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Everything posted by KingBrodd

  1. I cant wait to see the Avatar of the other Spirits of Hysh. Especially River.
  2. I'm thinking that the Sons of Behemat are going to be far more stocky than the Aleguzzlar and perhaps went with a different aesthetic as to not clash. Clutching at strings I know.
  3. I'm expecting 2 kits but fingers crossed for a 3rd. Just to get out ahead of themselves with the inevitable money about to be thrown at them.
  4. Dont do that. Dont give me hope. I love these idea and have had a few myself. I too would love all of these, maybe a Scenery Piece as well in the form of a Mammoth carrying Weapons and Ammo. I just cant wait to see what were going to get, an all Giant army has been my dream ever since seeing the Marauder Giant over 20 years ago.
  5. Oh yes I was so excited looking at them because I just kept thinking this beautiful monster is for Aelves!? What could the Gargants possibly get!? Something on that level but Destructive and Crude and Monstrous. My body is waiting ever patiently for our Gargant overlords.
  6. Well they have had the Battletome and Warscroll cards shipping manifests leaked. I highly doubt they would bring out a whole Battletome and an assortment of Warscrolls cards for One repackaged model. If I were to wager a guess I would say the Sons will get at least 2 new kits with my fingers crossed for a 3rd and then have the Aleguzzlar included in their ranks bringing the total kits to 3/4. Obviously variation amongst the kits, perhaps King Brodd/Chieftain/Shaman for one and then a Standard/Soldier/Siege/Ranged unit for the other.
  7. I'm chomping at the bit for some Sons info. Seeing as the Lumineth and the Scions were shown off for AOS this weekend, it leaves only the Sons or something completely new for next weekend. If there is still no Sons, there is always Warhammerfest Previews.
  8. No Sons of Behemat unfortunately...next weekend then!! And if not then, May for Warhammerfest!!
  9. I cannot wait to see what the Sons will look like after they showed the Lumineth. Unfortunately nothing this weekend but there is always next!! And a Preview will be surely on in May in replace of Warhammerfest.
  10. Holy ******!! I cant wait to see more of that beast!! 45 minutes to go!!
  11. I cannot wait to see what they put out. GW AOS kits are absolutely insane in the level of detail and the poses the models can have. If we only and realistically will get a couple models, I hope the posing can be very dynamic. Crouched models, lunging, swinging, picking things up, kicking anything more than the monopose Aleguzzlar.
  12. Really hoping for a Sons teaser, not counting on seeing models at all. Also hoping AOS has a bigger presence than just the Lumineth.
  13. Who knows what theyll look like. I believe the Aleguzzlar may end up being the runt of the Sons.
  14. Norse/Skandinavien would be epic for the Gargants.
  15. OR how about Peachy comes into the Office having sold their Bugmans Brew Recipe for Beans...Magic Beans.
  16. This. I've been saying the should do the old Jurassic Park water trick with the announcement. Though Peachy and his tea would be perfect.
  17. My knuckles are hot white with anticipation for potential Sons of Behemat content tomorrow!!
  18. Warscrolls and the Battletome shipping manifests were leaked yes.
  19. Anything Sons I'll take. Be it concept art, a base, the Battletome Cover, a glass of water trembling with Sons of Behemat underneath it. Anything to confirm their existence. If they are fully announced my mind will be blown.
  20. I've yet to be this hyped about a Warhammer release in my life. This has been a dream army of mine for over 20 years and I just cannot wait!!
  21. This made my sides hurt loved it. Luckily my expectations may yet be met!! If not this weekend then on the 4th and if not then, then WarhammerFest and if not then!? Who knows but the God-King. *A standing ovation.
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