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Everything posted by idn0971

  1. After having read through all of broken realms teclis I think the losses and sacrifices of the lumineth have been understated a bit in this thread. Yes they won the battles and the war but it reads like a phyrric victory. Nagash is defeated and death is pushed back but the lumineth took many losses and seem to be incapable of taking any further actions for the time being. The book seems to be setting up for a new narrative and tying up loose ends from soul wars and I don't think that lumineth will feature prominently in any of the other broken realms books or the new narrative for a while. Teclis comes off as an arrogant fool who decides to invade shyish and destroy nagash because he got annoyed by the necroquake and he ignores everything else that is happening in the realms to his own detriment. I'm really excited for the new broken realms books as well as the new path for death that will hopefully be shown in soulblight gravelords. The writing is meh but warhammer lore has never been well written and the larger narrative has definitely been advanced so I am happy with the book from a lore standpoint
  2. I know it almost certainly won't happen but I want the new necromancers to be undead liches not humans reanimating dead. Something close to the new gravekeeper in cursed city rather than the traditional necromancer. A fully undead army is much more interesting to me than 90% undead and some random mortal wizards being in the army because that's how things used to be.
  3. I want to run all skeletons and vampires. I'm really hoping that black knights and the mounted vampire lord get a new kit and I can get them to be battleline so I can run all the models I really like together
  4. I don't know if anyone has noticed or mentioned this before or if it is even something that means anything but in the preview pictures that were shown of the new skeletons and zombies the skeletons are shown as a group of 5 while the zombies are shown in a group of 10. Maybe skeletons will be elite troops taken in 5s now?? It's completly tin foil hat but I couldn't find an example where GW showed a unit that wasn't in it's actual unit size. And in the actual preview they showed 6 skeletons instead of 10 which was really odd.
  5. Agreed. There are 3 command abilities in the whole army on warscrolls and none of the new martial heroes that you would expect to have them like the Lord regent or the Loreseeker. It's a bit annoying since the named Lord regent specifically gives command points. As well as the twins
  6. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/09/24/legendary-battalions-update/ Huzzah! GW has finally released a list of all publications legal for matched play and it includes all the white dwarf battalions and supplemental books. Full list is in the designer's commentary for the GHB 2020.
  7. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/09/24/the-history-of-the-world-titan/ New article about Gargant Lore!
  8. There looks to be some sort of writing on the wrist but I don't recognize the runes.
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