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Everything posted by Sarouan

  1. That's why I don't believe he has genuine sources, he just goes for fishing information on the internet and he's been better at detecting trolls than before. He certainly gets mails by his fans on his youtube channel, that lead him more easily towards certain hidden discord channels where first info is posted or simply use his own for that. That's all.
  2. Valrak is as reliable as the dog I don't have. He was horribly wrong in the past, but he got a few hits more recently and people seem to suddenly forget his erratic history. I don't, personnally. As far I'm concerned, he doesn't actually have "genuine sources", he's just lucky with guessing and good with fishing the right info from elsewhere.
  3. Including for the ego. It's hard to say "I don't know" when you're in a certain position of power. At least when you're not sued for something you did.
  4. You know, rumorsmongers don't necessarily know anything from people working at GW and leaking some info. A lot of it is browsing through info put somewhere else and mere speculation mixed with logic, that sometimes hits true.
  5. Never attribute mere inability to say "I don't know" and thinking your own feelings are facts as pure malice. Conspiracies exist, but most of the time, it's just flawed humans doing dumb mistakes. I'm working in the administration. You'd be surprised to know how often people working in other services don't follow procedures just because they want "to do good" and end up saying something dumb to the external people - making us look like evil clowns doing it on purpose.
  6. Well for now, they will be removed but what we know from GW's past deeds is that something that gets removed can pretty much return later. Since they have a place for "older ranges" to stay in TOW, I'm honestly expecting a new form of beastmen only faction in a more copyrightable / AOSable name...and maybe not in the Chaos Alliance anymore. I'm actually interested in reading what GW will write in the background of 4th about them, including their announced digital books. Pretty sure there will be hints on the future. Maybe Morghur isn't "unidivided chaos personnafied", but more like something that wants things to go back to their original state - shapeless form of the realms before Chaos and Order made a mess in it. A true avatar of wild nothingness, not following Gorkamorka nonsense but real, raw destruction of everything. After all, we know "unmarked" beastmen in AoS actually despise the Chaos Gods and their legends tell more of a Zodiac Beast as their father rather than being "just" beings made by Chaos like in Warhammer Battle / The Old World. A lot of previous "chaos beasts" have a more "natural origin" in AoS, after all. Maybe we'll have more wild-faun like, less chaos beastmen ? Or Kragnos lost long people...or both. Future will tell, and hope is the last thing left in the box.
  7. TBH, the big difference with previous miniature removal by GW is how soon they make the announcement, but also assure they still be legal to use for competitive play and thus considered in the balance rules for a specific amount of time (even if competitive scene can't be trusted IMHO). A lot of things can happen in one year of GW time. Maybe some "replacements" will come close to that end date, reimagined beastmen / bonesplitters or something very similar but different (some kind of giant centaurs drawn by earthquakes ? ). GW sells games, but most over all miniatures. New miniatures will always happen, and they will have new rules to accompany them. I'm still curious about what GW will wrote in the background of the 4th digital books about them. I'm pretty sure there will be hints on the future inside. So far about beastmen, we know that in AoS, "unmarked" beastmen actually despise and loathe the Chaos Gods and they are less the creation of Chaos than in Warhammer Battle's universe / The Old World (their own legends tell they had a Zodiac Beast as their father in the Age of Myths). We also know some breys are tied to old Morghur and want to "give the Realms their original, shapeless form". Some people (and I'm one of them ) liked to think that maybe they weren't really fit for the Chaos Alliance anymore and more akind to Destruction in a lot of ways (they also hate civilization and worship the raw brutality of nature, like all the greenskins). Who knows, maybe they can come back in AoS with a more radically different theme - less chaos, more wild faun-like ? Future will tell.
  8. "What's a gor if not a Darkoath with horns ?" Sequitors were always Liberators in disguise. That's why they were wearing robes ! My Warcry units will do what they do the best : being played in Warcry.
  9. See you in 10 years with re-release of first Stormcast Eternal miniatures in The Old Age of Sigmar - Dusty Chambers Edition.
  10. It's actually the competitive players who are hurt the most. They're the ones who invest money in an army that is solely and purely aimed at AoS tournaments. If the said factions aren't "official" anymore (or are said to be dropped at a specific point in time), that kills the motivation for them to invest any further in this. That's why I said the competitive scene can't be trusted and kills the fun in games. Because GW knows very well competitive players are the most driven to scrupulously follow the best meta and the most likely to buy a whole new army to keep being at the top. They also know putting an army on Legend is basically a death sentence for the life of these factions in competitive scene tournaments. Casual and narrative players, it's no big deal for them - they already have everything to keep playing at their pace and don't care about "official" or "balance" nonsense. Devastating news for competite BOC players, they have all rights to be angry and throw ungor spearmen point first at AoS tournament posters in their training room.
