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Everything posted by KingBrodd

  1. AOS Sons of Behemat Reveal/Unveil Lumineth Full Reveal New Campaign Book - Order VS Destruction
  2. I really hope that next weekend is a mix of AOS and 40K, if not I'd rather it be AOS opening, another weeks wait would be a pain considering it would be almost 2 weeks after the original date. I know with the global situation going on I shouldn't be complaining, it's just a great time to be a gamer.
  3. Only one week to go till the Adepticon Previews and only one more Rumour Engine as well.
  4. As long as there is a tease/mention/reveal of the Sons of Behemat I'll be happy.
  5. I'm just hoping for something from the Sons of Behemat. I'd love a full reveal but I could see why GW wouldnt as they'd prefer to focus on Lumineth so noone holds out on buying them. Personally I'd love 3 kits for the Gargants, a Scenery Piece (Which doesnt seem too unlikely as realistically we may only get 2 new kits in total so it would help) and the Battletome. 2 kits could be Armoured, Ranged, Shaman, Standard Gargant variants and the 3rd could be a Leader kit with the ability to build King Brodd.
  6. I really enjoy it. I think I just love his tutorials regardless, though my brain always takes a second when he mentions a different branded paint.
  7. I guess until he or GW confirms why we'll never know. It could've been down to him wanting to start his own Channel and GW not liking the idea so I could see that. Either way I look forward to Two Thin Coats.
  8. Has he officially stated why he left? Or is this all hearsay and high school rumours?
  9. True but doesnt Chinese New Year extend into February? We've almost 11 months for something to come out and were definitely receiving the Sons and Lumineth in that time. I wouldn't be expecting a 3rd army this year so the only thing left to do is Update models really or add to Warbands.
  10. Skaven desperately need updated sculpts. It's the year of the Rat so one or two wouldnt be unlikely.
  11. I'm hoping itll be inbetween the Bonegrinder and Ghorgon in size.
  12. I too want a Siege Gargant with a bow. A surge Ballistae torn from a war machine that he just uses as a standard bow like it were nothing. But ****** that Steeple Gargant sounds bloody amazing and perfect for AOS. Credit where credit is due mate that's an incredible idea. I'd love to see a living scenery piece. A massive pack mule that isnt a mule but a Mammoth. Festooned on it's back are barrels of ale, weapons, armour, ammo. In gameplay it could make attacks and have high wounds but low saves but it gives a buff to Gargants near it.
  13. The Alliance itself hasnt been confirmed but theres a good bet that itll be Destruction and rightly so. Nothing says Destruction like Gargants and Destruction is the most empty Alliance. Its 100% Gargants. The Old World announcement teased something Giant Coming to the Mortal Realms. And theres been a few Rumour Engines that definitely look Giant in scale. Not to mention the Sons are already established as literally being Gargants and children of the World Titan Behemat.
  14. I'm 100% hyped for Sons and look for clues everywhere but this is most definitely Chaos.
  15. Of course you can choose to not field them but Gnoblars are still with Ogors. I love themed and wacky armies as well but I think we should also have individual armies.
  16. Personally I hope we dont get any Gits with the Sons. That would mean every Faction in Destruction would have Greenskinz.
  17. This is why I'm wondering if they will drop the Sons with 2 brand new kits and the Aleguzzlar will work the same as the Armiger in the Imperial Knights.
  18. I feel for GW at the moment, not financially but more of the PR and Marketing building the hype for these events and showcases. That being said I commend GW for how they're handling the situation.
  19. Warhammer Fest and all Warhammer World events Cancelled. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/03/16/warhammer-events-cancelledfw-homepage-post-1gw-homepage-post-1/
  20. Haha that's what I'm banking on with the Sons!! 2 kits with a variety of options and then perhaps a separate Leader kit, again with options.
  21. In that case I'll selfishly prefer not to have one.
  22. I'm all for more Stormhosts it's only logical, just not Sons of Behemat as one haha They can still be civilised and fight for Destruction. It would make for an even more interesting Faction. We need more diversity amongst the Factions, Destruction only has 3 .
  23. Honestly I'd be more than an little angry at that. Order has the most Factions of any of the Alliances not to mention the highest number of models with the Stormcast, so to add yet another Faction to Order and make it another Stormcast Chamber would be a kick in the face to Destruction. I mean what's more Destruction than Gargants?! P.S I know this was a hypothetical joke but it's something that has me concerned GW may pull.
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