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Everything posted by Ganigumo

  1. The buffs went from: Mortals on 5+ from LotBM, or the banner, or the grimscuttle command trait Double mortals: from arachnarok spell These buffs stacked multiplicitively. One would double your mortal output, both would quadruple it. To: Mortals on 5+ from LotBM, malevolent moon and skragrott +1 mortal on a 6 from arachnarok and banner These buffs stack additively. Spider riders can get up to triple their mortal output with both, but its far worse for arachnaroks since +1 is only a 33% increase, and the only thing spiders got to compensate was flat 3 damage instead of d3. Going from d3 to 3 is a +1 increase on the average, but it is more consistent. I've got the math for skitterstrands, they'll still struggle to even kill screens without buffs, and with only 4 bite attacks your damage will be super swingy. You used to be able to pump up spider riders pretty well if the stars aligned but the 3e coherency rules make it tough to apply the damage. Spider riders continue to be fast gutrippaz with worse reach and base size. The scroll has been a running joke for a while now and remained unchanged. They reduced the power of the buff stacking but forgot the part where you needed to make the base warscroll good. Its also arguable that the buffs are harder to apply now, since our casting is worse outside of badsnatchers. Like spiderfang has some legitimately powerful tools, but you need damage to make them worthwhile. Its just like when grimscuttle first released, amazing rules and battalions that granted great utility but it never took off because the units just didn't do anything.
  2. Spiders gained some super good utility but unless I'm mistaken the spider venom still only applies to the bites? Going from d3 to 3 damage on the arachnaroks isn't nearly enough to fix the damage issues with spiderfang. Especially with their ability to buff the mortals actually getting weaker. They're all flash and no substance outside the webspinner on arachnarok. The scuttleboss might slap now but he is pretty fragile. I could see bringing skitterstrands, webspinners or maybe even a flinger into a mixed list though. Snarlfangs are cool but the lack of rend hurts them. I think the strongest list will probably just be something abusing the hell out of 4+ rally, clammy hand and King's Gitz. You can fit a ton of units into that build and make it work too.
  3. KO, Khorne, Slaanesh, FEC, OBR, Seraphon, then we'll probably get Cities/Dawnbringers and Soulblight in the fall, although I'd love a kruleboyz rewrite too. I think they'll go Order vs Order for the 4th edition starter set, and maybe push an angle of order being divided. Malerion elves make a great "bad guy" faction, and they can face off against stormcast or lumineth. Slaanesh breaking free would be a great start to that kind of infighting, especially if Sigmar doesn't know about what's been going on.
  4. A kruleboyz beast herd would be cool, but the seraphon one managed to squeeze in 10 chameleon skinks and a few of the flying dinos. 5 spider riders alongside some spider swarms or lone spiders could work, maybe with a shepherd to push them along.
  5. They're doing both underworlds and warcry in the same place so its tough to guess from the map, but orruks, spiders, and ogors all show up. There's a moonclan image too, but thats presumedly the warcry warband we just got. I'm hoping its spiders, and a chance to refresh the old spider rider sculpt, but a band of maneaters would be great too, or some kruleboy cavalry.
  6. I suspect the battleline warparties from the points update was a teaser for the new book.
  7. Some monsters don't degrade, usually the smaller ones like cockatrices. Not sure how I feel about what I've seen so far, I'm very skeptical with the moon effect being the same, and the buffed loonshrine that might be able to bring back stuff like gobbapaloozas and fanatics alongside the 4+ rally. It might be strong but if it is it could be very frustrating to play against. I'm hoping spiderfang is better, and arachnaroks get faster. 8" move on those pieplates just doesn't cut it.
  8. A constant problem with destruction is the random element. Not because its unfun or inherently uncompetitive, but because GW is scared of the reward being good. Its like playing nickel slots, even if you win you only get like 2$. Sure you can make these factions competitive by making their baseline performance better to compensate, but sometimes it would be nice to just have a proper jackpot.
  9. It was changed to a save buff in one of the battlescroll updates. I think the summer one? although it might've even been last year
  10. I already don't like that the moon effects are the same. The biggest issue with the last one was that the moon buffs weren't good enough to justify such a random ability. Rally on a 4+ is strong but probably problematic. And it looks like keyword bingo is still there to some extent. Seems like an update rather than a rewrite. Could still be good if the scrolls get updated appropriately.
  11. Love the regen changes, it was hard enough to have any troggs with wounds on them come the hero phase, between just landing the right number of wounds or battleshock, and the effect wasn't strong enough to justify the hoops. I hope there's a way to supercharge the regen to bring back dead models in the new book, as its something that happens in the lore as well. Funnily enough I'm a bit sad to see the completely random movement gone. I know this is way better (its like rolling 2 5's) but it was also a big part of the fun. At least there's still a random element to it. Don't get my hopes up only to be dashed
  12. Its not even just being a new edition army, they just really missed the mark with making the army play like it does in the lore. Nighthaunt was one of the weaker armies for most of 2e but did well on that front. It was mostly a power issue with them. Hopefully we don't need to wait for a new edition to get some changes though.
