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Everything posted by LuminethMage

  1. Basically what Beastmaster said. One easy way to check out how it's done (or much better said one way to do it) is to look at YouTube/Twitch videos. This weekend there will be some people starting to do adventures and post them. One will be on Twitch from Foxfyre22. I think at least one of C7 writers, who worked on Soulbound will take part in that one. You can already look at their character creation video. But again, this will be only their style. Just have a look at a few games (if you look under D&D you'll have the largest variety of videos). In the end it's up to you. You can play on a board or without a board. A 2 to 3 hour time slot could bring you through a whole small adventure (like a small dungeon), or you are all still talking about who buys what at what price and why at your local weapons smith. It all depends on what your group enjoys.
  2. Yes, there are four elemental temples each dedicated to an elemental spirit (Zenith, River, Wind, and Mountain). The Lumineth call these elemental spirits Aelementor, and the Lumineth who are dedicated to them Aelementiri. Each of the Aelementiri seems to be organizing themselves in a temple. Although it's a bit unclear if there are sub-temples within them (for example within the Mountain temple, sub-temples for the Stoneguards and the Stonemages respectively), or if the temples are only those sub-temples. So far we have only seen units and spirits from the Mountain culture (likely called Alarith). They seem to come from the nation of Ymetrica (although it's not clear if this is exclusively so or not, and if the other spirits are also associated with one of the other nations or not). We have seen a glimpse of spells, items and abilities for the Lumineth. They are all named after the 4 Teclian nations (Zairec, Ymetrica, Syar and Iliatha), so it could be that those are the bases for the "enclaves". But it could be also that the temples are that, or that temples are equivalent to one of the nations. Battalions is also possible of course for each of those options. For a terrain piece I think it's more likely we get an aetherquartz tower/building than one of the temples. A mountain is also possible. If the Lumineth get terrain at all.
  3. I think you are right, either they forgot to add the condition or to delate the asterisk. I would ignore the asterisk for the time being. You could add this to their errata file, they'll try to update the PDF within this week if I remember correctly: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0dNjz_0WdCUe49Ys5XPDjfEEB9dNWwPCyl1E8yBcpxwIFZA/viewform
  4. Exactly what I expected - an now that Johnson announced that everyone who can't work from home should be going back to their work place - I expect also totally reasonably - that all of GW factory workers are back at their work place Monday morning 7am to churn out Lumineth. But jokes aside - I think that we could see the pre-order announcement this week and actually pre-order the box next Saturday. And Endless Spells - weeeeeeeeee.
  5. It was a joke of course, but it would be great if Eltharion can be a bit of an Ersatz-Tyrion for people who are waiting for him. And he does look awesome so far. : )
  6. Now you have your reason why Tyrion is not in the army, because he kinda is 😉 : ) I was wondering a bit about that, but it could be still there, or they meant the shooting lights. Looks like they already had the starter box in their warehouse. If we get the Battletome and box at least that would really awesome.
  7. He got the same treatment as Tyrion. A bit information under Alarielle (like Tyrion under Teclis). It mentions that so far he has only influence within Ghyran and that some Humans ans Aelves worship him, albeit not exclusively.
  8. Is there a reason why you bring this up here? They are only following established lore with Hysh or? Honestly a little bit confused by this.
  9. @Koradrel of Chrace I think your first question is right on spot. Not only for Tyrion but the “Light Elves” as a whole. Because the Stormcast basically have the role the Aelves often have: enigmatic, aloof, “better” humans. They also have the whole angelic vibe and dragons which many hoped the new elves would get. I think part of why we have the spirit concept and mountain spirits at the core right now is because of the Stormcast already occupying a lot of the artistic and lore space light elves otherwise would be. We know that the authors of the Soulbound RPG Core Book read the Lumineth Battletome. Of course there doesn’t have to be 100% a link, but like Athrawes, looking at how Tyrion is covered there, it also convinced me that we likely won’t see him for a while. Malerion looks to be more developed. There isn’t even one word about Tyrion’s nations in the book, so those might also not be featured much in the Lumineth BT. Tyrion is part of the Lumineth though, that’s for sure. He was basically keeping them alive while Teclis went on the spiritual journey which brought him to Celennar. It’s written as if Teclis was awol for some time. There is not hint of a civil war between Teclis and Tyrion’s nations or anything like that. I also think Tyrion will feature once Slaanesh comes free or is freed. This might also be on purpose, but there isn’t anything about the other spirits either in the book. Celennar is the only one named (as far as I can tell, I haven’t read the whole book yet), and only the mountain spirits are given as more concrete examples. Otherwise They just repeat that wind, river and zenith (which is called sky again in the book) also exist. So if we get more units, it likely will be more genuine ones or something like a war machine (if it’s not all on purpose). To your second question: I doubt you’ll find a definitive answer here, I’m also much more of a Teclis fan, but I also know several people who prefer Tyrion. Tyrion being more similar to Sigmar might have had something to do with the focus on Teclis, or it was just that GW came up with some cool models and thought they’d fit better with Teclis. Or didn’t have a good idea for a Tyrion model. It seems they often start with the models, might just have been coincidence.
