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Duke of Mousillon

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Posts posted by Duke of Mousillon

  1. Crunshed some numbers. Tzaangors with dual weapons I suppose can do okish melee dmg. Just ignore the Great glaives completely. Only pair of blades if you dont use shields. Would you think having a second row of enlightened behind the tzaangors to be a fair option? Turning off commands abilities when the enemy should choose to charge the tzaangors. Though I am afraid they could have trouble being offensive with the tzaangors. The tzaangors run and charge could lose non-disc enlightened midway and  I am still not sure if I like the pointscosts on skyfires and disc enlightened. Hard to fit things into lists.

  2. I still did not have enough time to focus my thoughts on the new tzeentch rules sadly so I can't comment many of my thoughts in an adequat manner.

    Though with battlelines virtually being unchanged from their internal imbalance from last tome I have to say I just cannot be bothered to make enough horrors for battleline. I still cannot be forced to use Kairic Models and have no conversion option. So. Tzaangors as battleline? Their dual blades are 3/3/3/-/1 now? Maybe they can be made to work somewhat? 

    Theoreitcally we have three buffs? The ward safe spell and the debuff spell to reduce the saving throw? And then the buff from Fatemaster but his model would also need a conversion. 

    Would like to have an artifact or command ability with it but the aoe melee buff artifact is only for demons. For all the melee focused demons in our book.  

  3. 4 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    It makes the "biggest" arcanite hero the curseling I guess?

    This. This makes me so dissapointed. The thing is. The curseling has always been awesome in my opinion. But that was because he was that unique twisted heroe right. Now he is just one of many similar leaders of tzeentchs mortal armies. He shoudlnt just be a generic tzeentch hero. But I guess I prayed for new mortal tzeentch models fleshing out our mortal half. This is now the tzeentch chaos lord/sorcerer lord. I should've known what happens when tzeentch heard my prayers. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    If you want -2 rend, then go pyrofane and do their spell. Might be the better option usually, but -3 rend vs elite armies (I think of armies like Ironjawz) with great armor is just twisted.

    I am afraid you must be mistaking again. The Pyrofane Cult does not increase their rend. Pyrofane Cult adds 1 to their hit rolls with their ranged attack.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, MitGas said:

    60+ attacks (paired cursed blades are now 2 attacks at 3+/3+, even without Fatemaster.....) with -3 rend.

    You are aware that the spell of Kairics only improves the rend characteristics of sorcerous bolts and not melee weapons?

    I am afraid you will not outperform the Tzaangor half of the book in melee with Kairic Acolytes. Which is good. Because that's all the Tzaangor half contributes.

  6. May I just add because i have seen it mentioned twice now. The "new" Curseling warscroll is our old curseling warscroll with a little beter fighting stats. They just have undone their god knows why warscroll changes from the Tzeentch-Highelves box. 

    Yes the new curseling rules are cool. That is because the old rules were cool but now he has a better safe. 

    I am still baffled by GW changing the warscrools for the boxset only just to make the high elves look better wizards then us and tzeentch melee focused.

  7. @Rellsipels i assume it is not intended like that. BUT as written in the new tome image I saw it would mean that yes. As long as your D3 kills a model. And you roll the 3+. You get another D3 damage. Repeat as long as the chain keeps working in your favour.

    I mean theoretically Mawtribes also have that spell that potentially does all the damage in one cast. So it is not like GW never did anything like this before but in the Butcher spell it literally says to keep repeating it. Thats why I assume they did not intend for our spell to go infinit.

  8. On 9/19/2022 at 1:45 PM, OkayestDM said:

    If they stay true to their normal procedure, we should be getting one or more articles covering our alliegance abilities, command traits and artifacts, and Path to Glory rules.

    Well we did get an article today thats pure lore without anything about the actual tome. Does that count? 

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Jaskier said:

    Kairos loses his dice manipulation

    Sadness. Will see how he turns out then. 

    About the endless spell stuff. So if endless spells should really play a role then I hope that ours are playable. Would be a shame to see them gathering dust for eternity. I could even see it being interesting for tzeentch to take tzeentchs endless spells for free. Or at least one of them but it was already pointed out rightly by @OkayestDM that that would've been spoilered last article. Hoping for the best.

    • Like 1
  10. New box content:





    Magister on Disc


    I forgot the Magister on Disc got a new model. Hopefully this time around he gets memorable rules. Woul like to see him actually being the premium mortal wizard. Can't comment on whether I am pleased by the contents or not. From todays tome I would probably never buy it but that is no reasonable evaluation.

    Our pre order goes up next week. Just missing summer by one week. My condolences go to the high elves who are still not having their pre order next week. 

    Edit note: they only put half a Kairics box into our new box apparently. So only 10. And the original Kairics Box is now only purchasable online? Has that always been this way?

