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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. I feel like Chaos using old world characters is actually fine, even the ones that were killed off in the world that was. The villains won and now the heroes are fighting back, having Bastian Carthalos defeat Throgg is an impressive feet as we know what a threat Throgg was in the old world. Having Brokk Gungnir exchange blows with Egrimm van Horstmann feels suitably epic, and having the ven Denst's survive a battle with Scylla will make them feel more important. This is similar with the followers of Nagash being the eternal thralls of the god of death.
  2. Awesome work! I am still hopeful for Malerion Aelves I can imagine the arrogant king offering to take the most corrupted Aelven souls and having ambitions to supplant the Dark Prince while still fighting for his perverse view on order. But I know I am just being naive at this point.
  3. As someone from the Northern Wastes of Canada this would probably benefit us as we ride our Stone Horns to the local hobby store
  4. Which I believe furthers the initial point as when GW has had delays they have often been tied to those products. Of course there was the internal dragon production fiasco
  5. I genuinely think that this the sword and feet on the statue head are all from a new Dark (A)Elf/ Malerion army...however I feel like they are a preview in a side game such as warcry or underworlds.
  6. You are correct the sword belongs to this Dark elf model who is the first of many to be revealed. Also i have it on good authority that the Horus Heresy will finally reveal that one of the lost legions is Malerion Aelves.
  7. I mean I have run the numbers and I can make a 2000 point army from HH for 40k and it is what I am planning to do. I bought the Chaos Knight Box and have some S2D models that will fit the bill as well so I can mix and match and make the army look more spicey. I do hope to make a full knight army and then I can have the option of having a mech army and a boring space marine army or split them in two and run a fallen angel and dark angel army with knight allies. As for HH proper, I feel it will be a little under 2000 points but once more I can just toss in a Knight or even Stormcast Hero and call him a primarch and then call it a day. No one can convince me that Bastian Cartholos cannot look like an ornate space marine leader with a literal Warhammer! Although I still haven't oredered it yet because I still have no love for space marines general aesthetic but it is such a good deal and opens up two game systems almost immediately in one purchase. But I feel like we should create a subform for 40k/30k... or at least a dedicated separate thread. But I still like discussing how proxies work between the systems.
  8. So Malerion's Aelves are coming soon?: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/06/07/the-rumour-engine-7th-june-2022/ Yes I know someone will rain my parade and mention how that style of glove belongs to some Dark Eldar or ties to a rumour of this or that army... but let me have this 😤
  9. I would personally purchase something that works well for both AOS and HH. Preferably something hobby related like paints but alternatively you can also get terrain... Or you can put it towards Be'Lakor. A nice centre piece demon that would work well in AOS or 30K as I am just learning about HH I read that demons are a little more ambiguous so an undivided equivalent of a greater demon might be a really fun model for both. The Ogroid heroes, Sphiranx and Fomroid would make good undivided proxy demons in a pinch.
  10. I think of Slaves to Darkness as the over arching villains of the setting. We also know certain elements of their story and they are functioning as major antagonists in most of the realms. The reason we think of Beasts as being set up for a major role has to do with the references to the return of a major character and the setting of the realm of Beasts. I think that they will come out in force and add a major threat in Ghur and the Slaves to Darkness will be present but Archaon and Be'lakor's machinations seem focused elsewhere. Of course the tome will help to route the Slaves to Darkness into Ghur but I think Morghur and the Beasts will be a major faction at some point in this editions narrative. I feel like the Orruks will get the Win in the end though and we will see them as the protagonists (not necessarily heroes) of the edition.
  11. Between Katakross, Glutos, and the Silent King I imagine the Carrion King to be on a large display base surrounded by mad courtiers. I feel like BoC are set up for a massive release this edition and will narratively function similarly to OBR last edition as a Major threat with hints throughout. Maybe I am just naive but the Morghur references just feel a little special.
  12. I love the image that evokes... I wonder if it will be the Carrion King?
  13. I am on team book... but I have no clue what this will be. Cities possibly or are we too far out from that release to have models in the rumour engine.
  14. While TGA was down I did an awful thing... I bought the 40k Chaos Knight box and now I am thinking of picking up Horus Heresy to convert some Chaos Space Marines (I will paint them as Dark Angels and Fallen Angels and run them in 30k and 40k)... What have I become? 😭 I wonder if we will learn the owner of the bone insturment from the rumour engine?
  15. I agree with you in theory, but in practice the Sylvaneth already incorporate the few Kurnoth unites available including the tree themed Kurnoth Hunters. Plus I am always in favour of subfactions being introduced to provide more players with more options. I still feel like having Kurnothi forces in Warcry, underworlds and Quest seems like a happy medium they can become like cultists are to Slaves to Darkness primarily focused on side games but playable in AOS.
  16. I feel like maps are more of a suggestion for Seraphon.
  17. Yeah but the new season implies that we are getting multiple boxes like we did with Warcry 1.0 and in terms of Warcry releases hinted at in the Slaves to Darkness leaks that implies we are still getting the Horns of Hashut, the Marshall and likely the Legionaries. I imagine that will make up the contents of the main box but that we are likely to see Warcry warbands for other Ghurish armies... I really hope we get something for Beasts of Chaos, Skaven and Ogors and the most beastly of course some Kurnothi! I feel like Kurnoth units are just going to be the sylvaneth units for expanded game systems haha
  18. I feel like everyone is going to be disappointed... on the index between the Centurion Marshall and the Horns of Hashut are the Choas Legionaries and I feel like they are the second faction in the box. This section is more or less the Warcry units in the book section. Do I think that Warcry is moving away from Chaos and the eight points? Yes but I feel like the next box will still see Chaos as the main two factions and with the Marshall taking the role of the Furies and Raptoryx'. Heck even Eternus seems to hint at this as his synergies with Furies indicate that his spies are taken from the all points and are tied to warcry. I do not know if I am right or wrong but I feel like everything is hinting towards Horns of Hashut vs Legionaries as the contents of Warcry 2.0.
  19. How I will react to people telling me not to use AOS models in Old World:
  20. All that matters is that I can get some form of tray to put my chaos army into regiment formation. I know it would likely lead to a different sized footprint and not be tournment legal but I will only be playing with friends. Actually I think that my Ogors could also be used in Old World... I am getting more and more excited. Although It will be harder to justify buying an old world beastman army if i have two legal(ish) armies already.
  21. I know people don't always love unbridled optimism in this hobby but I am loving these new warscrolls they are fluffy and simply understood. In looking at the units I can get an impression of what they might be capable of and the rules reflect it. Is it balanced? No clue But the second that rat jumps out of a unit of Skaven and naruto runs while tossing shuriken I will be grinning ear to ear.
  22. I can imagine something like the tyranid box with tons of clan rats and then something a little bigger to fill out the rest.
  23. I was thinking of crudely made stick figures for destruction that are brought to life by the powers of the WAAGH to reign destruction on the world. Think the Wicker Man or Blair Witch for the type of models I imagined... maybe some scarecrow like pumpkin and gourd heads. For order I was thinking of Duardin clockwork puppets.
  24. Puppet army would be soo cool and I cannot even begin to assume what grand alliance it would fit in as I could see a case for each one!
  25. I wonder if it is like Dominion and is meant to be balanced sans named character... it still favours the Sylvaneth but maybe because of the alt builds for Durthu it could come in closer? Still it is a strange, strange box for anyone looking to start out on an even keel.
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