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Everything posted by LuminethMage

  1. Hopefully we get a some good coverage during the preorder announcement week. But whatever they do it’ll feel a bit anti-climatic if there isn’t anything new which is likely. They only thing left could be terrain. But, if they’d still have a cool video or something that’d be great.
  2. Welcome : ) . Hopefully next week is our pre-announcement week with a lot of good stuff to talk about. I thought the same thing. I guess because of the eyes or something, but it's more likely for Sylvaneth/Kurnothi or something completely different. Now if that owl would have sported horns .... .
  3. I don't think so. The Stoneguard are basically new White Lions. I doubt we'll see any of the old HE models that haven't been included in the CoS anywhere else again.
  4. 3 named characters also don't sound like something special. It's just that the Lumineth are generally a small army if there isn't more. Like you say. I have the feeling most people would not complain about more heroes or named characters, as long as it's exactly the one they'd like to see. I personally would love to have another fire/light themed wizard hero for example. And I know some would like to have a Loremaster type, and most, including me, definitely a general hero on a steed. It's a small range, so many of us, like me, were thinking there is more. Because GW for a long time implied there would be. When they showed us the Mountain sub-culture units they said things like "just scratched the surface" etc., and it looks like the only thing at that point we hadn't been aware of were the Endless Spells (and the full model of the Scinari Cathaller). I'm content, but I like mages and think a wizard hero heavy factions fits well with Teclis. But I hope they still have a small number of models at least a few months down the road. Otherwise we can just hope that the options are not too limiting on builds and play styles.
  5. Thematically it fits really well that Teclis faction heroes are mostly wizards. Let’s hope it’s not too limiting during game play though. Hopefully the little unit heroes help a bit in that respect.
  6. No problem, that’s what months of almost no information does to people, lol. Many of us (including me) thought that the banner and stuff like this means we see a second elemental faction with a phoenix or dragon like monster with this release. Sadly not going to happen this time, but in the future it’s possible. 🔥 Right now I’m just happy that we finally see some progress. Even if it’s still not our turn on the 30th, it shouldn’t be much longer.
  7. Very likely not for this release, but the Lumineth have a lot of runes and symbols with Phoenixes on them, and they are supposed to be all about symbolism. The Dawnrider flag and some of the heraldic on them is phoenix styled, the Sentinels have the symbol of the Ur-Phoenix on them, as well as Eltharion, who not only has that, but also a phoenix symbol on his chest plate and a phoenix-styled helmet. The ruler from the box set also shows some phoenix-dragon like statues. If the Lumineth get a phoenix it would likely look a bit different from the Phoenix Temple ones. But those are statues, so who knows in the end.
  8. Yes, great news. I GMed my first adventure last Friday and it was a blast. Easy to get into, but lot of options and freedom to keep it interesting. We have played other Cubicle7 products before (TOR and WFRP), and so far they always managed to convey the essence of the setting. In Soulbound you really feel like semi-superheroes smashing through stuff in a fantastic setting. I'm so happy to see that we really get the Lumineth relatively fast as "promised" and a Magic supplement on top, as well as all kind of great stuff (monsters, ships ...) Looking forward to the campaign. From the sound of it, it's similar to the "Enemy Within" campaign in WFRP which also combines a city setting with adventures and addition general information (starter set is the same of course, which they also did with the one in WFRP). That concept is good, because you can use the book even if you don't plan on running the campaign as such. Anvilguard should give you good ideas for all kind of Dark Elf and Ulgu related things for example.
  9. The "engines of reclamation" are mentioned, but only as a rumour among "others" (meaning some Duardin). Both Grungni and Malerion are depicted as kind of passive, withdrawn beings in Soulbound, who don't get involved much in current affairs compared to other gods. Not that that has to say anything because GW can always say they just seemed withdrawn while actually doing X.
  10. We’ve have started to play last Friday and it’s really fun. Fits really well with the setting and the system makes it easy for people who play AOS to grasp the rules fast. Book also contains gorgeous art and lots of background information. The Lumineth won’t be joining the fray soon though. The supplement they are in - Champions of Order - is planned for Q4. So you have time to finish your SW campaign : ).