  11. It is potentially. Look at it as a turn 1 cheat for your set up units. And the thing is you dont have to use that ability. You set him up early in set up phase and suddenly every unit you have could be going into the silver tower potentially. If you have an enemy who can snipe him turn 1 out of your deployment zone nomatter where you set him up then dont use his ability. But if you can safely set him up without him dying instantly you have basically a deep strike for turn 1. Even better. If your opponent has no ranged threat for him. Or at least you can avoid them. You can wait with his teleport until turn 2-3. All of this depends ofcourse on point costs and if he has a goof warscroll spell on his own and so on. But generally speaking. This is a two unit deep strike most games for turn 1. Maybe even for turn 2-3 if you can afford it. Thats not "not a good ability". 

  12. 7 hours ago, RUNCMD said:

    New Gaunt ability to have two units in reserve is alright, has some sound utility if applied to both Gaunt variants, spesh if Hosts Arcanum stays the same with pregame move for Gaunt on Disc but I kind of hate knowing that this will most likely replace their Arcane Tome ability.

    This. Even without Host Arcanums 6''. He runs 16''+1d6''. Plus the 9'' set up bubble. That is way further then any pink horror unit should casually end up at turn 1. Nevertheless 2 of them. To be fair. Soulscream Bridge could do more or less the same for us. But he makes this plan way more flexible and reliable. 


    20 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

    (Unless of course they actually do end up doing that, but I feel like they would have mentioned it.)

    Ai. I am also a little confused by the endless spells. It is not a useless ability but we are missing information to judge yet. If the endless spell warscrolls are not improved or the point costs dropped from what we have rn who cares really? It is not like the trouble with the endless spells were that our Lords of Change were not able to cast them reliably. The problem was they did not do enough for their points cost as far as I remember.  Although I would think the book has an upside over the other two because the book does something while out of range. I am not updated on the current battleplans. Cannot say if the other two could get into range with something on turn 0. 

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  14. 12 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    he’s too Beastclaw Raider looking to be a Gutbuster

    Yes. His look makes me think the same. But look at his position in the image of the Contents. The warscrolls. He is flat in-between the Gutbuster warscrolls. No two ways about it. The blackpowder warscrolls are between the two factions. But the new hunter is clearly in the gutbuster section.


    Edit: spelling

  15. 4 hours ago, RUNCMD said:

    Woke up this morning to see a preview of the Ogor's BT and felt pretty ripped off.

    Yeah. That felt like an insult.

    About tzaangors being a focus. I am not sure. Think the cover is only whatever fancy artwork they have that was not used before. Well probably a little more thought to it than that but I do not think it has anything to do with internal focus or balancing or whatnot.

    • Like 1
  16. 7 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    Ogors used to be grey in the old world as well, yeah?

    Ehm. If we talk about common skin colour Ogres were like human skin colour if I remember correct? They were any shade of skin you could find from Eastern Europe to Eastern Mongolia. Maybe more dirty but I dont remember any grey ogre imagery of the top of my head. 

    At least that's the official ogre images I still remember. I am not sure about the lore with skin colour changing depending on what they eat already existing back then.

  17. 1 hour ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Plastic Frost Sabres?!?  And really hopefully new plastic Butcher/Slaughtermaster kit.

    Dont get your hopes too high. Tzeench has gotten their Curseling Modell renewed instead of that god awful Fatemaster. Way too many outdated kits in ogors. Since we apparently release simultaneously with Gargants and they already start showing off new models for STD that comes around Christmas I don't know how much we will actually see for the gutts besides that new hunter. If I could at least ask for one improved model for the guts I'd think I would like Yetis? Not that I ever cared to play yetis but god they are hideous. But yes most of the roster needs a new model. Not gnoblars. I am happy to forget they exist.

    Basically our entire faction is only purchasable online thats how outdated it is. Only tyrant and ogre bulls are in stores. I am really curious what of all that they try to get into a boxset. Looking at the other box sets I dont see us getting our Stonehorn kit in the box sadly. I dont think the new hunter will lead the box. Neither Nurgle nor Nighthaunt got their new hero models in their boxes. I could see Tyrant, Bulls, Scrap Launcher kit and leadbelcher/Iron guts? I dont see a box mixing Guttbuster and Beastclaw but woudnt mind seeing mournfangs in it if GW decides to actually mix it up. They won't put in the other Guttbuster heroes as long as those don't get new models. 

    I hope for the Firebelly to feel more included in the new book and not that weird cousin that stands next to both subfactions not really part of any. Would be a shame to leave my converted Firebelly gathering dust. 

    1 hour ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    But you know I really miss my Ogors so much more

    Even if you leave your tribe behind. The hunger stays forever. The hunger drives us all.

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    10 hours ago, Malakithe said:

    Guild of Summoners

    I am afraid that this one could be changed. When they increase the power level off Lords of Changes like they did with the Great Inneedofashower One then maybe summoning them easily or at least 1-2 of them easily would be not balancable anymore. 

    Though with them taking away spell casts from the mortal side as far as we know I really hope that Lords of Change finally go up to 3 spell casts. Even with their magic centred abilities, I felt like 2 casts a turn for the greater demons of tzeentch never felt right.


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