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Double Misfire

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Posts posted by Double Misfire

  1. 7 hours ago, Vomikron said:

    If memory serves those 2003 beastmen were designed by the Perry brothers. I really liked where they were going with the design and I was glad to see that the 2010 models kept faithful to the originals.  But I will say they were slightly annoying to rank up, a lot of the shields have antlers and doodads that stick out quite a bit.

    Alex Hedstrom!

    Perry Beastmen would have had way smaller weapons, human proportions and straight up goat faces, not monstrous ones with a dash of stretched human in.

    The Perrys did the 4th edition beastmen, and most of the 5th edition ones when they became a bespoke army for the first time (including the brilliantly scrawny, miserable looking original Ungor)


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  2. 3 hours ago, Trokair said:

    With some difficulty I imagine.  

    It is one of the helmets where the is a slit down the front, so perhaps it just about fits, otherwise I’ll just go with “Chaos did it.”

    Mouth where his left eyesocket should be? 😜

    • Haha 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    Hashut will have his membership upgraded to First Class Gold Star Proper Chaos God status before we know it. They're letting just anyone in these days... 











    Yeah, pretty much. 🤷‍♂️

    • Haha 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Peacaf said:

    In the seventh edition, new plastic chaos knights came out, replacing the new chaos knights that came out in the sixth edition.

    Besides, they were much larger and against armies like Bretonnia the scale was ridiculous and still is.

    Reading comments I wondered how long some have been in Warhammer or how little they know GW.


    I'm all for gassing about scale creep, but...




    The 6th ed Brian Nelson sculpts you're talking about, while timeless and imo much better sculpts than the plastic knights that followed, were if anything slightly smaller than they should have been, and distinctly pin headed to look at, likely owing to the fact they came on (already quite venerable, even back then) plastic Empire horses. Even the Plastic Chaos Warrior kit that came out a couple of years later with Storm of Chaos, and took every design cue going from the 6th ed Knights were way, way larger in every respect.

    • Haha 2
  5. 7 hours ago, Sarouan said:

    Old fluff seems to imply the events of his brewery were quite old. They didn't give dates in later mentions in the last editions of Battle. So it's entirely possible, given dwarves live for centuries.

    Bugman was explicitly delivering Special Brew to the Emperor when his brewery got wrecked. Given that the Empire's not had an Emperor for 700+ years by TOW, that would make him very old, like Kragg the Grim old.

    I've already posted about the possibility of Bugman (or his dad, Zamnil/Samuel) showing up in a fresh guise in TOW as a successful surface merchant lord in TOW, which feels appropriate if they've still got a delivery cart. Most of it's in the special character speculation thread

  6. 22 hours ago, Scáthborn said:

    The setting is about the same time as Araloth slayed Morghur in the Forest of Arden, so could potentially see Araloth as a Wood Elf character?

    I didn't include too many individual named elves because I despise the beardless oathbreakers there are barely any elf special characters from WFB who weren't alive 200 years prior, and I chose to focus on characters who might be suitably different to their later selves like Tyrion and Teclis, and ones who might have a reason for being around like Aislinn. Araloth's a great shout, I'll stick him on the list. Thanks! :D 

  7. 5 hours ago, Beliman said:

    So, I have a tournament on june 2: 1500p, 3 units max repeated. Legends/armies of infamy allowed.

    Anyone has a good list for fun? I'm a big fan of armies of infamy, but not sure if I can paint 80-120 slayers without going insane (already tires after paiting 16 quarrellers and 12 thunderers and it's so boring).

    I've not re-rebased my models or played a single game of TOW yet because I'm snowed under with work lazy, but Gyrocopters are a solid bet, not just for the obvious firepower, but also because dwarfs really struggle to pursue and catch things, which is kind of important if the tournament's scoring on victory points.

    Units of five Irondrakes with a Trollhammer Torpedo in each also give you way more bang for your buck and durability than warmachines, which makes me sad, because I have a lot of painted warmachines, and can't find any Irondrake models that fit in with my old metal army. :(

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  8. 1 hour ago, Jator said:

    Ghorros Warhoof is totally alive and kicking (and drinking, and...) during this time. A plastic kit that let you build him or a generic centigor chieftain would be nice. 

    I'm like the Chaos Gods, or GW themselves in that I sometimes need reminding Beastmen exist, and had forgotten they even had special characters outside of Khazrak, Morghur and Gorthor (or even had a 7th ed army book...). Exhumed my Beastman army book out of a very dusty box, and Ghorros is indeed quite old, I'll add him to the Special Character Bingo OP right away!


    3 minutes ago, Vomikron said:

    Has he been mentioned in the lore already?

    Nope, but according to the book on my lap 'His unnaturally long life has spanned many centauries', and 'many' is more than two, so he's fair game to show up :D 👍

  9. 5 hours ago, Jamopower said:

    I’m hoping for 5th edition metal beastmen. They are some of the best models, but very hard to get nowadays (and I sold mine for cheap back in the day).

    Special love for the original metal ungor. They're so miserable and weedy looking in a way the bigger, buffer plastics never managed to quite capture



    My money's on the 6th ed Pestigor and Khorgor coming back, if only as made to order



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