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Everything posted by Gery81

  1. @JackStreicher She agrees that the Prophet is ridiculous, and need a change, but she is preping for a tournament. And before the current version of the Prophet, I just stomped her army. One was last week, when she didn't use the gaze properly, and stopped rolling after she failed the first one. They couldn't deal with high save units at all. Also, if I just refuse to play against unfun armies, then that would be almost everyone where I play (LRL, Legion of the first prince, Bonesplitterz).
  2. @TheArborealWalrus One of the heals is a dance, not a prayer, so it can be used alongside the prayer. Also, there is the heroic action too. I was thinking of trying to hit the flanks and power through there, but the only thing that would get 30, 4++ wounds of the table is 20 fully buffed Grave guard, if all 20 of them can attack. I tried to get to him, I had GG in reserves, I had Blood Knights on the flanks, Neferata got behind her lines, but my deepstrike got zoned out, the BKs bounced off of the boarboys, and I didn't get the double after I managed to get behind the lines and could charge the Prophet. Sniping is just not happening through the 4++, we don't have the volume of attacks to do that. It has 7 wounds, so we need to deal at least 14 damage to kill it (by the way, why is every hero has more wounds than a VL?). It is a very though match-up.
  3. Hi all. I need some advice. How do we deal with the Wurzogh Prophet (or something). For the ones who don't know what it does. At the start of the hero phase, he selects a unit within 12, then starts rolling dice. On a 1-2, he suffers d6 MWs, on a 3+ the target unit suffers d3 MWs. He can continue to do this, until he dies, or the target unit dies, or decides to stop. And he has a 4+ ward save. Today he killed a unit of grave guard, a bunch of zombies, and Neferata. Also, there are 2 guys next to him (Wardokk, maybe?) that heals him before, and after he stopped rolling. And he is surrounded by some 50 boys too. Next time, I will face 2 of these guys, the second getting the amulet of destiny. So, how do we deal with this? Her list roughly going to be: 1 Boss, 2 Prophets, 2 guys healing the prophet, 2x10 Boar boys, 2x20 Arrer boys, 10 normal boys, 2x2 Big stabbas 6 of these units move 8 inches before the battle, and every unit that has 5 or more models has exploding 6 to hit, and 6s to wound deal mortals instead of normal damage. And once per game they can have +2 to their ward in the combat phase. The entire army has a 6+ ward normally. Any ideas?
  4. I agree on the VLoZD and Vhordrai comparison. I usually take the generic one in LoB for the re-roll charge aura. It helps Grave guard a lot. The Vengorian Lord isn't just there to help Blood knights survive. His unique spell, +1 to wound is great too. Really helps grave guard (I love my Grave guard ). And run and charge would be nice, but I would love a hero with the old deathmarch ability as a command. That is the real missed opportunity, in my opinion. Also Vanhel's used to grant an extra move too. They could have made it a choice between an extra move, or double activation.
  5. They can move during pile-in in any direction. Maybe it is Helon specific, but it's part of their strategy.
  6. I am going to try a very similar list against boneplitterz this Friday, but instead of running the WK and the Necro, I will run 30 skeletons, a blazier corpse cart, and an extra unit of Black Knights. I find that the Nef's command ability and the corpse cart's -1 to wound aura makes our guys very tanky in combat. With that combination, I haven't lost the skeleton block so far, they always held one side of the board in every game. Also, the -1 to cast aura helped a lot against LRL. Neferata is an interesting one. I mainly use her to protect my line with her command ability, and to make my opponents think twice about where they move their big boys. Not everyone want to risk that 1 in 3 chance, and the ones that do usually regret it (mine has claimed Be'lakor's head). But, I have a question about this. Does this ability work if Nef is slain after her attacks? I am not sure. And her spell is awesome. I usually take the Amulet of destiny over the Soulbound garments, because between Dark Mist, Mystic shield, All out defense, and Finest hour, it is easy to give that 2+ to the VLOZD, or herself. I feel like we need the MW defence more. Regarding our allegiance abilities. I have a feeling that Favoured retainers will become very strong. It helped against LRL (shining company), and Stormcast just got an easy cast spell for a big -1 to wound aura, which we don't care about. Also Arkhaon might want to respect our humble GG now, that he can't make us re-roll 6s to hit. It is harder to make immortal majesty work, but if you have enough vampire units to hit 2-3 targets, it can provide some additional casualties. It is something I especially want to test against armies with 4+ ward. I will see if it works against Bonesplitterz, or not. And a few thoughts on Black Knights. I will use them for the first time on Friday, and I mainly want to see how useful they MWs on the charge will be. In theory, I can use them 2 ways. First, to soak up unleash hell, and still do some damage with them, because the MWs happen right after they finish the charge move (so, before Unleash hell). And second, is to clear small screens, or at least to make space for our big boys to charge something that the screen tried to protect. This where I am a bit torn on which Command Trait to use: RE-roll charges, so I can make those charges more reliably, or the extra pile in, to get to the units behind the screen. Oh, and a third niche use: the MWs are in the charge phase, so it's an extra phase we can deal damage to Morathi (and Mannfred too). And a bit of a rant: It sucks that basically every list needs, or at least better with Belladama. Her ability to stop re-deploy and unleash hell, and the extra +1 to unbinds is just so hard to pass up. I really wish we got something more to help with these issues...
