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Everything posted by C0deb1ue

  1. I desperately hope the battletome makes them a little better/more interesting. The initial warscrolls seem quite unexciting for Kruleboyz and the box is quite poorly balanced (though that isn’t really an issue as they rarely are).
  2. I kinda hope there are some endless spells as well.... don't want another SoB scenario
  3. thats only what the leaks from the box have mentioned. May be different in actuality.
  4. I'd like another battleline (currently just Gutrippaz) and definitely some big characters. Overall the real goal will be to have a few playstyles available within the subfaction. I don't want to have to buy the other two subfactions to make Kruleboyz viable or have more than one style of play. Edit: there are likely to be a lot of killabosses on mounts (like min 3)
  5. I'm still struggling to work out what the big link was between Kruleboyz and Kragnos... or if they have any real interaction apart from being part of trying to "sell a big model".
  6. yeah thats definitley fair. I'm just assuming there is more to the subfaction than the orruks causing a few mortal wounds. Hoping for something a little more interesting rulewise and a bit of power... destruction has enough "fun" factions
  7. Definitely waiting for more allegiance abilities as the base stats/warscrolls and points are pretty underwhelming for Kruleboyz
  8. Unfortunately this makes them very far from OP! but still interesting
  9. Yes please to orks if it’s not too much trouble. Thanks
  10. There is unlikely to be a lot more coming as they have confirmed they are a subfaction of warclans…. They will stretch/pad out the last few releases over a lot of warcom articles. Confirmed : Artillery/Trogg Confirmed (ish): 2 further monsters maybe: Some sort of mounted unit/a named character or two? to be fair.. thats a good amount of stuff. I just hope it all synergises really nicely....like some sort of MW onion
  11. Seems new command abilities like unleash hell and redeploy make Kragnos even less reliable :s
  12. Well it is pretty unlikely the other two will get anything new if Kruleboyz are the same battletome.
  13. Is there hate for the warclans book? The only downside to Kruleboyz being part of the same book is probably a substantially smaller release than a standalone faction. It's not a negative in any other sense!
  14. GSG looks different superficially but really works the same way as warclans. The subfactions only function with very narrow/linear choices and mixing actively makes your army terrible. They sell it as a mix but the keyword bingo means the exact opposite. Which was exactly why I didn't want kruleboyz to be put in warclans... separate battletome would have been way better!
  15. Yeah that kind of kills it for me as not that interested in the rest of warclans though current players will/should be stoked.
  16. I guess they look ok, very hard to tell if they are good from that level of info. It will depend on whether they use the Kragnos points model or not.
  17. have you seen rules for the monsters? as the gnashtooth isn't particularly exciting, i don't even know if it counts as a monster?
  18. defo need to see some more layers of the kruleboyz as they definitely don't appear immediately solid like the SCE edit: I would say kruleboyz heroes seem kind of vanilla/baseline at present rather than powerful. Yndrasta is powerful.
  19. We can see they have bad baselines regardless of what will come but need to see all the layers
  20. Descriptions are great but the rules... somewhat less so without knowing other buffs
  21. Considering the low amount of effort put into SoB, I wouldn't really be surprised if a limited release for orruk warclans is the big destruction release. I was hoping for a LRL size effort but literally nothing is pointing towards that scenario.
  22. Because that won't be oppressive at all....
  23. The idea of having to use even more points of an army to clear screens so an already 760 point model has a chance of charging makes Kragnos seem even worse. Also sounds like the new monster CP rules are based on charging, so that’s more bad news for Kraggy. edit: monster abilities happen in the charge phase but are not reliant on charging so way better. But nothing that helps his insanely terrible mobility
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