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Everything posted by Dingding123

  1. I'm under the impression AoS games play themselves out too quickly at the moment. Optimal strategies seem entirely funneled at this point; there's no reason to have a unit in your list if it can't contribute to the one gimmick your list is trying to focus on. Despite lists having 2k units it feels like they might as well be 250pt games despite taking 5x as long, since unit variety in more powerful lists is arguably at an all-time low. AoS is unfortunately just doing very little right now to encourage anything else.
  2. From what I can tell it's the terrible duality of unanswerable offense and impenetrable defense. Some stuff can kill everything on the charge. Some stuff just doesn't take combat damage. Some stuff says "I don't need to get close to you to hit you with my entire army" and/or "your wizards are 100% useless". Gimmick armies being overpowered and stomping eachother while folding to gimmick lists is a bad time for everyone. GW needs to find a way to incentivize players to deploy more than just a firing squad or a pure deepstrike army as well as a way to make a handful of elites not quite as daunting to a thematically sensible army. Nothing's fun about wondering what on earth within your faction overcomes 2k points worth of a single gimmick by turn 2. I get that the game is simple but earning this much of an advantage just by picking ultimately braindead armies is pretty silly.
  3. I think Fellwaters seem rad too; mainly what I've noticed about Gitz is if there's not a big block of Stabbas or at least a half dozen troggs they sort of crumble to an actual frontline so those would go a long way towards solving that. While Bounderz and Arachnaroks are tougher than most Gitz units they aren't fine-tuned enough towards going wound-for-wound with other units to justify not having a core tarpit/frontline. Having some more durable melees to play around plus those double Arachnarok Webspinners should make the list way more sturdy in general.
  4. In case you're considering suggestions I'd recommend either combining the two 15 Riders into one big block of 30 and fitting in just enough Riders to fill battleline spots or just splitting the Riders into three separate units of 5, 10 and 20 so they can be micromanaged more efficiently (bravery be darned). Also regarding the Spider Cluster battalion since it's tricky to fit into Spiderfang lists anyway thanks to requiring so many Arachnaroks you might just want to embrace the chaos of having more drops while putting those points towards more units and maybe an Endless Spell as well. The points from dropping the battalion could go towards a second Scuttleboss or more Riders plus either Scuttletide or Malevolent Moon, or combined with the 60-pt discount from having a 30 Rider battleline a whopping 10 additional Riders or 5 and a Scuttleboss. I see you're interested in a second Webspinner on Arachnarok and the list could likely pull it off despite demanding more cuts beyond the Arachnarok battalion; fitting in more hordes instead could also likely be a boon since lists only having 126 wounds is abysmal under normal circumstances. You should be able to get a lot done with two Webspinners on Arachnaroks regardless, whereas otherwise bumping that wounds total up to at least >130 should be crucial towards having enough pieces to deal with both tarpits and behemoths, plus Behemat's tarpit-behemoths.
  5. I know it's tiring hearing about double turns as everyone's likely heard and seen everything regarding them at this point. But I do really like these particular ruling ideas - at least thematically! - for double turns. While they're not perfect, they should be simple enough to keep the game from being overly complicated for newer players. 1.) Rapid Fire As marksmen furiously empty their quivers and reload their handguns enemy forces will try any and everything to avoid the fates of their comrades, from crouching to aerial maneuvers and hiding behind their less fortunate footsoldiers. During your consecutive turns, treat all enemies as though they're within basic terrain cover (even if they can't be affected by cover). 2.) Steady Charge As units continue their furious assault they pace themselves so as to avoid the consequences of breaking their own lines. During your consecutive turns, the result of your units' charge rolls is the highest number shown between either dice +1. (A charge roll of 4 and 3 results in a 5" charge instead of a 7" one; a roll of 6 and anything (including another 6) results in a 7" charge). 3.) Heroic Resolve As heroes face down furious magical forces they remain staunch in their ways, creating a near-palpable sense of will. During your consecutive turns, subtract 1 from Mortal Wound rolls for enemy Heroes if the source is from a spell or Endless Spell (if the result is 0, they take 0 damage). An important note is that the 7" max charge from Steady Charge means that most units can no longer make a 9" chump charge after performing a Deep Strike on double turns under normal circumstances. Is that okay or is it too punishing for cavalry units? Let me know what you think!
