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Everything posted by pixieproxy

  1. This weekend is gonna be exciting, looking forward to what people say about the warscrolls in the box. That of course assumes people are getting this ahead of time to review/have a look at of course.
  2. The cursed city box is definitely acting as a "Soulblight starter" for me tbh. Even if the warscrolls for the characters aren't great you can still use them as the generic characters instead. Radukar as a vamp lord, Gorslav as a necromancer, etc. And between the bats, skeletons and zombies it seems like a great start to me. As an aside, there are 42 'villian' models in the box, and counting the picture on the website that would mean there are at least 6 batswarm models and 6 rat swarm models in the box? Or am I miscounting
  3. Is this based on anything or further blood rituals and scrying?
  4. I really really hope you're right on the 20 models. The last unit we saw at 20 was the mortek guard? If neither Skeletons or Zombies are at 20 this might be a real expensive battleline/army
  5. So in today's Crimson Court preview we have this: "The Crimson Court embodies the contradictory aspects of the Soulblight vampires – they are superhuman, highly skilled, refined, and after their own way.* However, they are also bloodthirsty and driven by their hunger to feast on the living. Each of the vampires could succumb to this bloodlust at any time, erupting in an excess of violence that would make a Blood Warrior wince." Relevant text in bold, it's capitalized in the article and everything, hopefully the name of vamp foot troops? Am I reading too much into it?
  6. That's a bit weird as they call them bat swarms in the description. Huh, guess we'll have to see when the game comes
  7. Honestly that's about what I expected, given the amount of models in the box. Just glad it wasn't more
  8. I didn't think of this, but it would make absolute sense if they don't get their own kit outside cursed city. Two is a weird number for a unit of things, and I can't imagine them being a single model unit either. Being paired with a character would be cool.
  9. Yay! FINALLY. Now to wait for price leaks, I really hope it's somewhat reasonable XD
  10. Time to hold thumbs, perform rituals and speculate on release announcements for tonight. REALLY hoping we get Cursed City this week. It's been so long GW, please ;-;
  11. Goddess I hope they're good. WHU warbands are some of the best models in the range, and the Crimson Court is no exception. The fact that so many of them are completely stuffed in AOS is a travesty
  12. Except they just released Drukhari stuff + Lumineth stuff week after week. So I'm not entirely certain. I really hope with the painting videos it's coming sooner rather than later.
  13. God I hope this means it's finally gonna be up for pre-order. They don't throw these up unless release is imminent usually
  14. I'm on the edge of my seat. PLEASE CURSED CITY PLEASE GW
  15. So do people think the Cursed City box may be coming with the Lumineth Preorders next week? I'm really itching for it now.
  16. Apparently the skeletons can be equipped with either spears or swords so it's possibly just a lot more deathrattle
  17. God between Cursed City and the crimson court they look more like Soulblight starters at this point XD
  18. GOD I hope this box is up for pre-order next week. This just feels mean at this point
  19. Likely Admech and Sisters, both are quite faithful to their particular doctrines.
  20. Aw RIP, with Element games doing their previews I was *really* hoping it'd be soon. But looks like it's not to be.
  21. New Vampire model! I love it personally :3 https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/03/01/vampire-rat-style-icon-its-kritza-the-rat-prince/
  22. Apparently not. But they did just announce Broken Realms: Belakor so uuuuuh so much for the Aelven gods stuff O_O
  23. What's the over/under of Cursed City pre-orders being announced today? I for one really hope they are.
  24. This is in part why I would like Soulblight to at least be some sort of rebellion against Nagash.
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