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Everything posted by woolf

  1. Thats cool! where did you stick the battery and what did you use? cheers
  2. really cool, well done indeed. I too would be very interested in getting your thoughts. also would love to hear how you did those blue bases? cheers
  3. in the lightning reactions allegiance ability it says nothing about keywords, does that mean this applies also to allies? or is there some general rule that would prevent that? edit: nvm realized it's in the core rules thx
  4. seems like a reasonable list to me, might be slightly stronger by dropping eltharion to add more wardens but hey, it's a cool model and you want to field him!
  5. clearly idoneth must have the best battleline, after all it's the only faction where the most common list is nothing BUT battleline (except for the general ofc) 😂
  6. yep thats fine. what I referred to was just regarding adding 2+ to hit, ie use 2 aetherquartz in the same phase
  7. on pg 65 under the absorb despair ability. you can only use a cathallar once per phase (you can ofc have multiple cathallars though to use it multiple times).
  8. yes, and it gets -2 to bravery (one of which a single cathallar can stop)
  9. So clearly the first cast is only at +1. And I also would agree with you that this interpretation seems more logical, i.e. you use the power in the crystal to get +X to your casting roll and then its depleted, regardless of the cast was successful or not. After that if you had a successful cast you can add 1 to the crystal. However the ambiguity is that why then did they write it like that? the text says: ".... add X to casting roll. Then, after the effects of the spell have been resolved, change the value of the dice beside this model back to 1". So for the above interpretation you would have to read this as ".... add X to casting roll. Then change the value of the dice beside this model back to 1 (and in case the spell is successful and not unbound, change the dice after the effects of the spell have been resolved)". Given interpretation you suggest, I think it would seem much more logical to write the rule with the italic bit simply removed, or can anyone see another reason for why that is added? Also the errata states that you can first reset and then add +1 to the dice from the same casting, which would have been clear if this bit of the text wasn't there as then it would read: 1. draw the power, 2. reset, 3. add +1 to the dice if the spell was successful. So the way the rule is currently written I would read it as the "after the effects of the spell have been resolved"-statement is actually a condition for the re-set to be triggered and hence if the cast is unbound or unsuccessful, the dice value would not be re-set to 1. Anyways, I emailed their FAQ-team so maybe it gets added in the next rounds, which presumably is X-mas... ^^ In meantime I will probably play it as you suggest even though strictly speaking I don't think that is what the rule literally says, but at least its the more "intuitive" way to play it and also there is no risk of getting an advantage vs the opponent from rules ambiguity. Would however be very interesting to hear from someone with TO experience how they would judge this in a tournament situation. Cheers,
  10. twin stones seems to effectively grant everyone in range consistent +2 to cast then? also still not entirely clear to me if it resets in case spell is failed or unbound? ie if used to buff the caster
  11. ok airbrush migth not be a top prio but just to let you know that you can buy a perfectly functioning one including compressor for around 100 USD, so in context of the overall hobby costs might be worth considering, ofc only of you want to use it for more than just this one thing anyways looking forward to some pictures of these weapons/shields! ps for shading I didn't bother that either, just took some bright silver edge highlights cheers
  12. Seems to me they are trying to cater for that through the meeting engagement and warcry set-ups ? (not that i have tried them, but tbh, meeting engagement doesnt seem too bad of an idea to balance the game for 1k, in particular with the smaller board size and specific battleplans)
  13. sorry to hear, I had similar experience with the gold. you could perhaps consider getting an airbrush, you can get one for less than the lumineth box if you do I think it would be manageable to use these paints for the armour parts
  14. I think the soulscryer + something is what could add to LRL as giving access to deep strike which the book otherwise lacks (or maybe just eels for a flying unit) unfortunately the soulscryer is quite an expensive tax for that alone so not sure if it's that viable in the end. The reverse of adding lumineth to a deepkin list would have been more interesting imo but alas that's not possible
  15. I think we should have some decent tools to handle them. our damage mainly comes through mortal wounds so save should not be a huge issue. the catapults can be pretty annoying although a bit swingy and they can threaten our heroes for sure and also snipe the wizards in our vanari units, but on other hand with dawnriders and speed of hysh we should be able to lock down the catapults in the back field. and our sentinels can return the favour by pinging off their heroes to reduce access to discipline points
  16. was thinking ishlaen guard could be useful to tie something up and maybe even with a soulscryer but not sure it's worth it over dawnriders
  17. seems they can be pretty good but not an auto win by any means, probably top half by the armies fair to say but unlikely top 3. although ofc very hard to tell this early. I would guess "A-tier" (also this is a moving target as its relative to other armies, eg we just saw OBR getting a nerf, slaanesh was nerfed earlier and seems also tzeentch and seraphon got some point increases) fun I suppose is quite subjective, for me they seem loads of fun with much going on and great looking models that will cater for good hobby as well i think they will be fairly difficult to play since they rely on synergies and have quite a lot to keep track of with aetherquartz on each unit, spell options on many units, restrictive movement with shining company and not a lot of movement to buffer bad positioning). and they kinda need their buffs to work well. but I suppose this is also a bit subjective what you think is easy/hard. they have only 10 warscrolls so listbuilding eg is probably easier than in some larger factions cheers
  18. was about to say the same. and also Katakross eats a discipline point for handing out the buff (although he comes with a bunch). before Katakros was stronger in Petrifex than his own legion which was weird.