  6. Here's my prospected budget list based on the Fungal Loonhorde Battleforce box if anyone's curious: 15 Boingrot Bounderz (300) 6x Rockgut Troggoths (280) 1x Skragrott, the Loonking [general] (220); lore: Itchy Nuisance 1x Dankhold Troggoth (190) 1x Zarbag's Gitz (160); lore: Hand of Gork 12x Squig Herd [battleline] (140) 5x Savage Boarboy Maniaks [allied] (140) 20x Shootas [battleline] (120) 1x Loonboss on a Giant Cave Squig (110) (moon-cutta); artefact: Loonstone Talisman 1x Loonboss on a Giant Cave Squig (110) (moon-cutta) 1x Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90); lore: Call da Moon 6x Squig Herd [battleline] (70) Endless Spells: Malevolent Moon (40) Scuttletide (30) Total: 2000/2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 140/400 Wounds: 173 While I own everything here save for 6 Squig Herd models + the Battleforce stuffs I definitely wouldn't mind replacing a couple of units in the near future if I get the box for cheap, bar going down the rabbit hole of declaring a new archetype . I aim to play conservatively on turn 1 to farm CP and cast Endless Spells, then follow up on the next turn with a strong Squig/Bounderz run+charge and start contesting points. What is the weakest link here for doing that? If it's any consolation for the 20 Shootas, I can use them with Hand of Gork as charge fodder/point contesters and have them poke at something without charging. Alternatively it can move the 6 Rockguts and use their D3 mortal ranged attack and also potentially get a chump charge. Either way the spell makes the most immobile units in the list more mobile assuming Zarbag doesn't mess up the cast with a +3. Anyway thanks for reading my walls of text guys haha.
  7. Gobbapalooza. It's 5 distinctly different wacky Grots yet they have the most boring abilities in the Gitz army possible. Two of them are mages that can't cast Arcane Bolt or Mystic Shield. One member in particular is complete garbage unless you expect to get a ton of mileage out of specifically Skragrott's ranged attack. They attack separately despite not being heroes as they're 5 separate units. Want to know the two abilities they all share? It's Look Out, Sire and a 4+ and 5+ save for the first two respective battle rounds. Wow. What makes them particularly boring is that their Know-Wots have a 1/3 chance to just not even happen. This is remedied by taking them as a Battalion, which also buffs the cast rolls on the pair of dunce mages by +1. But the stupid mages can't learn any Lore of the Moonclans! They can dispel, cast Endless Spells and cast their close-range gimmick spells, one of which is ignoring a potential Battleshock. That's about it. So it costs an additional 110pts to make a wacky ball of loony characters remotely entertaining.
  8. For some reason I thought the battleforce boxes (particularly the Gitz one) would be $120. Expecting that might be ludicrous but atm it's $200+ on Amazon, all with a 3-to 5-week delivery time to America lol. Any chance we'll see the 2020 battlehere in america before Xmas? If so what are the odds I could still get one for ~$150?
  9. Skragrott's other merits as a general are his on-average +1 CP at the start of each of your turns and that Squig Herds can still contribute to his battleline despite him not being a Squig hero himself. However if you're not using endless spells I wouldn't consider him as a general, and if you have a better general for your list's synergies just go with them instead. Outside of being a general, as a standalone hero he's honestly not bad if your army keeps him protected and, again, if you're running endless spells. He's a pseudo-artillery unit as well which he can get some mileage out of given his whopping 28" ranged attack.
  10. Wow. That is in the ballpark of 800 pts for only $120 lol. Even if I didn't use the second Loonboss on a Cave Squig I'd still make off like a bandit with that new battleforce box! For the sake of fitting everything in my list (I would like to keep 5 Boarboys for their mobility after using them in 1k games) I'll have to cut a couple corners and use only 5 Squigs for one of the battlelines and take out Mork's Mushroom. Also I'd need to either omit a Loonboss on a Cave Squig or downgrade the Troggboss to a Dankhold Troggoth and lose the extra command point - both are worth the last 110pts. But that means all that's left is to get my hands on 6 Squig Herd models and 20 Shootas and I'll reach 3 battlelines and 2k pts! With 12 units/heroes I would literally never choose who goes first in games. But that's fine! That is absolutely acceptable - not only is the list beefy as all getout but Loonshrine/Battletome aside it would cost well under $200 to make PB ready. Thanks for bringing up the upcoming deal; that box is a dream come true!