  7. I second the Brazier corpse cart. I try to fit at least one into all of my lists, and it did work in every game I played. Sentinels are a lot less scary when power of hysh isn't up.
  8. What do you guys think about the new interaction between ward saves and negating wounds, and mortal wounds? Does this makes VLoZD and Vengo lords more desirable (and the amulet of destiny an auto-take)?
  9. I think Boar is right hear. You cast and do the damage in your hero phase, so the start of the next combat phase is your combat phase.
  10. Black Knights and a mounted WK is the best tool in a Deathrattle themed army to keep Mannfred honest. 4 min squads of BKs and the WK is a potential 5d3 mortals after the charge. You can add some more with making the WK a wizard and load up on Arcane missiles too
  11. I mentioned it in another post the VLoZD is most likely unable to do it, because of it's big base size (it has a 5" diameter). Most of my models are still on square bases, so I should have checked the size of the round bases beforehand. The only time it might be possible if the screen is on the 25mm base (that should be less then an inch, so jumping over it might be possible) and in one line. But the Vengorian and our Mortarchs are on a different bases, so they should have an easier time doing this. I am looking at Vargheists too, as a unit that can take advantage of this. On a different note. What do people think of the geminids? It's one way to shut down Unleash Hell and inspiring presence, on a 2+ roll. Also the Coven Throne spell can stop a unit Unleashing Hell too.
  12. Yes, I am aware of that. That's why I try to keep at least a couple of GG models 3" of the front of my bait unit. The redeploy command can help with that. Also, it is a great offensive tool too. I can't wait to punish someone with a flying Lord who stayed a bit too close to their screen. The VLoZD most likely won't be able to do this, his base is too big, but the Vengorian Lords and the Mortarchs have smaller bases. And as noted above, while it's not thematic for LoB, zombies can make good use of this.
  13. It's the Sanguine Blur command trait in Legion of Blood. It gives an extra 3" pile in to all friendly units wholly within 12" of the general. Sit your general in the middle of the unit to give them the extra 3". You can make a VLoZD to pile in 6" too, and jump over a unit to get to what is behind them. I think that is one of the most powerful command trait we have access to, as long as you can pile in. There are some armies that can stop you though. IDK and Slaneesh comes to mind.
  14. Yes, you have to stay close to the closest unit, but if you jump over them, and you are within striking distance of the unit behind, nothing is stopping you to hit them. You can take advantage of your opponents positioning mistakes, or it can be very interesting on models with big bases. Needs some testing to see the possibilities here.
  15. After going to the local store and having a chat with the manager, I learned something new. Because of the changes to how pile-ins work, a unit that can fly and can pile-in 6 inches can reasonably jump over a screen, and attack what is behind it. Something to consider.