  19. ye just noted, not sure that was necessary but guess this will be discussed in other threads
  20. they nerfed petrifex. now gives reroll 1 instead of +1 save. good change, should be fair now
  21. btw another thing you can do against nagash is to throw the solar flare spell at him to give him -2 to cast. and you could do it through the portal to avoid hitting yourself. eg have a cathallar outside nagash unbind range throw the portal next to Teclis, then use 2 cast to throw Solar flare at 12 through portal (which will also dispel it btw) likely being able to throw some mortal wounds at a unit of mortek guard and hitting Nagash with the neg2 to cast and he needs a natural 10 to unbind, use the second spell to give protection of teclis, which he now needs natural 12 to unbind. in his turn teclis will likely be able to unbind quite a few of his spells with +2 to unbind vs his +1 to cast..
  22. Ok happy to help. Just to clarify with switching I mean that you play his OBR and he plays one of your armies. But also if he is that new maybe its smart of you to let him win a bit so he gets more hyped ^^
  23. really resonates ^^ e.g. I always found the rage Rob displays against eels to be a little bit exaggerated, kinda sounds like he himself has been struggling a lot against that build and someone close to him uses it a lot. I play deepkin and going up against my friends we never found the eels that oppressive (to be fair though I haven't used the 18-24 eel netlist but prefer to mix it up a bit). And without the eels, deepkin would be almost unplayable so doing what he suggests and wreck them would just wreck that whole faction... And when it comes to tournament play I dont think NPE should be a concern at all, if you really want to maximise then just get the "best" and most "OP" army yourself... So for a show that is explicitly focused on tournament play I find it maybe a bit strange to put so much emphasis on it. When it comes to them discussing the overall health of the game etc, yea I think its a valid thing to discuss. And for local play with friends, for sure NPE can be an issue but in a healthy group it will self-regulate
  24. Against such a regular player as your brother I would to be honest try to have a discussion with him rather than engage in an arms race, e.g. ask him to swap armies and try to engage in list building together with the objective of creating a "fair" game set up, maybe call it a narrative or what have you (Nagash vs Teclis could be a fun set-up I suppose). But that aside, is he using both Nagash and Katakros (if he is, that shouldnt be too hard to beat I think)? if he doesnt have any catapults, you should be able to keep Teclis fairly safe, basically just stay out of Nagash arcane bolt range. Teclis should be able to shut down Nagash casting fairly well too so could be a bit of a stand off (you have one autounbind and then +1 to unbind on his warscroll, remember teclis aura gives himself +1 for unbind although it doesnt affect his casting, with zaitrec thats +2 and then you have his ignore and bounce back MW aura) and with 1300pts invested in those 2 center pieces, your brother shouldnt have much bodies to grab objectives. Make sure you also play scenarios that have multiple objectives so he cant just exploit having those immortal units (because with all the healing and in Petrifex, you shouldnt even try to take them out I think). I would probably go in with a Warden heavy list against that as the damage you can deal with the archers will just be healed back up more or less and the way you will win that match is by grabbing the objectives, making your dudes ethereal + 5up ward save and then he will likely struggle to move you off them. You might also want to consider throwing in the twinstones, that way you can give your Vanari 3+ (with teclis aura, zaitrec, twinstone) which gives you a fair chance to get the power of hysh buff off even with Nagash unbinding. And that spell on wardens should allow you to chew through his mortek guards. In my opinion Petrifex Nagash is probably "stronger" or at least easier to play than Teclis, but is it unfair? not sure tbh. Nagash brackets much worse than Teclis so after some wounds taken Teclis will outshine him in magic, although with Katakross added healing that might be hard to achieve.. Nagash is obviously also 200pts more expensive. My general opinion on Petrifex is that its a bit unbalanced but there are plenty of discussions on that elsewhere and this is clearly not the right forum, regardless I dont think Lumineth suffers that much against Petrifex as some other armies do, the "problem" for us with the OBR matchup is mainly the catapults I would think. Cheers
  25. I would agree, might be worth trying out in smaller games where they could provide some good value for points
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