  11. I'm looking to buy a budget 2k list for Gitz by sometime before summer next year. So far I've assembled 1k points worth of Gitz and allies, consisting of Skraggrot as general, Zarbag's Gitz, a Squig Herd, allied Savage Boarboy Maniaks, a Fungoid Cave Shaman and a Loonboss on a Cave Squig. I'm thrilled that it was all fairly cheap to get (especially the Boarboys!) so I'm attempting to keep the finished 2k list cheap as well while also keeping it fairly competitive. If I could get the rest for ~$300 that would be amazing. So far my plans are to get the Start Collecting box and use all the models it comes with and also use all of the Gitz Endless Spells that I may or may not be getting from my brother for Xmas. The rest is fairly up in the air. I have a few ideas for filling the remaining pts that don't involve removing everything trying to go all-in on a synergy. I could cut half of the Maniaks and maybe Mork's Mighty Mushroom for 3 Spiderfang Arachnaroks w/War Parties plus their Battalion bonus. They'd need to stick together for their bonus and wouldn't be particularly mobile but would offer a non-negligible amount of bow attacks as well as a pretty devastating charge and a hefty 14 wounds per model. Another idea (possibly my favorite) is adding a unit of 2 Dankhold Troggoths and a unit of 20 Shootas so I don't have to spread out Squigs to fill battleline reqs and have access to more netters beyond the one in Zarbag's Gitz, which will be Skraggrot's entourage. Finally I could cave and get a wall of 60 Stabbas to fill the battleline plus a mage or two. What would y'all suggest? I know Dankhold Troggoths get some flak but I do appreciate how strong they are per model for their point value and that one won't normally be affected by Battleshock if the other dies. To make Mork's Mushroom much stronger I could get my hands on a Balewind Vortex for Skragrott to cast on top of as well, increasing the range for his spells to match or even exceed his ranged attack. While 60 Stabbas seems boring to me I wouldn't be terribly disappointed if my list included them.
  12. boo; I was hoping I could cut Loonshrine from my budget by using a Squig-only battleline! Now even with either a pile of Squigs or Rockguts it seems inevitably good. I'm actually convinced the Loonshrine has a downside in that it takes up space to maneuver on your side of the board.
  13. Well to go into more detail, Savage Boarboys/Maniaks have a foot of constant movement plus a 2" bonus to charge, whereas Gitz have no cavalry to speak of and their fastest units only have 2d6 or a conditional 3d6 movement. They'd be great to contest points with that aren't affected by Da Bad Moon as well while most of the army can stay within it, theoretically at least. The best Battle Trait they miss out on as allies is the Bonesplitterz' save on an unconditional 6 a la Nighthaunt, but that doesn't really seem like a dealbreaker as they still retain their daunting number of attacks per model.
  14. Lure doesn't matter during Da Bad Moon - that being said, if you've got something like a block of Bounderz or multiple Squig behemoths you want all the reliability you can get plus Loonboss on a cave squig at that point. If you just need more leadership or a point sink, said Loonboss is a solid hero by himself with decent mobility in Da Moon; he doesn't need many other Squigs to help justify him.
  15. My theorycraft PB scroll! Mostly my favorite units but trying to keep the list competitive as well. The plain Loonboss is there mainly as a CP dispenser for Rockguts and allies, none of which benefit from the Bad Moon as much as the others so they'll ideally be contesting points away from the Bad Moon anyway. On another note Scuttletide can be difficult to cast without a Webspinner so I might just use Quicksilver Swords instead if Chaos will be as popular as it has been at my local game store. Alternatively I could go down 6 Squigs (or Snufflers if they're just plain useless in a ranged meta) for Mork's Mighty Mushroom, which is a bomb against hordes. Edit: I'm settling on this list! Dankholds are a bit shaky on HP but with Mystic Shield they can put in work against hordes and tarpits and help focus down a hero like Rockguts can. Gitz's weenie leaders seem worthwhile as well since they also pack a decent punch. I was considering running 3-4 Arachnaroks instead for their battalion but Troggoths as a stand-in frontline for Squig Herds running around with a bunch of weenie goblins telling everyone what to do seems way more fun and flavorful. If I really think the Troggs need their leader's buff I can convert one of the Dankholds into a Troggboss and just have a unit of two Dankholds instead of three. Hopefully I finish it by the end of the year!