  16. Hi All. Here is my attempt at a Legion of Blood list. Feedback is welcome. Faction: Soulblight Gravelords - Bloodline: Legion of Blood Leaders Neferata, Mortarch of Blood (365) - Lore of Deathmages: Decrepify Wight King on skeletal steed (130) - General - Command trait: Sanguine Blur - Artefact: Soulbound Garment Vampire Lord (140) - Lore of vampires: Pinions Necromancer (125) - Lore of Deathmages: Fading Vigour - Artefact: Arcane Tome Battleline 5 Black Knights (120) 5 Black Knights (120) 5 Black Knights (120) 30 Skeleton Warriors (255) 30 Grave guard, with sword and shield (420) Units Corpse cart, with balefire blazier (80) Endless spells Horrorghast (65) Prismatic Palisade (40) Total (1980) The Plan The main idea here is to try and get my opponent to charge the BKs, then let the GG pile in 6 inches, and delete whatever they get their skeletal hands on. Bonus point if they have Vanhels on for another round of combat, and all the points if the bait comes back form the grave. If I get first turn, I move up to claim the objectives, keeping the GG within 3 inches of the BKs, while the Skeletons covering the other flank. If I go second, then my opponent risk giving me a double turn. The BKs and WK can quite effectively clear small screens with the help of the horrorghast, and can be used as Unleash Hell fodders as well. Palisade provide some shooting protection, and if I can take Ghost-mist too, then that goes on the VL too. Between the corpse cart, Neferata and the Necro, the 2 big blobs should be quite resilient in combat as well. I like Decrepify on Neferata when she decides to go Hero hunting, to keep her alive if she didn't quite manage to slay her victim. Also being 20 pts under gives me a shot for a triumph, which would be re-roll a charge. The main thing I am undecided on is the battalions to use. Warlord is a given, with Neferata, Necro, VL and the cart in it, but I am not sure to go with Battle regiment, or Vanguard and the new one in the GHB. Vanguard would be the WK and the BKs, the rest goes into the GHB battalion. Anyway, that's the idea behind this list. Grand strategy is probably to have a battleline unit, or a wizard left. Thoughts?
  17. I like your list, I am trying to come up with a Legion of blood list myself, and I am thinking of including some of your ideas. Just one comment, though. Immortal majesty only triggers, if there is a vampire within 3 inch of that unit. I am not sure if you have taken that into consideration, you don't mention it in your run-down.
  18. I was looking at the arcane tome in my LoB list, to give it to a necromancer, so he can cast both van hels, and whatever other spell I give him. Or mystic shield on Nef, if there is no good van hels target. But Amulet of destiny can be interesting if you want to run double dragon.
  19. Re-reading how dice modifiers work, we can actually stack save modifiers against high rend attacks. The text say that we have to add up all the modifiers, and if it is more then +1, then you only get the +1. So if stack +2 against rend -2, we are on our normal save. There might be corner cases for this.
  20. I am not sure how max unit size will work in 3.0. On the card in the dominion box they only listed the min size of a unit, there were no max.
  21. I think this will be the first list I will try out, when the book drops Legion of Blood Leaders - Neferata, Fading Vigour - Wight King on steed, General, Aristocracy of blood, Soulbound garments or oubliette arcana - Vampire Lord, Amaranthine orb Battleline - 10 Black Knights - 10 Black Knights - 30 Grave guard, sword and shield Other - 5 Blood Knights - 5 Blood Knights - 3 Fell bats It's 2000 points, 2 drops, so I can choose to go first or second most of the time. Fell bats are there to try and stop "overwatch", Black knights (and Neferata) go and try to get in the first turn. Grave guard can go in the grave to try that first turn charge too.
  22. Yeah, I went back to watch the video again. He only talks about dice roll modifiers at the start of the core rules section, where the book only talks about hit and wound rolls. Then he skips right through the save rolls. I had to stop the video to read the rules. So yeah, saves are capped at +1 too
  23. I just watched the GMG core book review, and he said that only hit and wound rolls are capped at +/-1, saves are not. He specifically mentioned 2+ save goblins.
  24. The other big info in that article was regarding monsters. Apparently they now count they wound characteristic when holding objectives. Funny how they dropped that with the OBR article, who doesn't have many monsters...
  25. I am with Sception on this one, I would just add a few more things. - I would like to see a Necromantic bloodline, so we have four bloodlines in the book. Their mortarch, and centrepiece model could be a vampire on a Mortis engine. - I want our endless spells to be our way of summoning. We already have some mechanics with soul-bound endless spells they could build upon. - A way to join the activation wars. This could be achieved with spells, the Coven Throne (giving always fights last) or the Blood-seeker Palanquin (giving always strikes first). -Some way of defence against ranged attacks. Scouting batswarms, Flag of the bloodkeep (4+ against shooting), better deathless save, artifacts, spells, or something. Otherwise, if we get what Sception envisioned, I am happy
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