  11. Modders do a better job than CA about adding content for the game, anyway. After the debacle of what CA did with previous DLC and what they actually did with their money on a failed Battle Royale game, that kind of rumor won't work on the TW3 community that still didn't forget these events.
  12. It just shows how competitive scene can't be trusted and always ruins the fun in games. Sorry.
  13. I'd advice you to first ask your AoS friends (or even complete strangers !) to still play your beastmen. Rules will still be there, after all. You could be surprised by the answer.
  14. So much this. It is still sad to see miniatures go, I have been there so many times and it still hurts the same. But I can at least relativise more easily with so many similar experiences I had in the past. Yet, rules will still exist for a while to play if you wish it so. Damn, before The Old World was actually released, I still played Warhammer Battle with my old collection of greenskins for a decade since GW support officially ended. And if the rules and miniatures disappear, people still manage to find a way...finding rules online put there by true fans (Sigmar bless them), buying second market / competitor miniatures or use new technology to have pretty damn equivalent miniatures for your needs. Players always find a way. Even if a new edition comes, that doesn't mean everything you collected vanishes from existence tomorrow. You still have all these books, all these miniatures...and you likely are still in touch with all these players you had fun with. Use them, ask people. You'd be surprised how many of them will be more than happy to play "no longer supported miniatures" / "dead games" with you for still a long, long time. And to hell with tournaments and "official balance", they were never needed to have fun in games. Only you, your game partners, and all the lovely miniatures you have.
  15. Until they are ! On long term, be sure they will be replaced in turn. Malerion's shadow army will be the new pointy eared taste of dark !
  16. And just like back in 2015, some will give up, others will shrug and still play an older edition / another game system using their cherishly kept miniatures like nothing happened with same minded players and a couple will sadly burn their army in a fit of rage. Personnally, my Anima Tactics miniatures look really great in Warcry as count-as Cities of Sigmar warband. I call it "the Final Fantasies" (Anima Tactics was a skirmish fantasy game that is totally Final Fantasy / anime inspired)
  17. I already read it, but this experience you just told makes me think it's more a question of you blaming your bad experiences on Double Turn instead of looking at the decisions in game that may have lead to said bad experience. That's why I wrote a game mechanism isn't bad or good in itself : to me, it's more a question of players who made bad or good decisions during the game that lead to bad experiences. Attitude play a role too ; if you're a bad sport and act like a ******, no matter the game system, the game is most likely to be experienced poorly by the player involved. And it doesn't matter if one of the players blame it on the game system itself, it will still be him deciding to play the game as he did with the attitude he had. Rather than blaming the game, look at yourself first. Then blame the game if you wish it so.
  18. Beastmen can indeed come back to AoS in a new battletome, or in new units in existing battletomes. They will just be called another name with new miniatures for GW to sell.
  19. To be fair, caution is to be made with every miniature game, especially nowadays with Kickstarters, 3D printed miniatures and mostly how faster things come and go in general. Anima Tactics, Confrontation, AT-43, Battlefleet Armada...I still miss them even now. Some may come back on a different form, some are gone forever. GW is the company that is the most resilient so far, but when they killed Battle the 1st time, they already showed none of their games was safe. The good thing is that with TOW, we also know that doesn't mean they can't resurrect a game with all the old miniatures from the past, even though you'd never expect them to bring back such ugly miniatures.
  20. I know it hurts everytime it happens, I went through that too many I want to count. But please listen to this old player with decades of GW games practice (and other games too that completely disappeared with their entire range forever) : there is no game nor army that lasts forever. In the end, what is always left is fond memories of the times you play and the collection of miniatures you still love. And that is maybe the most important to cherish. I know it's hard, but don't throw everything in anger. When I did, I always regretted it. Take time, digest the new and think what is really important for you. And if you leave GW games, it's perfectly ok. The miniatures you have can still be used in another game.
  21. Better now than losing more value later, I guess.
  22. Yeah...looks like it... Better download those Warcry band rules in the section of Warhammer Community, just in case...
  23. Joke started with Warhammer Battle's End Times : "Battle is dead, play AoS now". Now the circle is done, the snake eats its own tail !
  24. At least beastmen will still be sold in TOW packages. So you'll still be able to complete your collection for a while, and still use them as "count-as" / legend in AoS if you wish it so.
  25. Better they're clear now than later. There was no real timing to be best, all hurt. At least, we now know and may act appropriately. They did remove previous miniatures from their range multiple times in the past (and entire armies too, bretonnians and tomb kings may be returned now but for a long time they were gone for good in the mind of everyone). Everytime, it hurts and we see people leaving, but community is still here because some accept it and stay while new blood that has no bones in the drame comes in. This will be the same.
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