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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. Exclusively not on Warhammer+ I wonder if the Partnership with Amazon also ties into LOTR licencening?
  2. I dunno this a cool and believable list, but without Chaos Dwarves, Silent People, Vampirates or Malerion can we really afford to trust it? Like it might be right but at what cost?
  3. This is a limited model??? Oh no do I have to decide if I am going to go in on FEC? The Starter Set being such a great deal and now this amazing model... then I'd have one army for each Grand Alliance. But I feel like partner might take my head if she saw me starting a new army
  4. I feel like this should become the Cosplay Thread 😄 In non important news I went to three shops but I was able to track down a Chainbreaker Lance battleforce box. Now I can be a true traitor with my first foray into 40k.
  5. I just have to say that City Ogors with optional parts might be the best way to get new plastic Maneaters... this side of Bloodbowl at least.
  6. I think this will be the case but I also think that Kurnothi will have quite the varied state of chimeric attributes. From a pair of almost decorative antlers to Aelvan centaur. If fully paired with the Sylvaneth it will lead to a really cool and unique army that can lean into some cool and varied aesthetics.
  7. Either Order vs Order or we go back to Order Vs Chaos next edition either way Duardin would work
  8. I was naively hoping for a reveal for a model for Heldanarr Fall
  9. If Throgg joins destruction I hope it is for revenge against Sigvald... Just so Sigvald can have a scene in which he can angrily protest "Revenge against me?! I should want my revenge against that stinking beast!" Only to cautiously attempt to avoif fighting the Trogg hordes in all future conflicts.
  10. I am still hoping that Gotrek meets Felix in Shyish and wrests his friend's soul from Nagash. Then Sigmar and Grungni inform Gotrek that in the reforging there are things and maybe even people that Felix Might forget, and Gotrek has to wish his friend an emotional goodbye.
  11. I always loved that model, something about a unicorn with a fair maiden raising a goblet juxtaposes the rest of the battlefield in a satisfying manner.
  12. They just feel like such an important part of fantasy and world mythology. I think that the best use of Unicorns would actually be either as an incarnate or as a mount for Tyrion but I doubt that will be the case.
  13. Easy solution: Unicorns! Not in terms of the traditional smaller unicorns with deer hooves, goat beards and lion tails but modern horse with a spiral horn unicorns. Then give the option to build them with or without the horn. Boom high fantasy IP friendly AOS models that can be built as traditional cavalry. But in all seriousness I think that they will have traditional horses based on what I feel was likely part of the barding of a horse and the other more human appearance of the models we have seen thus far.
  14. I am really loving the rumours for the Cities Book. I was worried they'd loose the cosmopolitan approach to having different fantasy races. I think the loss of Wanderers is unfortonate but there was a ton of pre built redundancy and now you can run your wood elves as which ever Aevlen unit that fits the bill. It also gives me hopes of a Kurnothi expansion down the line. I hope that this initial wave covers all the pre-requisit free-guild/iron weld units that are needed for the book and future updates can tie the Aelves and Duardin into a slightly more unified aesthetic. I do not hope for the same armour or clothing but just for the ability to share iconography across the Aelves, Duardin and Humans. I assume in terms of waves it will be 1st Humans, 2nd Aelves and finally 3rd Duardin. As much as it would irk many Longbeards it would also let them continue to develop the Duardin lore and aesthetic before rushing them to print. Either way I am happy to see a coalition of different peoples united for the forces of order. It was always a little sad that the ostensible villains of the narrative were the most internally diverse faction(s) in the game. I cannot afford to even think about starting a Cities army but maybe a unit of Sisters of the Watch/Shadow Warriors plus a hero and Long Beards plus a hero as coalition allies to my Stormcast will give me a chance to have a fun painting project.
  15. I think in my experience Fyreslayers aren't unpopular they are simply somewhat divisive. Most people I know either really like them or dislike them. I personally really like them, although I do not love GW's choice of having them all have the same hair colour and skin tone as it does make them feel overall much more monotonous. I also wish they had more unit variety as the majority of the army consists of heroes that which cannot all be fielded at once. I still would like to see some expansions on the theme.
  16. Wow I am so impressed by that AOS cosplay! I think that more fan community material like that would help grow Age of Sigmar dramatically. Unfortunately I have a lack of confidence, ability, funds and looks to pull off a cosplay... Then again if they reintroduce Throgg the Troll King I already have the face for it!
  17. I am getting more an more worried about the Imperial Knight Box I am eyeing... It is already going to cost a pretty penny to toss a bunch of chains and spikes on them
  18. Actually a Stormkeep is a really obvious setting that I had not considered interestingly enough.
  19. Yeah that is my exact feeling, I am particularly interested in building boards for the interior decks of large wooden battleships, and fortress for some siege style narrative play.
  20. Sooo we are saying that the Seraphon Templeship crashed into Skaven city and that our campaign will take place in the corridors of a templeship leading into a massive cavernous skaven city? Sold!
  21. This is brilliant and I would love to see it. I can also totally imagine the Dawn Bringers and their Imperialist push into the realms resulting in some Temple Guard on an abandoned ship showing them that there is more than Chaos in the lands they are trying to claim.
  22. I have not strayed far outside of the Rulebook, Tomes and a few Campaign books. I feel like this upcoming Chaos black library novel might be my first.
  23. I could imagine this being a cool way to introduce Grombrindal into the game, like a heroic version of the Vashtorr the Arkifane reveal. This would also be a cool way of bringing Chaos Dwarfs into the lore. 🤩
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