we, well actually see anything significant

  9. When I saw the Wight King in the start collecting box I was really happy and thought I'd buy it but then noticed that they cheaped out and it's grave guard instead of the new skellies. Sad, but eh, it's not like I lack things to paint, especially since I'm absolutely buying those direwolves

  10. A thing I'm interested in is where the next season of underworlds takes place. Shadespire released during first edition of AoS but took place in a city placed in shyish. Beastgrave is in ghur and boom, 3rd ed is in that realm. The realm also seems to be switching every two seasons, so it would be logical if in 5th season we again switched location to a one in the realm on which 4th ed will take place. I personally hope for Ulgu or Ghyran

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  11. Just taken a look at the sprues of the skeletons and I have to say, I'm impressed. Me and probably a few other people like their models to be diverse, and it seems this kit is at least as good at giving you options as the previous one. Especially after buying the lumimeth spearmen which were advertised as multipart kit, but really only gave options for heads and shields, I was afraid we're moving fully towards monopose. Luckily that doesn't seem to be the case

  12. I was just wondering about something. As a person who generally doesn't play the game, only collects and paints, I don't really know what to think of such possibility, so I ask ya'll. What if Stormcast chambers were split to almost make separate armies? I definitely could see something like that, obviously including some rule like 'if your army is x chamber, 1 out of 4 units may be from other chambers'. Would that help with diversification of the army, especially if each chamber/subarmy/subfaction had it's own rules and abilities to make them more equal?

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  13. 1 minute ago, Dawnmane said:


    Ok, new theory:  the red mask, the fact that there were  some eyes in groups of three in the video, and the way they emphasized in the stream that realms are still very chaos corrupted lead me to a thought. What if these are some gobbos/grots, that got mutated by chaos, but instead of worshipping it, they just kinda kept doing their own thing? That would also explain why they'd be bigger than normal grots

  14. Please just read on, I'm just another guy saying he's MASSIVELY EXCITED. Spear and shield has always been one of my favourite weapon choices esthetically, so I'm happy the  new stormcast get it. 

    Also, I know many people would love Fimir, but I kinda doubt it. There is no reason GW couldn't just invent a new swamp race, which is additionally hinted by the 'new breed of evil' thing. Also, weren't fimir big, almost troll sized? That wouldn't really fit a stalking race that picks off soldiers one by one? Either way, be they fimir or new race, I'm excited for them

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  15. 19 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

    In the spirit of I-need-to-waste-time-until-the-reveal-tomorrow, everyone post

    -One thing you WANT to be revealed tomorrow

    -One thing you EXPECT to be revealed

    -One thing you DON'T want to be revealed

    - Wolves! Greenskins! Greenskins on wolves!

    - Something story forge related, whether it's a new thing or a trailer with release date for an already announced one. Alternatively, 30k starter set

    - To be honest, selfishly, anything other than AoS 3rd or Old World

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  16. 11 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    so one of the hosts said "this is only half the orks we're getting this year", which I originally thought meant having an actual ORKTOBER but now I'm wondering if it means AOS orruks as well?

    As much as I'd like to believe that, the article on warcom states rather clearly that theses are half of 40 orks we're getting. Still, doesn't rule out AoS orruks appearing in starter or any other way

  17. 1 hour ago, PraetorDragoon said:

    Just imagine a giant ossiarch bone construct crab. With a fancy hat.

    You might be joking, but one of my all time fave games, Age of wonders 3, had it and it was awesome, despite lacking a fancy hat


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  18. One one hand, I was already preparing for dissapointment and wouldn't be so surprised if we only got the eisenhorn trailer

    On the other, do we have any, even slightest, reason (other than a previous account being taken down) reason to believe this is a true, legit leak?

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