  16. Dankhold Troggoths seem neat, despite doing less than half of an equal points-worth of Rockguts' damage with clubs and Rockguts being collectively nearly twice as tanky. The fact that each model gets 3/4 the attacks of a Troggboss while retaining both Crushing Grip and all its other non-Command abilities makes them appealing to me (not to mention the models themselves!). I really like the concept of running them as a unit with Skragrott and Fungoid generating constant CP's. Granted they're not as good as Rockguts at taking down giant heroes but they do significantly more damage per model, are less vulnerable to AoE magic and have great utility in that they can just eat nearby models; up to 2 with Snufflers haha. I may have to run a unit of Rockguts due to how ridiculously strong they are (especially with something as flimsy as a minimalist Squig-only battleline) but I see lots of merit in Dankholds as well. A unit of them is a whopping 570pt investment but I appreciate how versatile and powerful they are in a lot of cases - only two need to reach a horde or elite to take out a huge chunk of them in one swing! Hopefully they'll be as good in plastic as they seem to be on paper but I absolutely adore their models and might get them solely for that.
  17. Howdy! I have about 500pts worth of gitz models set up so far with about 300 more still boxed. Really into Squig Herd specifically - I just love that unit and everything about it. Skragrott is also cool, and so are Bonesplitterz like Savage Boarboys which I'm tickled I can run as allies as they were hands-down my favorite models when I walked into a GW store for the first time.
  18. Thanks all - by the way is it a limit of 3 endless spells on the board at one time or 3 endless spells on a warscroll period?
  19. Hey all! I'm a fairly green Gitz player with nearly 1k worth of gitz (including allies) and a decent grasp of the core rules and Gitz rulings. I've done a lot of theorycrafting regarding 2k armies and I need some input on which direction I should go with one now that the 2020 handbook has come out. First I've got two main limitations. I want Skragrott as general; he's somewhat expensive but I love the guy and everything about him. I also don't care for a massive battleline, particularly of Stabbas - the reason I'm not playing 40k is because I'd never care to paint/play with 100+ samey models . Honestly I don't even care to invest in the Loonshrine as it crowds up melee space and IMO it's an absolute eyesore. -Sorry to anyone here I've horribly offended with that lol. Next, there are other pieces I absolutely need in my 2k scroll: Skraggrott as general (220pt)- he's somewhat expensive but I love this guy and everything about him. 170+pts other Wizards: I'm thinking a Fungoid to help create/dispense CPs and a Webspinner to help potentially cast Scuttletide. I like Wizards but am on the fence about adding more beyond these; more on that later. ~150pts of Endless Spells: Malevolent Moon is awesome and so is Scuttletide. I'm thinking Skragrott can have a field day with those on top of a Maelstrom and it'd be funny as well. Small Squig Herd battleline - I love these guys. At least 280pts worth. Savage Boarboys as allies: I love these guys and I think they can put in work in a pitched battle as well. They've got reliable movement plus a lot of attacks and wounds and a strong charge. Ideally they'd contest the control point furthest away from Da Bad Moon so that there's more room in melee for those that benefit. 130pts for five, or 260 but for two separate units since in a unit of ten if five die at once the other five are definitely going to flee. Mollog (170pt). Frontline with a great big (and only $25!) butt. Melee attack is roughly 1d6 unconditional mortals but it doesn't roll for hit or wounds AND it ignore saves. The +1 bravery potentially preservess command points if only one or two friendly models are slain in a nearby unit. I have a few ideas for filling in the ~800pts needed for pitched battles but I'm stuck between: an Arachnarok Spider Cluster battalion. Bounderz (dat charge) plus other Squig goodstuffs. Troggoths despite no general or battleline; they seem super point-efficient rn! Gobbapalooza (now 180) plus even more Wizards and endless spells OR some combination of these and Troggoths. literally waiting for Behemats to come out instead lol. Any help picking between these would be great! Personally I'm stumped, but I do expect both Squig synergies and tons of Troggoths would be the biggest hit on my wallet so other ideas might be the best place to start. If nothing's as good as those then that's perfectly fine as well; honestly I currently like all of these ideas equally, granted I have no experience with 2k+ games.
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