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Everything posted by Feii

  1. Does shooting truly need compensation? It's not like shooting is struggling rn so bringing it down would make it unplayable.
  2. most likely not because the shops havent heard about it and they get to preorder one week earlier than the customer base.
  3. the new with king on the steed and his ability doesn't even work RAW it doesn't do anything. I really wouldn't count it as a masterplan strategy to make your new sculpt unplayable.
  4. But are you sure the second CEO didn't cause the financial crisis of 2008 in order to trim the less wealthy consumers from his high end restaurant chain and show you!? /s
  5. Wrong. Bad take after another bad take I wish I was so sure about being right when I am wrong
  6. How many layers of ideology and being unable to admit flaws in ones own thinking does it take to make a comment that on the one hand says they are not designing it like they do with magic and then quote MTG designer post to support the same argument. 🤡 You are wrong.
  7. the thing is the spread of good and bad elements in this game even within one army has no right to be the same as somewhere in mtg. I fully understand that if you have over 20 000 cards and the limited environment you will have a lot of bad cards but then you look at let's say on release IDK and how can you achieve 1 good warscroll 1 mediocre warscroll and another 10ish trash tier scrolls and call it the way of life. It is not the way of life it is what it looks like if you writers are incompetent. In mtg you have intentionally pushed or trash cards but there is no room for such a huge spread in AoS if you have competent designers.
  8. don't think that is true. This is not MTG.
  9. just imagine if Severith becomes capable of doing some decent damage as a result fo those changes on top of the utility.
  10. because the new box isnt releasing this Saturday for pre orders? 40k too didnt have news in the weeks with no releases. also https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/06/02/the-new-edition-of-warhammer-age-of-sigmar-delivers-the-most-comprehensive-ruleset-ever/
  11. You see GW thats why you tell customers what they can expect like wotc does. now imagine if somebody who has a history of being right about rumours made up a thing to gain some clout 🥲
  12. They should have went with more crazy kragnos design. Lizard lower part of the body. Granitr like arms maybe 4 of them etc. his backstory is just so bad. He is A grade ****** who didnt even do half of the things apparently and thats all.
  13. Probably some big reveals to match SCE drakes. I would expect several more kits
  14. Could you ask them if purely hypothetically Kragnos would fit into the army. Wink wink?
  15. Chaos dwarves as a matriarchal society? 👀👀
  16. I would be fine with Hashit being a chaos godbeast
  17. Given what they said about the new heroic rules and CA you can activate in every turn I really fear the gap between armies with good rules and bad rules will become wider. Also quote me on this - Malerion elves will be the color Blue of AoS in that regard
  18. Given what they said about the new heroic rules and CA you can activate in every turn I really fear the gap between armies with good rules and bad rules will become wider. Also quote me on this - Malerion elves will be the color Blue of AoS in that regard.
  19. Depends what you like but because no other company has 25 armies with rules and if fun to you means a lot of armies witht heir standalone rules then you have a hard time to find something better than GW having that said a lot of skirmish games has better rules than GW skirmish games. I also think the core rules of gw big games are 9/10 BUT they carry the army rules hard. To be fair vince and uncle adam made probably better rules for a skirmish game than a multibillion company...
  20. I like the direction but them saying going second is worse than going first got me very worrying. hint - going second is better right now and they are buffing it wtf?
  21. At the same time it is unwatchable for NZ Australia Asia It was still 9 am for the east coast wasnt it? Idk you wont see it live because you were sleeping this way people in europe wont see it live brcause they have something else scheduled qt the same time.
  22. Not sure about that I could watch a reveal at 15:00 here in europe and then have something in the evening this way I cannot watch it if I have any other evening activities. 18:00-19:00 would be better during the work week not during the weekend.
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