  11. You could still wait and see. I don't think it's likely we still have unrevealed Lumineth right now, but you never know, as long as we don't have the Battletome. We'll get the box first so you'll have some time anyway. The High Wardens seem to fit most among the Lumineth with what you have in mind, they seem to be swordmages. But I'm not sure if you'd like one of them to be your character. And then there is Eltharion of course. The model looks different enough from the former Eltharion the Grim model that it could be kind of any former swordmage hero of the High Elves revived. If you like the model, maybe you can come up with a good story about why your character ended up in a similar way to Eltharion. If you want to stick to AOS models, I guess looking closely at the Stormcast range would be your best bet of finding a Marcus Aurelius like model.
  12. I'm probably in the minority there , but I really wouldn't like to see aelves with actual wings on the Hysh aelf side. Maybe with some wings made out of light or something, but then we already have that on the Order side. The angel theme seems to fit better with the Stormcast und the Realm of Heaven in my few. Now a Tyrion army with aelves riding some fantastic monsters like the dragon-phoenix we can see on the Dawnrider banner, I'd love to see something like that. And combine that with more winged theme helmets on the aelves for the people who don't like the horn style of the mountain faction. Really looking forward to what they are going to do with Malerion and his units. When reading Soulbound, it looked to me like he is still way off in the future, with him being described to be passive and not venturing out of his citadel, loosing worshippers etc. So getting a rumor like this in combination with the Slaanesh one is exciting.
  13. If we a ref really lucky there will be a few more units, but definitely no more Tyrion. At the moment what you do is probably the best option - if you can, be excited for the things we already have. A lot of awesome stuff in there.
  14. Yup, that'll be interesting to see. In the Warcry band they indeed have 3" reach : ) .
  15. I'm not so sure about there being a big difference between "elegant" HE and "alfar" Lumineth. The HE weren't famous for their long swords . They had citizen infantry (spears, archers), cavalry with spears, lances and bows, and then their heavy infantry with Great Swords, Great Axes and Halberts. Because the HE had a much wider range of models with more options, you also had a few units with swords like the Shadow Warriors, but I think it wouldn't make much sense to say swords were symbolic for the HE in any way. Sure, you could equip many of the core units also with swords, but you "can" do that with Lumineth too (spearmen and cavalry, except mechanically it might not be there). All the core unit champions of the Lumineth (High Warden, High Sentinel, Steedmaster) have swords as their main weapon on the model. Warden and Dawnrider have them shown prominently as secondary weapons. And the way the Lumineth wield those hammers are supposed to be elegant and precise, in the same way a White Lion handles his Great Axe, and Sword Masters their Great Swords. You can easily see how the hammer units are a mix between the White Lions (match them more closely in looks) and Sword Master (fluff matches more closely in both being warrior monks). I still wonder why people (not specifically aimed at you Captain Skiron) make such a fuss about hammers, when animal pelt wearing, battle axe wielding warriors were perfectly fine elves. A hammer is at least as fitting for "High Elves" as an axe. High Elves are usually the more heavily armored "knightly" elves, and hammers, especially the polehammer version, is a specific anti plate-armor weapon and was mostly a knightly weapon in history. HE also often have an association with smithing and smith gods (because Noldor), and the Warhammer HE were no exception there. I think a lot of it just has to do with people really liking Sword masters and White Lions (me too, Sword Masters were my favorite non-hero unit), and being sad that those are gone. As for Age of Sigmar - I think concerning the Aelves, GW draws more from greek, middle east and asian myths and styles, than from irish or north traditions. Of course it's all mixed together and you can find all kind of strains in there, it's not exclusively greek. Mostly what AoS does is combine the old style of a faction with the supposed nature of their main Realm. And Hysh had always a bit of Greek and Egyptian influence in Warhammer. What Yuviel said is certainly true, with the hammer units they wanted to re-define what elves are in our eyes. That was explicitly stated in their "game show" reveal video, in a jokey way of course, but that's the intend. That got kind of out of hand, sorry about the long post.