  10. I should have written Teclian nation’s maybe (because there is nothing about the Tyrionic nations), but they put in Zaitrec as mystics, Syar as artisans and Ymetrica aswarriors. I’m sure they all have all (we have the Stonemage after all, and Ymetricans make those spirit masks), but it seems that the Ymetricans are the most warrior like. It’s their defining feature. I didn’t write caste. I read without peer = best. We’ll know more once we have the Battletome.
  11. There is really not much more about Tyrion. Only things we know already. He is blind, but can see through Teclis eyes and by other methods. The Lumineth are devoted to both him and Teclis (some more to one, some more to the other). Tyrion valors honour, and is a teacher of both philosophy and battle. That’s it. The rest is how he looks (blindfolded, awesome shiny silver armour, really bright (blinding for mortals) sword). To be honest - he seems to be the farthest away of all the aelven gods, he is the only one without an own entry, and nothing is said about his nations. I have the feeling that if we get more models, they’ll be also Teclis associated. I think we’ll get Eltharion, but will be too late today for me : )
  12. It’s awesome. Art and lore alone are great. Now just starting to get into the rules.
  13. Yes, correct. Hysh seems to be wild. : ) But, compared to Ulgu ... it might be tame, lol.
  14. Some news about the Lumineth from the new RPG (Soulbound). It's a gorgeous book, check it out. Just a few things about the Lumineth (they are not as such in the book, but there is a bit of information about Hysh, Tyrion and Teclis). Most of it we already knew, but: Tyrion is indeed blind, and has cloth over his eyes like "blind Eltharion". He has very, very, very shiny armour and an even much shinier sword. The Hyshian spirits are called Aelementor. The mountain faction is from Ymetrica, they are the Lumineth best warriors, and fight everywhere in the Mortal Realms. Zaitrec is a nation of very powerful mystics (but also seems to be totally messed up right now). The spell we have seen before is from Zaitrec. Syar is a nation of artisans. The Realm-lords are exactly as much lords of the Realm as we thought (as in not really ...). Magic has really gone wild after the Necroquake. So basically the Alarith are the warriors of the Lumineth. That's why we have seen them. The Scinari Cathaller could be a Zaitrec (just my speculation at the moment)
  15. A few hours ago Emmet strongly suggested that it'll be today (Thursday).
  16. As Yuviel said, it’s just the angle and the dark colour of the horns. You can see both the mask in gold and the horns if you look closely. Also if you compare it with the one in the background. The weapons are awesome ❤️
  17. Some people speculate that he'd work similar to the Green Knight/Sacred Protector. Maybe today is the day we'll get some info : ) @Thiagoma Thanks for not giving up on asking them about the Lumineth model range on Facebook : ). Their last reply ("we have to wait and see") made me a bit more optimistic that we haven't seen everything yet.
  18. That's quite possible with him being a mixture of Teclian and Tyrionic, and we already know there are stances for the Lumineth. Having a good save would also fit. Finally something real we can talk about again.
  19. Yeah that would be really good to know. Really happy to just see they started putting out information again. Looking at some rules is great.
  20. If you still have grey stuff lying around, try out some colour schemes you’d like to do? Train your retorts to cow jokes? Preapare space and think about a proper display for your shiny new Lumineth? If you haven’t seen those yet, there are two rather long and enthusiastic discussions on the Lumineth on Twitch/YouTube on Mephisto’s “Rantcast” (not much of a preparation though, more under the kill time until we get news rubric).
  21. Yeah, that was for the Sisters of Battle. But I imagine it will be very similar. You'll get a week in advance to get it right (if they do the same thing for the Lumineth). Here is the link to that WC article: Sisters of Battle Box Release Btw. Not really news, because Phil Kelly already mentioned the same thing in the 1st preview, but a writer working on the Soulbound AOS RPG who already has the Luminth Battletome mentioned that: "The angry cow mountain is legit frightening." ... "I would bet on it 10 times out of 10, against a Bloodthirster. Get it? That frightening." 🐃🔨
  22. Yup, GW even posted a warning with the exact time in the different times zones so that people have a chance to order this right away. I don't think the Stoneguard and Mountain Spirit will make that much of a difference for the box. Most of the people who are put off by those are old High Elf fans who expected (not unreasonably) something different. But there are also many people who haven't been interested in the High Elves before but like those more AoSy units. The box doesn't include those anyway, but basically all the units old HE fans still would like to have, plus it's the base for everyone else. The situation being what it is, it's anyway really hard to say how the Lumineth will fare when they will be released. Do people want to spend their money on new toy soldiers right now? Or is there even more of a demand for something for a hobby like this? It will be interesting to see how this all pans out in the end. I hope the Lumineth will be a hit, because GW and the shops now likely could need that, and it would likely lead to more Lumineth in the future.
  23. Yup, I know. I think it’s great that they went with that idea. It makes sense, is distinctive and in itself offers many adventure hooks. The whole logistics question alone is interesting. And as you mentioned - it leads to ideas for fantastic currencies in other realms.
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