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Everything posted by Horizons

  1. I don't know why but I really love the Knight-Judicator spam list. I agree, I hope it doesn't become the defacto list. I haven't seen it or played against it, so obviously hard to judge, but I think the rest of the book has enough bite that we'll see some diversity in Stormcast lists. I just love that a Warscroll which was almost unanimously panned and thrown aside by most people, myself included, did so well. I also love the idea of there being No safe space to deepstrike with so many good-gryph boys and shooty boys on guard. Now to think of 4 cool Knight-Judicator conversions.
  2. Personally I find Kruleboyz pts to be very tight. When trying to see if a Warscroll will fit the army I'd ask myself what does he bring to my list, what am I cutting to make him fit. If your thinking oooh, Double Dirty tricks, Remember that it's only a 33% chance to go off. If you spend a whole day and play 3 games you'll on average only get it once. And to make it worse alot of our dirty also require another dice roll. Can increase to 50% by foregoing a Command trait But I think our 3 Command traits are too good to pass up. At 175 he compares to Breakaboss, 10 Gutrippaz. I think Breakaboss is a great solo piece that can threaten a flank. I'd really only take him instead of 10 Rippaz If you already had the battlelines. I think Rippaz in 10's are pretty meh, in 20/30's they're amazing. But Then you're paying 175 pts for a 33% chance at an extra Trick and 15 wounds to sit on an objective.
  3. The good thing about Covered in mud and the Dirty tricks in General is their chosen at the beginning of the turn. There's terrain in your deployment an they have some range, place your units in cover. Aggressive Ironjawz list, look at deployment and decide if you want to be noisy. Opponent deployed extremely conservatively and no action will happen in round 1? Take out a notepad and write down some traps. Really loving the Dirty tricks.
  4. I edited it. Hopefully it's clearer. Jist of the list is Gardus with Praetors. Lord-Arcanum on Gryph Charger, 2 Stormstrike Chariots and 20 Vindictors. (10 Man, 2x 5 man). Chariots feel like a good tool to pin people in 3+ save with -1 to hit. They also look great.
  5. Holdyourground.pdfWas wondering if anyone has any advice on what could be added to round out this list? Looking to play a redeemer heavy lists that sits on objectives. Was thinking I could bring in a Lord-Celestant on Stardrake with Amulet of Destiny/Drakescale Armour to tie up key threats. My output would be an issue though I think. Any other thoughts?
  6. If you're focusing on ranged units and are not planning to mix in units from the other clans then I agree Big Waagh is a waste. I feel the Kruelboyz have quite a good spell lore, Nasty Hex, Sneaky Miasma and Boggy Mists are all really strong. I think Gutrippaz being so expensive and our only Battleline outside of Big Yellerz is a little unfortunate. I find myself skipping Grinnin' Blades or Skullbugz just to have access to cheaper battlelines. Big Waagh lets you run 85 pts Ardboys to fill battleline requirements. Great Big hand of Gork allows you to teleport an Orruk unit 9" away. You could teleport a Breakaboss 9" Away and hero-phase move it with Fast 'un since the teleport only stops you from moving in the movement phase. Is it better than IJ focused Big Waagh? No. Is it better than Kruelboyz allegiance? Probably not. Kruelboyz Waagh is better than the Big Waagh, we only really benefit from the + to Cast and Charge. Losing Dirty Tricks is also pretty rough. But will I try an Alpha strike list with Super Sneaky, Big Green Hand of Gork and Sneaky Miasma. Yes.
  7. Yup Warchanter can heal D3 wounds to a friendly unit. 3d6 Charge and + 1 dmg are IJ's keyworded though. Also pretty sure Great Green Hand of Gork is friendly units, you could use it to teleport blocks of Gutrippaz. I kind of like Big Waaagh, definitely going to give it a shot. Basically is trading Dirty tricks and Kruelboyz Waagh worth the swap. Planning to go Gutrippaz/Monster heavy so not sure.
  8. I think I'd be looking at something like this. Leaders: General Breaka-boss Super Sneaky Weird un' Gobbsprak Wurrgog Prophet (Gorkamorka's Warcry) War Dancer Battlelines: Savage Orruks x 20 Ardboys 5 Ardboys 5 Other: Boltboyz x 6 Rogue Idol Umbral Spell Portal A lot still up in the air, not sure about Breakaboss but you want a Kruelboys General to get Super sneaky. Mostly just want to get Pebbles in there doing work. Spell portal is to give extra range to Fight last and remove ward spells. Not sure about troops at all.
  9. Marshcrawla Sloggoth seems so good but also doesn't seem to fit in a Kruelboyz army. +1 to hit Aura is great but I think if you're going for a more melee focused Gutrippaz build you're mostly looking to fish for mortals with Snatcha-boss support. How do you guys feel about Rogue Idol? AoS 2 had a few strong Bonesplitterz Big Waagh list revolving around throwing him into the fray. As per the new FAQ he has the Kruelboyz keyword. We could set him up 9" with super sneaky. Or simply Hero-phase move him with Sneaky Miasma. With Big Waagh you could Mighty Destroyer, Sneaky Miasma and then move him in your turn for 30" of movement. A little dissapointed in Gobbsprak, I think he's good and costed fairly. He's billed as great anti-magic but with no bonuses to cast/unbind I don't know how effective he'll be. (I may be biased magic armies I face are Hallowheart and Kroak).
  10. I think she fits quite nicely. It seems We have a lot of choices when it comes to bringing in a big monster/hero off of Hidden Path. Durthu, Drycha and Dreadlord are still good. Although I love Ynndrasta I think I'd lean more into using a Monster for sweet Roars and Stomps. But it seems like there are lots of good options.
  11. Overall it seems like we came out pretty good compared to other armies. The new battalions are great for a lot of the cities, unleash hell will work really well for us. The point hike doesn't seem as extreme as some of the other armies. Internal balance does seem a little off still but maybe I'm being biased. I run 3 lists. Hallowheart based around casting and dispelling Everblaze Comet. New Endless spell ruling removed that option. Har Kuron, battalion focused on a large block of Darkshards, some MSU Executioners and Snakes (they're cool). New way that on 6 effect cancel each other out kind of hurts this build a little. List still fits just needs retooling now, I think a Priest is a must now, the new "Curse" prayer and frees up a command trait. I can see myself taking a Cauldron and possibly an on foot Priest. Living City, probably benefits the most, access to more CP's for Shoot then Fade Away and worthwhile battalions help a lot. The price hike of Sisters vs Irondrakes feels a little baffling, Drakes were already seen on top tables more often than Sisters. Maybe they're afraid of double overwatch being too strong. It might be.
  12. The fact that the Misthavn Narcotics rules mentions that you can equip another Friendly hero with a Dark Temptations when you take a Battalion makes it look like we might be getting a new battalion for the two new cities. Or that the new Battalion won’t be locked to a city like we’ve seen with the others.
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