  16. @Marius au I agree, GW took as risk by focusing so much on the mountain faction, especially with the predominance of bull imaginary. And I'm surprised that the didn't include one more elemental factions with a imagery more similar to Warhammer Fantasy. But, you can argue that mountains are very much traditionally High Elf-y. If you look at the High Elves of Warhammer Fantasy - a big part of their lore had to do with mountains: The Gates, the dragons, griffons, eagles, the White Lions, Tor Yvresse etc. If you go beyond Warhammer, High Elves often have associations with mountains: LOTR, Rivendell and Gondolin. D&D, Forgotten Realms Everska, Greyhawk's High Elves and so on. High Elves living in some kind of mountain nation/city is one of the most common tropes. Next to an island. I also hope we get to know more about relationship between Idoneth and Lumineth, as well as Lumineth and Malerion. I doubt though we'll hear much about the latter. Seems Teclis is talking more to Morathi who so far is the more active part of the Ulgu duo.
  17. The Stoneguard don't have that as standard. As mentioned you have to activate a stand (Mountain Stance), and the -2 is from a Battalion or something like that. It's still too early to get worked up about these things either way.
  18. Probably the best thing for you right now is to wait until you see the real models, also with different painting styles, and then judge if you still dislike Teclis and the Alarith faction. As that is your major problem. That would also solve your problem with the Phoenix Temple issue, we'll know by then if they can ally or not. Same thing with your question about if is this is the full model range or not (99% yes). The BT release shouldn't take that much longer (within a month). Tyrion is definitely part of the Lumineth, that's clear. But if we'll ever see him - who knows? There is so much they have left out even for the Teclis part, they could fill 3 "chambers" easily with only that. And it's not like the Lumineth are the only faction with room to explore. Waiting for that possibility seems a bit pointless (and you might not like his model either ... ). We might just see another of the Telcian or Tyrion Nation's flavor with Warcry band sometime in the future. We knew that at some point there will be a new High Elf, but now that they are out and you don't like them, it seems a bit pointless to wait for a second release. EXCEPT maybe for a few more weeks, and hope that it'll be something like the Sisters of Battle, and they'll tease more is coming relatively soon. It's sad that you really don't like the Alarith so much. Otherwise use the Lumineth models you like as stand-in's for a CoS army? Then you get the full range of bonuses with the Phoenix Temple units, and also can incorporate other things you seem to really like, such as dragons and griffons.
  19. That sounds about right. Now that we know (well, 99%), that we have seen already all of the range of the Lumineth for this release, it really looks like GW wanted to make their big, complete reveal at Adepticon and also go right into pre-order announcement for the starter box shortly thereafter. The release of the rest of the range would have been a few weeks after that likely. So late April sounds fitting. So, hopefully if they can get their factory working, now that they are apparently allowed to do that again, we might see things moving forwards. Them starting to release information about Eltharion and Endless Spells should be a good sign. So hopefully only one, two months until we have giants stomping around the Realms. *Puts on his state of the art "active-giant-protection helmet" (Mountain Yak Deluxe version with sunmetal reinforced horns), and hopes for the best.
  20. Amore things from the White Dwarf article: - someone wrote that Teclis can choose to cast 2 spells at auto 12, 3 at auto 11, or 4 at auto 10 per round, but not sure if that is true, because it was second hand knowledge. - Great to see the alternative paint styles in the Warcry article - the blurry white thing in the picture that we thought is another new model, was a rock in the end.... . 🤪
  21. I really like the Lumineth and I'm generally happy with what we've got. The range feels a bit limited I think also because the mountain aspect is so new and distinctive. I agree, it would have been better if we had one more element/nation in addition to Ymetrica to make the Lumineth seem more than just the mountain-bull faction. Which in the fluff they are, but on the board, will be much less so I guess. It's still possible that we get a longer drawn out release with them like the Sisters of Battle and a second wave will have more, but it really looks like that's it for now. One can always hope for one or two more units as long as we haven't got the Battletome : ). Anyway, personally I'm really happy about the news and look forward to finally getting to play them. @OkayestDM Yes, there were references to war machines. No specifics at all, just that they had war machines.
  22. GW is smart. It’s the force from Ymetrica. They probably expected that something like this would happen. So they used all the models we know. Does that mean we don’t get more? Who knows. The Endless Spells are also not included.
  23. This Is from the Lumineth Facebook group. Points from the June WD magazine:
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