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Blog Comments posted by LuminethMage

  1. On 8/19/2021 at 12:36 AM, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Thanks for the report! It's very easy to read and follow. Congratulations on your victory!

    I find it interesting to read about playing Age of Sigmar in Korea. I have visited Korea recently and looked into modelling/hobby stuff while I was there, but it seemed very hard to find anything tabletop game related. Those Gundam stores are top notch for hobby tools, though! Anyway, I was not even aware that there was an AoS scene in Korea, since it was my impression that it's super hard to even get hold of GW models over there.

    Let us know when you are there again. : ) (if you were in Seoul). Like Kaizen says, it's a small but quite active scene. We have several AOS games going on each day of the weekend, and even sometimes on Weekdays. And quite a lot of variety, but people seem to prefer playing with the big monsters. 

    There were tournaments before Covid, and I think they'll start again once the regulations allow for it. 

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