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Everything posted by Ragest

  1. Let’s talk a little about rules. How are they going to make Hurakans better than the almost perfect shooting machine sentinels are?
  2. Oh no, first time I saw “Fellas von Vaine” and now i can’t stop calling her that.
  3. I don’t get the gender controversy about the Vampire. Who cares? You can either say thats your vamp dude ruler of all zombies or the girl vamp ruler of all zombies. I mean, what’s the point?
  4. Fantasy lovers are crying and who cares about. This is Age of Sigmar and those are not High elves.
  5. Warhammer quest with the worgen from the pair of rumour engines, the critters with keys, witch hunter and weird zombi? I say yes.
  6. Just a generic vampire lord, now imagine named ones.
  7. Oh the other worgen’s feet. Now we have both in rumour engines
  8. Gw teased “Aelf Panteon” just before the first Broken Realms. Most of people refused to see, but we have aelfs for a long time.
  9. Hm... That vampire box is not designed like all AoS boxes, resolution is terrible and we cant see plastic behind. For me this is fake.
  10. Man, Im really happy today. Just confirm me the Aelf Alpacas and i will promise I’m not going to play other army till the end of Age of Sigmar
  11. I love it. I LOVE IT. And it’s me or those are not the same that gw previewed in new year’s eve?
  12. Yes it would be way so early, but there are tons of rules to write if they want ro release a new temple, and old book is going to feel so outdated (imagine Teclis knowing all lores but the one from new temple, or the stances issue that it looks like there is an unknow mechanic about that just because of how alarith rules are written) I have tons of doubts
  13. Ok so at least 3 more units in Lumineth that needs some warscrolls, some lore, artifacts, temple traits (like vanari or alarith) and battalions. All of that in the same Broken Realms book? Hm... I’m not sure about
  14. I will be fine with just Morathi’s book faqs at this point
  15. Dead: Vampires from Underworlds Divine: Lumineth or Sororitas?
  16. Honestly, I would be disappointed if they give us just white sphiranx. I prefer alpacas or camels or something more imaginative.
  17. Coming from? I don’t want to be mad for nothing
  18. I don’t know about power creeps, but magic and shooting is a joke now. So if you want to play melee, you have to charge, you can’t pass throught units unless you can fly and get some nice charge roll, you have to pile in the nearest model, just 3” and if you don’t kill all unit they can turn around and hit you. Magic? Just throw some dices and count mortal output. Shooting? Just try to DR and go brrrrrrrr support heroes to te ground. Frustrating, no counterplay, no issues failing, just count inches and enjoy.
  19. Yes we don't need 3.0 That's why people are starting to "ban" certain armies in online matches or melee armies are completely unplayable right now. We don't see a complete domination of certain type of armies (easy to get, magical mortal spamming and dr+shoot plus mortals) just because in TTS you can play what you want, not tied to physical miniatures, if not all matches would be Barak Zilfin vs Seraphon vs One(or two with Fatemaster)drop Tzeentch and Onedrop Stormcast. Amazing times of Age of Sigmar, indeed.
  20. I want to believe that AoS FAQs are coming next week aswell. Or we riot.
  21. Vanari + Alarith mix works surprisingly well for me. Stuff hitting at -2, tons of bodies, mobile hero to help you in hero focused battleplans, easily two drops and the chance to choose if you want to deny damage either by hit debuff or ignoring rend.
  22. It’s normal you see lot of stock of lumineth for two main reasons. 1) Lack of physical matches because of the virus. 2) Still behind of the four powerhouses. (Ko, Seraphon, Tzeentch and Onedrop Stormcast. So the casual players are taking it slowly, painting and preparing for the end of apocalypse and meta players are still fine with their actual armies.
  23. Please Workshop, give me lhamas, i want 20 of that. And next to lhamas some platypus or something even more weird. You broke up all expectations with cows, now get crazy, I will pay.
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