  13. Its a bit of a shame the ambush is still limited to the first two turns, but these rules look interesting. Gor might finally be useful if they're priced well, the utility of applying fights last might be worth the extra points over ungor and even a unit of 10 will be able to work on most units in the game. If you have a bit of ranged output to take out a model or two out of other 10 man units you'll hit nearly everything. Even stomp could help you apply it if you do the stomp first. Also I really hope slaangor are good. I love the models and don't play slaanesh but have been waiting for a reason to pick a few up.
  14. I've got kragnos and a couple megas painted (and 2 more I need to paint) so I could throw them in too, but I like hitting at least 2k of the force with my painting goals. The bases still need to be finished but I've got some shots of what I've done so far.
  15. It would be nice if they could be battleline but without a hero or subfaction I doubt it. I'm planning on getting a bunch too, they're great sculpts.
  16. This is like releasing a single chaos dwarf unit as part of STD. Its just a bit wierd and disappointing. Like if they didn't release the snarlfangs it wouldn't have created expectations. Or if ot had been something like a new breed of troll or squig. Its like teasing a model line that might never actually exist, and even if it does its probably 3-6 years down the line.
  17. Also the gitz have 43 warscroll cards in the pack. They're getting 2 new units, and kragnos will probably show up in the book too. They currently have 44 scrolls. So that means at least 4 things are getting removed or consolidated. Madcaps and loonboss with cave squig are the obvious ones (madcaps are basically fungoids). But i'm not sure what else. Maybe the scuttleboss because of resin? Or one of the underworlds warbands? Or maybe shootas and stabbas will get a combined scroll or the aleguzzler will be gone? I'm shocked they never did start collecting, vanguard, or combat patrol tzaangor. You can sell it to 3 armies and include the 40k upgrade sprue.
  18. They really did it. Released only snarlfang riders and nothing else for gitmob. *Huffs Copium* Maybe its a 2 week release and we'll see the rest revealed at LVO
  19. I've been working on painting up an icebone list, 3 big bosses, 2 wurgoggs, 1 maniak wierdnob, 15 boarboys, 15 boarboy maniaks and a rogue idol. I've just gotten through all the boar riders so i'm in the home stretch but with the rogue idol seemingly being squatted i'm considering painting something else instead. I'm thinking either 20 maniaks or 6-8 big stabbas? I could do savage orruks as well but they just seem worse than maniaks. Kronspine could slip in too, but I'd need to cut something to fit him in and I'd rather keep the big boss chain fighting cheese. Thoughts?
  20. Glogg and the overbounder already existed, they're the faction heads of the troll and squig subfactions they added during the white dwarfs. Glogg actually died during the siege of excelsis, but I guess he got better. Ghorraghan Khai was a shaman featured in broken realms too, he was the character featured in the BoC broken realms box. Shatterhoof and Boss Seven-eyes are new as far as I'm aware though. One thing that worries me a bit about the gitz article is that the existing subfactions seem to be returning. AoS 3 has generally shied away from subfactions being based on the divisions within the books, tending to favor ones with general application or that buff a specific unit. The only book that stuck to the subfaction style was skaven, which was more of a 2.5 book based on what I've heard. Its worrying because Gitz needed a pretty heavy rewrite and this might imply they're not getting it.
  21. I wasn't expecting gitz stuff so soon, this probably means they're announced for preorder on sunday right?
  22. With respect to LVO we could maybe see some more gitz stuff, releasing snarlfang riders as the only gitmob unit would probably be the strangest unit release they've ever done, although hobgrots come close. We could also see some seraphon stuff. BoC have the best concept for a monster faction too, but it seems like they're just going into the behemoth spam again. A subfaction entirely of beasts led by a powerful alpha guided by the winds of chaos is a super strong concept, even regular BoC units can fit into it as hangers on. They have most of the units to make it work too, warhounds, chimaeras, cockatrices, jabberslythes and gorgons/cygors, you just make one of the subfaction abilities upgrade a monster into a leader/hero.
  23. When it comes to Gordrakk I think his value is really in big Waaagh!, where you can use the triple command on bonesplitterz and kruleboyz units. Honestly He'd probably see play in those armies too if he was allowed to join them. Its a bit of a shame he can't roll with other factions like kragnos can.
  24. 2025 makes sense. 2023 is 40k 10th, 2024 is aos 4 (presumably) and 2025 is their off year
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