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Everything posted by EntMan

  1. My Hopium is so wearing off. No signs of any other possible GW April fools, and it's past 12 noon in the UK, and they do usually do an April fool. So I think this must be the April fool for 2022 😭
  2. Sad at what the 1st April "reveal" is as it probably means they don't figure in proper plans 🙁 https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/04/01/breaking-news-you-wont-believe-whats-coming-to-warhammer-40
  3. Ironweld Arsenal Vs Skaven war machines!
  4. Actual announcement due on 1st April 😂
  5. I still seem to be able to access the Stormcast, Orcs, Sea Elves and Naked Dwarf warscrolls. Maybe my app hasn't updated yet, but the layout of the warscrolls does seem to have changed.
  6. I just wish the Incarnate (of Ghur) looked more like a beast, and not an undead beast, (save that for the Incarnate of Shyish).
  7. Hoping, not necessarily expecting, some affordable in numbers plastic replacements Skaven for some of the definitely not affordable in numbers metal units.
  8. I'm keen to see the rules for the Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur and the hint that it'll be a wondering monster once it's associated hero dies. It does look good, but as a undead magic monster vibe. I'd love to see proper living fleshy monsters. We're in the Realm of Beasts, show us the beasts!
  9. With the inclusion of the Cleansing Aqualith and hints at more fleshing out of Dawnbringer Crusades I'm hoping we'll get some rules for Dawnbringer scenery/terrain, specifically the Nexus Syphon which in my opinion is the coolest model to not have any specific rules. I mean it totally looks like it should DO SOMETHING and not just sit there looking pretty.
  10. Well the buildings are buildings under construction, rather than ruins. But still bits of buildings rather than whole...
  11. I'm curious about consistency of scale. How do the sizes of these compare to the shields, swords and axes on actual elf, chaos and dwarf models?
  12. Is this gone for ever? Or gone for repackaging? He was on my longlist for a conversion to use as a unit leader for a 'savage greatswords' idea I've had...
  13. Abholons, eh? I guess we need something to speculate wildly about once Silent People are revealed in all their glory!
  14. I watched the video and have to say these Space Marines look good. Do you think GW will ever release models of them? Niche, but could be a popular little side earner for them!
  15. So when I come to make my Lord-Relictor from start collecting, its head is an actual skull rather than a skull shaped helmet with its actual head inside?
  16. Was that back in the day when WHFB was still on a planet lost in a warp storm in the Eye of Terror?
  17. I maths'd the Khorne one with UK prices and the individual costs add up to the same as the bundle. You just get the free picture. Edit: we'll have to see if the bundle prices go up with the general price rises in a few days time.
  18. I just did the maths on the UK prices. No savings on if you bought the SC (£50) Skull Crushers (£60) and Blood Warriors (£37.50) individually, but you do get a free art print if that's your thing.
  19. Isn't this like what they did with Nurgle a while ago? A hint that the summer Chaos Tome will be Khorne perhaps? I'm still hoping for and expecting Skaven though. Edit: there is also a Slaanesh bundle so obz this is not a hint to the Summer Chaos Tome. Unless we're getting Khorne/Slaanesh Soup 😂
  20. My thought - artillery could make it harder to capture/hold objectives e.g. increase the number of models required to occupy an objective if it is within range of enemy artillery (and perhaps even reduce the number if it is in range of friendly)
  21. If that's the pattern then I guess I have until the summer to get myself the Start Collecting Sylvaneth.
  22. Well either the price of on it's own will reduce, or the price of Start Collecting will go up...
  23. Am I missing something, or couldn't you already get them outside of Start Collecting (except for at the same price as Start Collecting so why would you?) https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Auric-Runefather-on-Magmadroth
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