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Everything posted by Sedral

  1. Hey guys! What whould you say is the good size for kairic acolyte units in a pyrofane cult list? Do you want one big unit and multiple little ones to make the most of the reroll to wound command ability, or just spam as many 20/30 men blocks as possible? I'm not looking for hyper optimization, but I was wondering what was the common wisdom on this matter.
  2. Hey guys, new Tzeentch player here! I was wondering if anyone had any luck using classic StD units like warriors and knights with the Tzeentch allegiance? They seem to provide some tankyness, which Tzeentch is usually lacking, but even with a warshrine they're not THAT tanky so I can't really decide between StDs or a bunch of tzaangor/enlightened who have a much better damage output instead. This is the list I'm going for at the moment. The sorcerer lord on manticore looks really good, I'm really just second guessing the lesser mortals.
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